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This article integrates a research of professional master's degree, linked to the Graduate Program - Information Management of the Santa Catarina State University, that aims to identify the collection development criteria used by School and Community Libraries in the city of Florianópolis. The collection development policy is related to the social role of the school library, and especially, their role in the teaching-learning process. The topic Collection Development is based on Weitzel (2013) and Vergueiro (2010) studies. These revealed that managing collections, nowadays, is a commitment of the librarian who seeks to ensure the continuity of the library in society, thus maintaining the attribution of knowledge production manager. The methodology follows the principles of a descriptive research in which data analysis follows the qualitative and quantitative approach of Creswel and Clark (2010). Through this research it was possible to conclude that is very important to organize a collection development policy based on well-defined criteria that meet the expectations of its members. A product of this study was the elaboration of a manual containing suggestions that guide the collections development. It is concluded that school libraries must meet the needs of the school unit which they are part of, having their goals defined, facilitating the development of collections.

School Library; Collection Development Policy; Librarian


Este artigo integra uma pesquisa de mestrado profissional, vinculada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação - Gestão da Informação da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, que visa conhecer os critérios de desenvolvimento de coleções utilizados pelas Bibliotecas Escolares e comunitárias do município de Florianópolis. A política de desenvolvimento de coleções está relacionada ao papel social da biblioteca escolar, e especialmente, a função no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O tema Desenvolvimento de Coleções fundamenta-se nos estudos de Weitzel (2013) e Vergueiro (2010). Os estudos revelaram que gerenciar coleções, atualmente, é um compromisso do bibliotecário que anseia assegurar a continuidade da biblioteca na sociedade, conservando a atribuição de gestora do conhecimento produzido. A metodologia segue os princípios da pesquisa descritiva cuja análise dos dados se guiou pela abordagem qualiquantitativa de Creswell e Clark (2010). Através desta pesquisa foi possível inferir que é muito importante organizar uma política de desenvolvimento de coleções com base em critérios bem definidos que supra as expectativas de seus interagentes. O produto deste estudo foi a elaboração de um manual de diretrizes com sugestões para nortear o desenvolvimento de coleções. Conclui-se que as bibliotecas escolares precisam atender as necessidades da unidade escolar da qual fazem parte, tendo seus objetivos definidos, facilitando o desenvolvimento de coleções.

Biblioteca Escolar; Política de Desenvolvimento de Coleções; Bibliotecário

1 Introduction

The library is a space that organizes quality information according to the different needs of its community. Thereby, in the context of libraries information management strategies are performed packed in collections that offer access to the documents, available in different information medias. Thus, documents that are gathered in collections require a set of procedures that are managed initially and constantly by librarians capable to aggregate value for acquis.

It is in this discussion that the collection development, also entitled collection management or information stock management, has been standing out in the last years, even though its practices are ancient. To manage collections, nowadays, is a commitment to the librarian who yearns to ensure the library continuity in society, conserving its assignment of knowledge production manager.

Over the years, the way of stocking materials in the libraries has been transformed, facing the bibliographic production growth, which has become easier due to technical media and technological evolution. With the bibliographic production growth and technological evolution, new methods were and are used by librarians. These changes have been occurring in a gradual way, making these activities increasingly essential in the library work routine (WEITZEL, 2012). To Corrêa and Santos (2015CORRÊA, Elisa Cristina Delfini; SANTOS, Luana Carla de Moura. De formação e desenvolvimento de coleções para gestão de estoques de informação: um panorama da mudança terminológica no Brasil. RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, Campinas, SP, v. 13, n. 2, p. 343-355, maio/ago. 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 jun. 2018.
), acquis formation had several moments, from collection development and collection management until today, with the emergence of digital collections and practices that are more developed such as Information Stock Management.

So, regardless of the received nomenclature, the action to manage collections requires organizing criteria, standards and methodologies, aiming the acquis rational growth (WEITZEL, 2006WEITZEL, Simone da Rocha. Elaboração de uma política de desenvolvimento de coleções em bibliotecas universitárias. Rio de Janeiro: Interciência, 2006.). For the purpose of standardizing the procedures contained in a specific policy - considering the scholar community needs, collection user - standardization is instituted, with a perspective of rationality (MIRANDA, 2007).

