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This article presents part of the results of a professional master's research and aims to describe and map the steps of the scanning of the Cadernos UFS: Geografia/ History collection in the Setor de Periódicos da biblioteca Central da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) and its implementation in the repository for public domain. In the methodology was adopted research of the descriptive, qualitative type, that presents a case study from an intervention project that consisted in the digitalization of fifty articles contained in the collection Cadernos UFS: Geografia/History, produced in the period from 1995 to 2010. The process went through four stages, beginning with a description of the documentary digitization procedures, the choice of metadata, the implementation of the digitized data in the institutional repository and, finally, the publicity and publicity of the journals. Among the results obtained, the most representative were: the retrieval of the scientific information contained in the Cadernos UFS, the increase of the visibility of the journals by the academic community and the scientific information in open access. It is concluded that it is possible to provide open access to knowledge and, at the same time, to preserve the integrity of the document and institutional memory, assisting in the educational process, mediation and dissemination of information and in the cognitive training of new and better information subjects.

Information science; Information management; University libraries; Scientific periodicals


Este artigo apresenta parte dos resultados de uma pesquisa de mestrado profissional e tem como objetivos descrever e mapear as etapas da digitalização da coleção Cadernos UFS: Geografia/ História existentes no Setor de Periódicos da biblioteca Central da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) e a sua implementação no repositório institucional para domínio público. Neste sentido, trata-se de uma pesquisa do tipo descritiva, qualitativa, que apresenta um estudo de caso estruturado a partir de um projeto de intervenção que consistiu na digitalização de cinquenta artigos contidos na coleção Cadernos UFS: Geografia / História, produzidos no período de 1995 até 2010. Como metodologia, o processo passou por quatro etapas, iniciando pela descrição dos procedimentos de digitalização documental, pela escolha dos metadados, pela implantação dos dados digitalizados no repositório institucional e, por fim, pela divulgação e publicidade das revistas. Dentre os resultados obtidos, os de maior representatividade foram: a recuperação da informação científica contida nos Cadernos UFS, o aumento da visibilidade dos periódicos pela comunidade acadêmica e a informação científica em acesso livre. Conclui-se que é possível viabilizar o acesso aberto ao conhecimento e, concomitantemente, preservar a integridade do documento e a memória institucional, auxiliando no processo educacional, na mediação e disseminação da informação e na formação cognitiva de novos e melhores sujeitos informacionais.

Ciência da informação; Gestão da informação; Bibliotecas universitárias; Periódicos científicos

1 Introduction

Meeting the demands of information dissemination in the 21st century requires understanding that information flows are the central element of information environments. It can be deduced that there is no informational environment without information flows and vice versa. Therefore, the existence of one occurs in communion with the conservation of the other.

To Valentim (2010, p. 13), “Information flows are natural reflections of the environments to which they belong, both in relation to content and form.”

The spaces of flows are formed by personal networks, which project their interests in collective macro networks, in a functional and dynamic grouping in face of the interactions in the sites (for example: universities, companies, industries, libraries, etc.). It is believed that relationships and links between network actors define and direct information flows, generating a continuous feedback mechanism; fostering the sharing and communication of consensual goals with balance and connectivity within the network (CASTELLS, 2017CASTELLS, M. A sociedade em rede. 18. ed. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2017.).

With regard to information-sharing-oriented information networks, when transferring the mind of the creator to materialization on a multidimensional physical or virtual medium, they can reach unimaginable boundaries and become a possible modifier of the human essence. For Bourdieu (1989BOURDIEU, P. La noblesse d’Etat: grandes écoles et esprit de corps. Paris: Les Ed. de Minuit, 1989.), complex mental structures result from the internalization of intellectual and social learning, promoting grounded visions that contribute to the (re) construction of the world.

