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Genetic divergence among forage peanut genotypes based on agronomic and nutritional traits1 1 This work is part of the doctor’s thesis of the first author, being partially financed by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Acre.


Forage peanut is a perennial legume of high-quality forage production and persistence in mixed pastures that improves soil quality and becomes an efficient option for the recovery of degraded pastures. Therein context, the objective of this study was to cluster forage peanut genotypes based on their breeding values, considering structuring agronomic and nutritive traits to select parents for the hybridization program. Sixty-seven genotypes were evaluated in three separate cut trials in a randomized complete block design, with Belmonte and BRS Mandobi cultivars as a common control. Genotypic values were obtained for each trial by the mixed model methodology. Genetic divergence was analyzed by principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis. There was variability for most traits, with variation among trials on genotypic, genotype x evaluation interaction, and permanent environment variances. There were similar structuring traits among trials and showed soil cover, total dry matter yield, and plant height as the most relevant traits. The hierarchical cluster analysis indicated genotype discrimination by dry matter and seed production. There is a possibility to select highly divergent superior genotypes as parental and breeding with a focus on forage and seed production.

Arachis pintoi and A. repens; cluster; mixed models; multivariate analysis

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