Although Weitzel (2006WEITZEL, Simone da Rocha. Elaboração de uma política de desenvolvimento de coleções em bibliotecas universitárias. Rio de Janeiro: Interciência, 2006.), Corrêa and Santos (2015CORRÊA, Elisa Cristina Delfini; SANTOS, Luana Carla de Moura. De formação e desenvolvimento de coleções para gestão de estoques de informação: um panorama da mudança terminológica no Brasil. RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, Campinas, SP, v. 13, n. 2, p. 343-355, maio/ago. 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 jun. 2018.
), Vergueiro (2010VERGUEIRO, Waldomiro de Castro Santos. Seleção de materiais de informação. 3. ed. Brasília: Brinquet Lemos, 2010.), which are researchers in this field of knowledge, confirm the need and importance of regularity in proceedings regularity - knowing that units share proceedings, methods, techniques and experiences - the practice in each information unit is very particular. It is noticed, sometimes, that librarian’s activities related to collection development occur at the professional's criteria to meet specific unit needs, that is, the process of forming and developing collections operates in different ways, especially when referring to different library modalities.

According to Vergueiro (1993VERGUEIRO, Waldomiro de Castro Santos. Desenvolvimento de coleções: uma nova visão para o planejamento de recursos informacionais. Ci. Inf., Brasília, DF, v. 22, n. 1, p. 13-21, 1993. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 fev. 2017.
, p. 18): “[...] The adequacy of collections development to the library organization characteristics in which it takes place seems to be an almost dominant trend”. Based on this description referring to the process of forming and developing collections, it is possible to note the principles that guide the policy that enables the collection managing and organizing.

According to UNESCO Manifest (1976, p. 158-163), “Library is the entrance door to knowledge, provides the basic conditions to the permanent learning, decision autonomy and to culture development of an individual and social groups”. Thereby, a school as an educational unit has the duty to provide knowledge to everyone. And the professionals who work there have an important role, being necessary to have the perception that education is bilateral among student and scholar community.

The IFLA/UNESCO (2005) guidelines to scholar library meet the purpose of school libraries performance regarding the development and updating the acquis, seeking to make it suitable and easy to access to scholar community.

A library collection development policy is related to rules and guidelines to assist the librarian to decide about the insertion or deletion of a particular item for the formation of the acquis. Based on the adopted policy, it is generated a document that explains the criteria of material’s selection and its different informational system, as well as all the acquisition forms and the indication of disposal or relocation. All the activities are focused in meeting the public information needs, facilitating information access and recovering.

However, individuals such as teachers, students, directors and librarians, are needed in the process of decision making. Together they can find ways to make the development of all the subjects of interest to the school unit, creating resources that make possible to attend the community needs. It is in this context that the implementation of a collection development policy in a scholar library makes the difference, so there is a continuous updating of the acquis to be consulted, ensuring effectiveness of the knowledge transmission process.

2 Collection Development - A Background

The context of today's information society is characterized by a large flow of information. Events such as the emergence of the mobile press linked to the evolution of new information and communication technologies (ICT) contributed to the increased circulation of information and knowledge.

In the library science literature, several nomenclatures are presented defining the collections development (CD). Cunha and Cavalcanti (2008CUNHA, Murilo Bastos da; CAVALCANTI, Cordelia Robalinho. Dicionário de biblioteconomia e arquivologia. Brasília, DF: Lemos Informação e Comunicação, 2008.), Carvalho and Klaes (1991CARVALHO, Maria Carmen Romcy de; KLAES, Rejane Raffo. Desenvolvimento de coleções em bibliotecas universitárias: proposta de metodologias e estatísticas. In: SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITÁRIAS, 7, 1991, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, 1991. p. 1-22.), Miranda (2004MIRANDA, Ana Claudia Carvalho de. A política de desenvolvimento de coleções no âmbito da informação jurídica. In: PASSOS, Edilenice (Org.). Informação jurídica: teoria e prática. Brasília: Thesaurus, 2004.), Dias, Silva and Cervantes (2013DIAS, Geneviane Duarte; SILVA, Terezinha Elizabeth da; CERVANTES,Brígida Maria Nogueira. Políticas de informação nas bibliotecas universitárias: um enfoque no desenvolvimento de coleções. RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, Campinas, SP, v.11, n.1, p. 39-54, jan./abr. 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em 05 mar. 2018.
) and Vergueiro (1989VERGUEIRO, Waldomiro de Castro Santos. Desenvolvimento de coleções. São Paulo: Polis, 1989.) are among the researchers who defined the concept of CD. The different terminologies used by its authors reflect their different comprehension related to the attributions of collection development, such as book selection, collection building, collection management, acquis management, informational stock management. All these are related to the preservation, selection, acquisition, evaluation, thinning, disposal, conservation, restoration, community study and collection formation.