Information is the initial form of knowledge representation. In agreement with Pinto (2009PINTO, L. P. Leitura e significado nos fluxos de informação. 2009. Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade de São Paulo, Curso de Ciência da Informação, São Paulo, 2009.), aiming for its access is an action phenomenon focused on the production of meanings. It is in the process of the internal / external growth process, more precisely, in the phases of production, representation and reception of information that information flows are generated.

Information is always flow and for the subject it functions as exchange with the outside world, which gives it its social character. Assimilated, internalized and processed by a specific subject, it is the basis for their integration into the world, providing continuous adjustments between the inner world and the outer world (TALAMO, 2004, p.1).

Universities and libraries are continually growing social organisms, structured to meet the pedagogical, scientific and technological demands of society. From this relationship arises an organizational unit that brings together and associates the principles of the library with those of the university, alternately in different historical, cultural, pedagogical and political-social moments.

Issues pertinent to society categorically traverse the cultural, scientific and technological field. For Ferreira (2018FERREIRA, J. As grandes questões deste princípio de século passarão necessariamente pelo campo da cultura [Entrevista]. Revista Extensão & comunidade, Minas Gerais, v. 9, n. 1, set. 2018., p.13), “culture in its multiple versions, expressions and occurrences is at the center of the 21st century agenda and this, too, needs to reverberate in universities”.

Universities bring together the best intelligence in the country. However, the adopted model needs restructuring. In this regard, university libraries need to adapt to the current order of patrimonial control by reducing public funds, outsourcing human capital, computerizing collections and services.

University libraries, as organizations, handle the raw material of universities - information - or rather the flow of information. Promptly, a library encodes its substrate from the bibliographic medium and transfers the data received through its products to the community to which it is linked. In parity with Gianese and Corrêa (1996), strategically managing the services of an organization starts from the proposition that one must think not about what to do, but how to act to minimize gaps.

From this perspective, significant changes have been noted, since then, in the flows of information, communication and culture. A behavioral change in the profile of libraries and their actors was adopted to align organizational objectives and goals with the knowledge market. The emphasis has now been on access to information, using technology as a guiding thread to reach knowledge, to streamline daily activities, to optimize scientific production.

The field of study of this research is primarily the Journal of the Central Library (BICEN) of the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Said Sector is part of the Reader Support Division (DIALE), being responsible for the control and processing of the titles of scientific journals produced and / or acquired by the university. The Sector manages the information flow of print magazines, providing the necessary support to electronic publications produced by the university's editorial board and publications stored in the Capes Journal Portal.

The Journal Sector is located on the ground floor of BICEN, next to the library study hall, with an area of about 110 m. There are 2,287 thousand titles registered in the database, according to the Pergamum / UFS report (2018). Of the number of existing journals, about 10% (ten percent) are works by authors from Sergipe. (SERGIPE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, 2018a).

Scientific journals were created to disseminate the knowledge contained in information sources and also to contribute to controlling the volume of printed publications, above all those generated after World War II to the present day. The goal was to solve the problems related to the slow communication, scientific science only materializes if published, besides exercising impartiality and providing more clarity to the research, being pointed as an alternative source for the replacement of the book, gradually becoming a support of reference for universal access, use and propagation of knowledge (PACKER; MENEGHINI, 2006PACKER, A. L.; MENEGHINI, R. Visibilidade da produção científica. In: POBLACION, D.; WITTER, G. P.; SILVA, J. F. M. Comunicação & produção científica: contexto, indicadores e avaliação. São Paulo: Angellara, 2006. p. 235-260.).

The pioneers in the magazine business (353 years ago) were the French magazine Le Jovrnal des Sçavans - Journal des Savants - LJV (Journal of Savants) and the English Philosophical Transactions - PT (Philosophical Transactions) of the Royal Society of London. 1665, period in which they systematically published the results of their research. The French, by editor Denis de Sallo, provided descriptions of advances in science in a general way. And the English, by editor Henry Oldenburg, was the pioneer in the practice of peer review (NUNES, 2015NUNES, M. S. C. Mediação da informação em bibliotecas universitárias Brasileiras e Francesas. 2015. Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade Federal da Bahia, Curso Ciência da Informação, Salvador, 2015.).