Cunha and Cavalvanti (2008CUNHA, Murilo Bastos da; CAVALCANTI, Cordelia Robalinho. Dicionário de biblioteconomia e arquivologia. Brasília, DF: Lemos Informação e Comunicação, 2008., p.120), in the Library Science and Archivology Dictionary, define the collection development entry as

planning for the acquisition of bibliographic material according to the users’ interest. It may include a systematic assessment of the size and usefulness of the collection with the goals of the library, the users, and the organization to which the library is subordinate.

The definition of the authors above refers to the administrative processes of libraries, in which bureaucratic activities are often obstacles to the proper operation in CD.

It is noticed that the purpose of CD is the pursuit of library collection quality, independently from which informational media is related and always seeking to attend the community demands. According to Carvalho and Klaes (1991CARVALHO, Maria Carmen Romcy de; KLAES, Rejane Raffo. Desenvolvimento de coleções em bibliotecas universitárias: proposta de metodologias e estatísticas. In: SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITÁRIAS, 7, 1991, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, 1991. p. 1-22., p. 3), the Collection Development “[…] can be defined as a set of activities characterized by a decision-making process that determines the convenience of acquiring, maintaining or disposing bibliographic materials, based on criteria previously established”. As part of the activities of a librarian management, it is the necessity to think about the growth of the acquis in a planned way regarding the physical space, quality, quantity of bibliographic material and the community.

In front of it, Miranda (2004MIRANDA, Ana Claudia Carvalho de. A política de desenvolvimento de coleções no âmbito da informação jurídica. In: PASSOS, Edilenice (Org.). Informação jurídica: teoria e prática. Brasília: Thesaurus, 2004., p. 141), emphasize that developing a collection “[…] implies in systematize and create procedures for the selection, acquisition, evaluation and thinning of the acquis”. Agreeing with Cunha and Cavalcanti (2008CUNHA, Murilo Bastos da; CAVALCANTI, Cordelia Robalinho. Dicionário de biblioteconomia e arquivologia. Brasília, DF: Lemos Informação e Comunicação, 2008.), the collection development acts as a planning to acquire according to the community’s interests, having the potential to contain the acquis assessment and its usefulness related to the goals of the library, its audience and the organization in which the library is inserted. Thinking about the growth of the collection in a planned way, both in terms of physical space and quality as well as the amount of bibliographic material and the community, is part of the activities of librarian management.

Thereby, to Dias, Silva and Cervantes (2013DIAS, Geneviane Duarte; SILVA, Terezinha Elizabeth da; CERVANTES,Brígida Maria Nogueira. Políticas de informação nas bibliotecas universitárias: um enfoque no desenvolvimento de coleções. RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, Campinas, SP, v.11, n.1, p. 39-54, jan./abr. 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em 05 mar. 2018.
), the process of collection development in libraries is composed by forming and managing the acquis to attend the proper information needs to its target audience. Therefore, to the best collection development there is the need of a pre-stablished plan as a model to guarantee its continuity and fundamental adaptation to the formation of the collection in its various formats. Thus, it is up to the librarian, as library manager, to organize the collection in a way that it grows in all areas of knowledge, in order to prevent the collection from growing inordinately, without purpose, and to provide equitable access of information resources to the community, on appropriate media, leaving them within reach of their students.

The value of the collection’s development process is indicated by Vergueiro (1989VERGUEIRO, Waldomiro de Castro Santos. Desenvolvimento de coleções. São Paulo: Polis, 1989.) as being an activity that requires planning, besides being uninterrupted, systemic and cyclical. The activities referring to the acquis should not be done separately, because it is a daily task routine in the library. These actions should always be linked to the library’s goals and target audience, in order to guarantee to the community a variety of works that are a better fit to its needs.

According to Vergueiro (1989VERGUEIRO, Waldomiro de Castro Santos. Desenvolvimento de coleções. São Paulo: Polis, 1989.), the collection development policy guides the parameters that assist the librarian’s decision making regarding the choice of material to be inserted in the acquis. The activity to manage collections is indispensable to manage the acquis in the libraries, considering that it works as a filter of the registered knowledge for the adequate consumption of its students.

Under another perspective, Vergueiro (1987VERGUEIRO, Waldomiro de Castro Santos. Estabelecimento de políticas para desenvolvimento de coleções. Rev.Biblioteconomia de Brasília, Brasília, DF, v. 15, n. 2, p. 193-202, jul./dez. 1987. Disponível em: php?dd0=0000002545ⅆ1=c252f. Acesso em: 13 fev. 2017. php...
, p. 194) addresses that in “[...] Brazil, this is not yet a very common concern among librarians. It is normal to find on the part of these professionals, almost complete indifference on the subject.” About this, the same author (VERGUEIRO, 1993VERGUEIRO, Waldomiro de Castro Santos. Desenvolvimento de coleções: uma nova visão para o planejamento de recursos informacionais. Ci. Inf., Brasília, DF, v. 22, n. 1, p. 13-21, 1993. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 fev. 2017.
, p. 19) also draws attention to the case: “[...] after all, are the collections really being developed with criteria in this country? Are they following any kind of parameter for their development?” When the author asked these questions about the subject in 1993, he already had an answer in one of his previous publications. In 1987 he stated:

Brazilian libraries are generally made up by collections that have not developed properly. Or rather, the collections of much of our libraries just grew randomly - they swelled up! - did not actually develop. Considering this fact, it is even easily explained - or at least understandable - the discouraging situation in which the libraries of this country are in general, a reflection of the neglect of culture and the little planning dedicated to it. (VERGUEIRO, 1987VERGUEIRO, Waldomiro de Castro Santos. Estabelecimento de políticas para desenvolvimento de coleções. Rev.Biblioteconomia de Brasília, Brasília, DF, v. 15, n. 2, p. 193-202, jul./dez. 1987. Disponível em: php?dd0=0000002545ⅆ1=c252f. Acesso em: 13 fev. 2017. php...
, p. 193)

Therefore, professionals of the field and researchers who approach the subject point out that for the policy composition it is essential to have knowledge of some elements such as: the collection situation; which are the areas of greatest interest; the user’s informational needs to be met; and knowledge of the environment goals in which the library is inserted. So, the library, in order to meet its user’s needs, must ensure the usefulness of its services and products, by adopting a formation policy and the collection development.

3 School Libraries

The National Curriculum Parameters (PCN), published in 1997, discourse the theme of libraries with the purpose of developing readers and their taste for reading. It is possible to highlight that, in the same year, the National Library School Program (PNBE) forecasted the promotion of culture access and reading encouragement through collections of literature, research and reference works distribution. It is noteworthy that in 2010 the Federal Law No. 12.224 / 2010 about the universalization of school libraries in educational institutions in the country was approved, establishing a 10-year term for its effectiveness, which will expire in 2 years (BRAZIL, 2010).

The school library is a space that provides the practice of citizenship, the pursuit of knowledge, leisure and access to information. It is aimed to children and has, in its environment, literary variety with the purpose of the sociability of the school community, the construction of knowledge and, consequently, the increase of teaching quality. School libraries are places that help in the formation of the interactant as an individual and also as a citizen inserted in society.

Libraries are no longer stagnant, closed and silent spaces in which people closed themselves to study; today they have become active and dynamic spaces. For Campello et al. (2012CAMPELLO, Bernadete Santos et al. Situação das bibliotecas escolares no Brasil: o que sabemos?. Biblioteca Escolar em Revista, Ribeirão Preto, v. 1, n. 1, p. 1-29, maio 2012. Universidade de São Paulo Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas - SIBiUSP. Disponível em: Acesso em: 06 mar. 2018.
), school libraries are environments that gather, organize and provide information in order to meet the information needs of the school community, interacting with the teacher's team in the development of pedagogical activities, streamlining the teaching-learning process, forming critical and reflective citizens.

The school library has the role of developing in the student’s skills to select and interpret information since the beginning of school life, contributing to the school in the teaching-learning process. So, the school library should be focused on the educational process. Thus, according to Moro (2011MORO, Eliane Lourdes da Silva. Biblioteca escolar: presente! Porto Alegre: Evangraf, 2011., p 17), “The school brings people together, and people pulse life. If the school becomes the pulse of life, the library is the heart that pumps the stimulus of pleasure to learn”. This way, the school library is a center of mediation between life and information that provides a learning space, in which the student must seek spontaneously and learn by pleasure.