The visibility of the scientific production of a country, a university, a thematic area, a research group and an individual researcher is directly related to the visibility of the journals where the results of their research are published. The more visible the journals, the more visible the scientific production published in them. (PACKER; MENEGHINI, 2006PACKER, A. L.; MENEGHINI, R. Visibilidade da produção científica. In: POBLACION, D.; WITTER, G. P.; SILVA, J. F. M. Comunicação & produção científica: contexto, indicadores e avaliação. São Paulo: Angellara, 2006. p. 235-260., p. 237).

In universities, scientific communication comprises two asymmetric discourses: one is primary communication (specialized scientific production) and the other is secondary communication (popularization of science), with influence on thematic options of primary (CARIBÉ, 2015CARIBÉ, R. C. V. Comunicação científica: reflexões sobre o conceito. Informação & Sociedade, João Pessoa, v. 25, n. 3, p. 89-104, set. /dez. 2015.; LOOSE; DEL VECCHIO LIMA, 2014LOOSE, E. B.; DEL VECCHIO LIMA, M. A comunicação científica sob a ótica de Isaac Epstein. Ação midiática: estudos em comunicação, sociedade e cultura, Goiás, n. 7, 2014.).

With the establishment of the worldwide computer network, the first scientific electronic journal was created which, according to Targino (2001, p. 98), was funded by the National Science Foundation and developed at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, in the United States of America. North from 1978 to 1980, concerns the Electronic Information Exchange system”, which includes an informal reference bulletin, edited by experts, plus a notebook.

The first Brazilian scientific electronic journal published by a public university was titled “The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins” and was launched in 1995, in the English language, and developed by the Center for Studies of Venomous Animals and Pests at Paulista State University Júlio Mesquita Filho (CEVAP / UNESP). In 2003, it receives a new nomenclature "The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases (JVATiTD)" and new ISSN 1678-9199, highlighted by open access and interdisciplinary category (PAULISTA JÚLIO MESQUITA STATE UNIVERSITY, 2018).

At the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) the first records of printed scientific journals were inherited from Sergipe private education, religious and state institutions, such as the Sergipe-IHGS Historical and Geographical Institute Magazine (1913), Journal of the Sergipana Academy of Letters (1931). As the official product of UFS, the pioneers were the journals Notebooks UFS: Geografia (1991) / History (1995), following the TOMO Magazine (1998) of the Postgraduate Program in Sociology, the Eptic Magazine (1999) of the Observatory of Economics and Communication, the Notebooks of Social Work (2001), the Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences (2001) and the Notebooks of Philosophy (2008). It is noteworthy that the only ones in this collection, whose articles are not digitalized, are the ones entitled “Cadernos (Notebooks)” (SERGIPE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, 2018b).

Advances in the educational and technological segment have driven UFS's pedagogical activities towards a kind of natural selective adaptation, converging with the new market demands of the information flow. It was necessary to go hand in hand with new communication and information technologies. Hence the publications of journals were born and coexist also in electronic format. For example: the Forum Identities Magazine (2007), the Ponta de Lança Magazine (2008), Palo Seco - Writings of Philosophy and Literature (2009), the Notebooks of Present Time (2010), Prometheus - Philosophy in Review (2010) ), Clinic & Culture (2012), Acta of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (2013), Ambivalence Magazine (2013), DikéMaster's Degree Magazine (2014), Sergipana Journal of Environmental Education (2014), Trapiche: education, culture & arts (2014), Curiá Magazine: multiple knowledge (2015), Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation Magazine (2015), Times and Spaces in Education Magazine (2015), Agroforestalis News Magazine (2016), Sergipana Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Education ( 2016), O Manguezal (2017) and the Convergences in Information Science Magazine of the Graduate Program in Information Science (2018); Cajueiro Magazine: information science and reading culture (2018). (SERGIPE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, 2018b).

UFS periodicals (scientific journals) are carried out in two ways: in print format, they are allocated in a specific sector, defined as the Journal Sector and follow the guidelines of the Universal Decimal Classification System (CDU) and the Anglo-American Cataloging Code. (AACR2), to accommodate the arrangement on the shelves. The circulation of journals is commonly of local access to the study environment of the library, being vetoed the external circulation / home loan.

At this point, it is noteworthy that all documentation authored by the state of Sergipe, this university and its collaborators, is permanently stored in the Sergipana Documentation Room (including: books, magazines, theses and dissertations). It is a way to safeguard the documentary / informational memory of the institution, the state and its protagonists.

According to Nora (1993NORA, P. Entre memória e história: a problemática dos lugares. Projeto História, São Paulo, n. 10, p.7- 28, dez. 1993., p.9) “memory is an ever-present phenomenon, a link lived in the eternal present,” which settles in what is tangible, in the geographical, in the movement, in the image, in the scope.

Printed magazine data is populated by the PERGAMUM library management software. The Kardex system was initially designed for print file archives and later for the archiving of computerized data with input / output supervision of physical and electronic journal publications in the information units, allowing viewing the entire collection, inserting new volumes, issues, identify back issues, etc. It also allows to strategically assist in the control of information flow (NETWORK PERGAMUM, 2009).

As for the scientific journals that are “born” in electronic format, they are managed by a publishing team (professors, technicians, scholars), which make up the core of the Electronic Journal Publishing System (SEER / UFS). Articles indexed in academic journals are available in open access. In Brazil, the Creative Commons (CC) license for cultural goods allows the free distribution of a work whose copyright has been shared on the network, released for free access, strengthening open access to information policies. The CC aims to expand the visibility of works through licenses that allow copying and sharing data with little restriction, while respecting the right to intellectual property. (LESSIG, 2004LESSIG, L. Cultura livre: como a grande mídia usa a tecnologia e a lei para bloquear a cultura e controlar a criatividade. Tradução: Fabio Emílio Costa. [S.l.: s.n], 2004.; SERGIPE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, 2018b).

Throughout the conjuncture presented, the Federal University of Sergipe solidifies itself as the main vector of the state's productive chain, since a significant part of the technology developed through its research body comes from studies that were perfected in the various UFS campuses. In view of this, the attention given to the information flow is imperative taking into account all the complexity, productivity, storage and diffusion of metadata in the different areas of scientific knowledge.

According to Clarivate Analytics (2018) “Research in Brazil” report, directed to the Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination (CAPES), the relevant scientific production for the country is potentially prepared by public universities. The data were extracted from the customized citation search platform, InCites, and correspond to the six-year timeframe (2011/2016), supported by scientific articles, books, papers presented at events, conferences, etc.

Thus, the present study aims to describe and map the steps of the digitization of the Cadernos UFS: Geography / History collection in the Periodicals Sector of the Central Library of the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) and its implementation in the institutional repository for public domain.

2 Method

Descriptive research was adopted, with a predominantly qualitative approach. As for the procedures, the research is configured as a case study. The BICEN / UFS Journal Sector Information System is the target of direct observation of the information flow. Such study is focused on the method of practical investigation, but the strategy must be preserved as a way to credit the research. Several studies are spreading the technique of case study with interventionism as an active transforming methodology of know-how in the field of Human and Social Sciences.