School library serves as a didactic-pedagogical support instrument. Therefore, the existence of interaction between all school professionals is necessary, since the library's mission is to form effective users of information in all media. Thereby, it has the duty to serve the school community, which is responsible for providing the service of information dissemination and interactant assistance, so that it is a learning aid tool.

To Feldman and Eggert-Steindel (2017FELDMAN, Daniele; EGGERT-STEINDEL, Gisela. Práticas de seleção, aquisição e descarte do livro didático em escolas públicas: um estudo. Rev. ACB: Biblioteconomia em Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, v. 22, n.1, p. 50-60, abr. 2017. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 04 set. 2018.
, p. 50),

The information resources that includes the School Library (SL) assist students to absorb information, ideas, skills and competencies, as well as the teachers in the subjects teaching, actions and activities developed in the school.

According to Moro (2011MORO, Eliane Lourdes da Silva. Biblioteca escolar: presente! Porto Alegre: Evangraf, 2011.), when the library closes itself, it deprives the student of the right to information. And it is even sadder when the library closes to its own community, because the student who does not have access to information loses his perspectives.

The school library is an essential environment within the schools. It is through the libraries that students are stimulated and are able to develop interest in reading and writing.

For Lankes (2016LANKES, R. David. Expect more: melhores bibliotecas para um mundo complexo. São Paulo: FEBAB, 2016., p.38), “School libraries are very much involved in the literacy process, ranging from basic reading skills to research skills and critical thinking exercises”. Some students do not have enough financial resources and their first contact with the literary universe occurs through the library. The author further states that “[...] libraries provide access to a world of resources and services to those who are least able to pay for it.” (LANKES, 2016LANKES, R. David. Expect more: melhores bibliotecas para um mundo complexo. São Paulo: FEBAB, 2016., p. 39).

Thus, school libraries play a role in the teaching-learning process and in the student's mental development while in the school phase. So, school library's mission should promote services that support learning, enabling the school community to become critical and informational in all formats and media (IFLA; UNESCO, 1999).

It is pertinent to emphasize the importance of the library as a school asset in order to promote and stimulate reading, supporting the activities developed within the classroom.

The school library is a reading and culture carrier for its community, so it should be accessible to everyone. In addition, school libraries, besides assisting in culture and reading dissemination, should function as an extension of education to the teachers, students and school staff. According to the National System of Public Libraries, which categorize library types, the school library:

Aims to meet the reading and information interests of its community and works aligned with the school pedagogical project. It attends, primarily, students, teachers, employees of the teaching unit, and may also expand its activities to meet the families of students and the surrounding community. It is located within a preschool, elementary and/or high school unit. Follows the precepts of the IFLA / UNESCO Manifesto for the School Library, and in Brazil, the Law no. 12,244 states about the libraries universalization in educational institutions in the country. (NATIONAL PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM, 2018, emphasis added).

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA / UNESCO) Guidelines for School Libraries (IFLA, 2005), cited above, add that:

The school library provides information and ideas that are fundamental to the success of its functioning in today's society, increasingly based on information and knowledge. School library empowers students for lifelong learning and develops their imagination, preparing them to live as responsible citizens. (IFLA, 2005, p.4).

The school library enables the students to learn throughout the school stage and to develop their imagination, preparing them to live as responsible citizens and allowing them to access information. Thus, the school library should be organized to interact with the classroom in the development of the school curriculum, with the purpose of awakening reading, developing the pleasure of reading, and assist their students in daily information needs.

4. Research Procedure

The research procedure is the topic that intends to guide the work, since it leads the paths to be taken, assuming that all research seeks to solve a proposed problem. The methodological paths chosen for this study were based on the principles of descriptive research in which data analysis was guided by the quali-quantitative approach. According to Creswell and Clark (2010CRESWELL, John W. Projeto de pesquisa: métodos qualitativo, quantitativo e misto. 3. ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2010. 296 p.), in this methodology, in which the steps are simultaneous, the methods complement themselves during data analysis phase by results integration in order to comprehend better the whole context.

To find out the collection development policy, 31 librarians who work in the network's libraries and reading rooms were contacted to participate in an interview via digital means.

During the research, documents that guide the management of school libraries regarding collections development were examined, as well as other administrative documents of the of Florianópolis' library network. Also, as it is a requirement of scientific research, which needs to be based on data analysis of previous research, bibliographies were examined. These studies allowed to understand the documents provided within the investigated context and base the results in order to present a product proposal.

Data analysis was done according to the quali-quantitative methodological approach, following Creswell (2010CRESWELL, John W. Projeto de pesquisa: métodos qualitativo, quantitativo e misto. 3. ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2010. 296 p.). The qualitative approach allowed in-depth analysis of answers. However, sometimes it was necessary to quantify some data in order to obtain general identification regarding to the existence of a collection development policy and formalization of a document.

5 Data Analysis and Discussion

The research universe can be identified on the Florianópolis’ City Hall website. The municipality has a School and Community Libraries Network with twenty-nine School Libraries Units that have relative managerial autonomy, distributed throughout the municipality, being present in all regions with “[...] a Central Library in the Continuing Education Center, a reading room at the EJA Silveira de Souza Polo and eight reading rooms”(FLORIANÓPOLIS, 2018, s / n).

These libraries are not autonomous. The Florianópolis City Hall has a Department of School and Community Libraries (DEBEC), which is responsible for planning, organizing and advising actions related to the Library Network. This department is also responsible for offering and providing continuing education to librarians and library assistants, through courses, lectures, workshops and events, as well as mediating the actions of the National Textbook Program and acquiring works for the libraries' acquis, furniture and equipment.

Following next is presented the analysis and discussion of the obtained data through a questionnaire sent to the librarians of the School and Community Libraries Network of the Florianópolis city, as mentioned in the methodology.

The first question inquired whether there was a formation and development of collection policy formally established in the library.

Figure 1
Collection formation and development policy

Inline to Figure 1, thirteen (92%) librarians reported that there is no policy in place due to the difficulty these professionals have in preparing the document, which requires planning, dedication and study.

Figure 2
Formalized Document

Concerning whether there was a formalized document with established rules for selection, acquisition, evaluation and disposal of material, it was observed the need to question the respondents about its existence. It was found from the obtained data that nine (64%) of the librarians indicated that they do not have this management document, corresponding to what is pointed out by Vergueiro (1987VERGUEIRO, Waldomiro de Castro Santos. Estabelecimento de políticas para desenvolvimento de coleções. Rev.Biblioteconomia de Brasília, Brasília, DF, v. 15, n. 2, p. 193-202, jul./dez. 1987. Disponível em: php?dd0=0000002545ⅆ1=c252f. Acesso em: 13 fev. 2017. php...
, 1993).

On the other hand, only five (36%) librarians informed that there is a formal document about the material´s disposal, being a procedure to be followed according to the orientations of the Education Department. Another respondent reported the existence of a document only for textbooks discarding. Thereby, relating to Figures 1 and 2, it is clear that the librarians had a misperception when answering the questionnaire, because when there is a disposal document there is a collection development policy, since this document is a part of the collection development.

As claimed by Almeida and Machado (2017), an institutionally formalized document for the collection's development should contain the procedures for each activity that makes up and forms the acquis, as well as those responsible for their implementation. In order to this process to be advantageous and continuous in school libraries, it is necessary to have a formal document with guidelines to instrumentalize library management activities.

Regarding the responsibility for the selection, acquisition, evaluation and disposal activities, it is possible to see in Figure 3 that librarians appear to be the main responsible for these activities. However, due to the administrative characteristics of the school management processes, the school manager, pedagogical coordinator, teachers and education department, to a much lesser extent, also appear as responsible for these activities.

Figure 3
Responsible for library collections forming and development activities.

Based on Figure 3, in twelve out of fourteen analyzed libraries, the librarians participate in the acquis selection, acquisition and evaluation. The five libraries that have a collection development policy, all have the librarian's participation, either individually or in multidisciplinary teams.

However, the librarian participates in the process of collection disposal in thirteen out of fourteen analyzed schools. It is curious that in one of the five libraries that have a collection development policy, the librarian does not participate in the disposal.