The corpus worked consisted in the digitalization of 10 (ten) fascicles of the history notebooks (07 numbers) and geography notebooks (03 numbers) collection, containing more than 50 scientific articles produced by researchers from the Federal University of Sergipe. It is pertinent to point out that these journals have had more than 400 (four hundred) accessions since their implementation in RI in August 2018. And they are among the most consulted by researchers in the humanities / related areas, produced from 1991 to 2010. and whose cultural value is priceless. These notebooks were deposited in a single copy at the UFS Central Library. However, part of the collection is compromised because a significant portion of these journals has been discarded over time. And in some cases, the deterioration stage is quite advanced. This redoubles the care regarding the retrieval of the scientific information contained therein.

In this logic, the Cadernos UFS: Geography / History collection brings, in its core, articles by master teachers and doctors, undergraduate and graduate students and collaborators from this and other universities, addressing diverse themes on national and international culture. and particularly about the state of Sergipe, its political, religious, literary representatives, customs, traditions and festivities, cooking, dancing, music, theater, climate, relief, hydrography, etc. Information and facts that helped write the history of Sergipe and the world.

The applied methodology was developed in 4 steps and began with the description of the document digitization procedures, then by the choice of metadata, then by the implantation of the digitized data in the institutional repository and, finally, by the dissemination and publicity of the digitized collection. In this regard, the process for digitizing the Cadernos UFS: Geography / History journals met the recommendations of the National Archives Council / CONARQ (2011) and went through the following processes:

  • 1) journal selection for digitization. The choice was due to three factors: a) because it is one of the most consulted scientific collections in the journal sector; b) the quantity of requests for bibliographic switching requests for this material; c) to preserve the information contained in the mentioned collection, as part of it shows signs of deterioration.

  • 2) The second step was the previous cleaning, in order to slow down the signs of paper wear. By cleaning the journal as a whole, removing clips, leveling pages, inserting cut sheets, hanging folds, etc.

  • 3) The third step was choosing the scan tool. For the most recent magazines 2005/2010, the HP printer scanner was adopted in a better state of preservation, and its configuration was programmed to scan the document in PDF format. However, for the 1995/2004 journals, the option was for the Epson printer scanner, and the pages were scanned gradually so as not to damage the paper that already had print quality wear.

  • 4) The fourth step was the removal of imperfections, resulting from the digitization process or the physical state of the journal. These shortcomings were remedied by Microsoft office programs, Paint (drawing tool) and Word (imaging tool).

  • 5) The fifth step was to gather in a single Word document all the digitized pages of the original journal. Following the enumeration and organization of the pages, the document was saved in both Word and PDF.

  • 6) The sixth step was to describe all metadata in accordance with the criteria of the UFS institutional repository. Select keywords extracted from magazine articles, main subjects, consult controlled vocabularies, etc.

The determination of which metadata would be used to insert the journals in the UFS institutional repository took as reference the DSpace software (version 6.0) that has Dublin Core as its default scheme. Metadata by definition is data about data that serves to describe a resource or information object in digital media. Dublin core (DC) consists of 15 elements: 1) creator; 2) subject; 3) coverage; 4) contributor (collaborator); 5) date; 6) description; 7) rights; 8) source; 9) format; 10) identifier; 11) language; 12) Publisher (publisher / editor); 13) relation; 14) type (resource type); 15) title, which help in the basic description of an informational object, feeding patterns of interoperability between systems, being of great relevance for the insertion of information in databases and institutional repositories (SOUZA; VENDRUSCULO; MELO, 2000; SHINTAKU , 2010).

  • 7) The seventh step was to save all data produced on a pen drive (electronic media) and together with the librarian responsible for the Information Technology Sector, fill in all fields for depositing the new material (periodic in whole) in the institutional repository (scientific production).

Digital Institutional Repositories (RID), are online databases that gather, in an organized way, the scientific production of an institution or thematic area. (BRAZILIAN INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2015). The Institutional Repository of the Federal University of Sergipe (RI-UFS) was created on July 18, 2010, through Resolution no. 40/2010 / CONEPE, being recently replaced by resolution no. 50/2017 / CONEPE. The amendment was intended to incorporate the entire scientific production of the university and not only those of the professors (journal articles, papers published in events, book chapters, etc.). Thus, by means of the new resolution, the RI-UFS included the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) and the Course Completion Papers (TCC), covering much of the academic creation of UFS. The goal is to preserve and disseminate the scientific products of the institution, whose organizational structure is formed by centers, departments, nuclei. The repository has the task of bringing together, in an integrated virtual space, the cultural diversity of this higher education institution. Therefore, it encompasses scientific production, theses and dissertations, events, educational resources, coursework, etc. (FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF SERGIPE, 2017).

2) The eighth step was to disclose to library users and contributors the inclusion of these documents in RI-UFS and to monitor for six months the views and accesses of Cadernos UFS: Geografia / History journals.

3 Results

The results of the intervention plan bring the description of the collection of UFS Notebooks: digitized Geography / History, the metadata used as reference in the process (TABLES 1, 2, 3), the insertion in the institutional repository and the ranking of views.

Table 1
Standard Metadata Model Used in Deploying UFS Notebooks
Table 2
Metadata used in UFS Notebooks: Geography deposited in RI. v. 11, 1991.
Table 3
Metadata used in UFS Notebooks: History filed with RI. v.1, no.1, 1995.

The Institutional Repository of the Federal University of Sergipe (RI-UFS) institutionally established the guidelines for open access information policy, with the following objectives: a) to group scientific production into an integrated virtual space / information store the university (collections, events, theses, dissertations, academic papers, educational resources); b) increase the visibility and the socio-cultural impact of the institution and its actors (teachers, students, collaborators); c) store and preserve the intellectual memory of researchers; d) make available to society the use of the knowledge deposited in this source of information (FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF SERGIPE, 2017).

IR has a noticeable graphical user interface for both the research client and the data indexer. Regarding the inclusion of data in the repository, the information architecture platform is easy to navigate and usability. Comprising the modules: a) home page; b) navigate; c) help; d) about RI-UFS; e) how to publish; f) language; g) my space: login (username / password). In order to deposit in the UFS repository, the submitter must first identify himself / herself with the system login and password to continue the entire self-archiving process. The initial step for a new deposit is to choose the collection from a list of communities (collections, scientific production, theses / dissertations, academic papers, events, educational resources). Subsequently, link the collection to the departments, centers and programs of UFS (SERGIPE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, 2017).

Regarding this study, the main data entered in self-archiving were: 1) author; 2) advisor; 3) coorientator; 4) editor; 5) type of document; 6) main / alternative title; 7) press (location, license, publisher, date); 8) identification (ISSN standard number); 9) language; 10) area of knowledge; 11) summary; 12) abstract; 13) keywords; 14) bibliographical references; 15) part of where the document is inserted (journal, book, etc.); 16) acronyms. The faceted search option is given by subject, author, date of publication, type of document (article, proceedings, dissertation, periodical issue, audio recording, monograph, report, work on events, thesis, video). The digitized collection Cadernos UFS: Geografia / História was indexed in the scientific production community, periodic document type in whole.

The signature of the non-exclusive distribution license term is mandatory and extremely important to grant the university the non-exclusive right to reproduce the work in electronic format, legally protected, respecting the copyright and acting with ethical principles. The contribution of the information professional is to feed the database, in the case of academic papers, institutional journals (converted to digital format), university events, guiding and supervising, whenever requested, the process of archiving scientific information. . Finally, the verification / verification of the registered data before submitting to the RI-UFS filing, going through the process of information flow of the collection to which the document is being sent, becoming part of this collection. (FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF SERGIPE, 2017).

In the following illustrations, the visualization of UFS Notebooks: Geography in RI. (FIGURE 1) and the RI History Booklet (FIGURE 2).

Figure 1
Graph of visualizations of the scientific production of the Department of Geography-DGE at RIUFS- (Aug. 2018 / Jan. 2019).