Managing a collection is one of the most pertinent tasks of librarian practice. This task allows the professional to anticipate the demands of his community, being “[...] the set of actions performed in favor of a certain collection formation. In the heart of libraries, this process matches the act of forming the collection and enabling its precise growth.” (SANTA ANNA, 2014SANTA ANNA, Jorge. Desenvolvimento de coleções no sistema de biblioteca da Ufes: comparativo entre os modelos teóricos de Evans e Baughman e proposta de adequação ao modelo de Evans. In: SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITÁRIAS, 18. Anais eletrônicos... Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 2014. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 18 fev. 2016.
, p. 6). Hence the importance of sharing information from each education representative with the librarian.

The budget planning of a library should include investment for acquis expansion, professionals training, informatization and expansion of the library’s physical facilities.

School libraries currently have great difficulty following the fast growth of the publishing market to form collections, due to the updating of information and from the most varied informational demands. In contrast, libraries face major budget difficulties in their collection development.

Figure 4
Collection acquisition funding source

According to Figure 4, eleven out of fourteen respondents pointed out that the funding source to acquire the library's acquis comes from higher agencies. Therefore, the responsible agency, at the federal level and as a tool of the Education Ministry, is the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and the Appreciation of Education Professionals (FUNDEB), which operates through the School Library National Program (PNBE). PNBE was created in 1997 aiming to distribute acquis to schools, teachers and students, serving the basic education in public schools, as they are registered in the School Census.

Regarding the library acquis, Law No. 12,244 / 2010 (BRAZIL, 2010) determines that school libraries must have a book for each enrolled student. However, according to the parameters for school libraries (CAMPELLO, 2010), textbooks made available by government programs should not be statistically accounted as library acquis. However, at the end of each school year, the students' textbooks accumulate in the school libraries, taking out room from new collections. This makes up the bookshelves with what seems a new collection, but in reality, it is an overload of didactics books.

Among the fourteen librarians who participated in the interviews, ten reported that the funding source for acquisition comes from the Parents and Teachers Association (APP). These funds are provided by the school community itself, through spontaneous contribution received to meet the school's basic needs. According to Sales (2004, p.48), PPAs are “formally organized with the aim of collaborating with the educational process improvement, through student assistance, fundraising for improvements in educational establishments and integration between the school and the community”. In a school with democratic management, the participation and involvement of the APP in the teaching-learning process is necessary, so that the collective measures collaborate with the Public School objectives. It should also be noted that five librarians reported that the school owns the money while one reported that the money belongs to the library.

It is concluded that the budget from higher agencies, such as the of Education Secretary, is seen by librarians as the largest aggregator. Secondly, APP has a commitment to funding for acquis acquisitions.

Considering that the librarian is often the one who accesses these resources for collection acquisition, their presence in the context of collection development management is essential to make the library collection more dynamic, so it should be seen as a fundamental part of the school library. Therefore, it is important that they are acquainted with the educational policies which is part of their role as professionals.

6 Final Considerations

Regarding what has been researched, we can consider that it is very important to organize a collection development policy based on well-defined criteria that meets the expectations of the community. It is concluded that school libraries need to meet the needs of the school unit in which they belong, having their objectives well defined, facilitating the collection's development.

The results point out to the lack of a collection development policy in the researched library network. Thus, there is the need for its elaboration, going along with the legislation and the theoretical foundations about the educational and informative function of the school library in this context.

Therefore, the present study is part of a broader discussion of the challenges of the school library today. Respondents showed lack of knowledge about the existence of a collection development policy. There is a committee in DEBEC organizing the policy guidelines, so it can be concluded that there is no structured policy so far. School libraries follow UNESCO guidelines, but this does not diminish the importance of elaborating a collection development policy that is contextualized for the libraries, the object of this study.

As a contribution to this professional master's thesis, a guide was elaborated. This guide was produced based on the IFLA documents, “Guidelines for the Design of the Conspectus Model Collection Policy”, Normative Instruction of Itajaí Public and School Library, Barreiros Filho Library Website and the University Libraries Collection Development Policy from UFSC and UDESC, and also the information provided by the librarians. This document is intended as a contribution to librarians in the School and Community Libraries Network. Considerations of this work may promote discussions regarding the importance of collections policy for school libraries.


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  • Antiplagiarism
  • JITA:

    DE. School libraries.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 Mar 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    30 May 2019
  • Accepted
    06 Aug 2019
  • Published
    11 Sept 2019
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