According to data extracted from the Institutional Repository (RI-UFS) of August 2018 / January 2019, there were 309 hits directed to the scientific production of the Department of Geography (DGE / UFS). Of these, 149 views (48% percent) went to the UFS Notebooks: Geography collection. Taking the lead in the preference rank of users of the geography course, human and related fields. This material is available from RI in digital / PDF format (open access) and printed in the Documentation Room from Sergipe (on-site consultation). The data obtained from RI confirm the importance of the document digitalization procedure, contributing significantly to the propagation of scientific knowledge.

The way to produce science was shaping up and, today, the Geography course is one of the ones that has the best evaluation / concept 5 (maximum grade) in the National Performance Examination of Higher Education Students (Enade). The Graduate program (Master / Doctorate) was well rated with grade 4. A work done in partnership (teachers, students, dean of undergraduate and graduate, library, etc.), all together for the sake of education. Of Quality.

Figure 2
Graph of visualizations of the scientific production of the Department of History- DHI at RIUFS- (Aug. 2018 / Jan. 2019).

From the data extracted from the UFS institutional repository (RI-UFS) from August 2018 / January 2019, 436 accesses to the scientific productions of the Department of History (DHI / UFS) were recorded. The Cadernos UFS: History collection generated 149 views (63% percent) of the whole. Taking the lead in the preference rank of users of the history course, human and related fields. This material is available in digital PDF format for public domain in RI and printed in the Documentation Room from Sergipe (on-site consultation).

The data obtained from RI confirm the importance of the document digitalization procedure, contributing in a unique way to the promotion and dissemination of scientific knowledge.

The History course is currently rated / grade 3 at Enade (2017). The Graduate Program (Masters) has also been rated with grade 3. A work in partnership (teachers, students, dean of undergraduate and postgraduate, library, etc.) has been built to improve these indicators and raise the course quality standards.

4 Final Considerations

The electronic management of scientific journals produced by UFS is carried out by a team of professors, technicians and fellows responsible for editing the journals. BICEN's Journal Sector, in partnership with the Information Technology Sector, only statistically monitors scientific information flows by controlling local and electronic access to journals produced by the institution.

Notably, those who, by request of the departments of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, aspire to store their journals, both in the physical collection of the library and in the repository, send a request to the Journal Sector of this information unit. license term for electronic reproduction, from the digitization of the printed journal (journal as a whole). This is what happened with the Cadernos UFS: Geography / History collection.

The digitization is done by the Periodicals Sector and the data insertion in the IR by the IT Sector, reinforcing that the digitized journals are stored in the repository, linked to the origin department (for example: DGE / DHI). Meeting the demands of information dissemination in the 21st century requires understanding that information flows are the central element of information environments.

The scientific journals were, along the way, molding themselves to the cultural, educational, historical, technological, informational and political reality of the country and the world. With the advancement of communication and information technologies, the printed format was losing space to the leading role of electronic scientific journals. It is the computerization movement, which is perpetuated beyond the horizon, that is, the document must be born and be basically operationalized in the digital environment.

Collections of print journals tend in the near future to be identified as “special collections”. Therefore, all attention paid to the informational preservation of these documents is fundamental for universities, researchers and society in general.

Works, scientific research, methods and techniques, when well employed, have the power to transform a reality and that, for this, it is necessary to connect theory and action. And this is how this work sought to act, in a logical way, with focus, purpose and aiming at the collectivity. Information in this light is an element of absolute greatness in gaining competitive advantage. Above all, the information produced internally (in this case, the academy) and the information that is returned (from academia to society) is already polished.

Therefore, the librarian's role as a mediator of access to information, in the context presented, is to understand the dynamics of information and the complexity of the individual and, as a result, to be the communication / junction link between them. Finally, conclude that the information professional is an active agent / creator and co-creator in the transformation / intervention of a reality.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 Sept 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    26 Aug 2019
  • Accepted
    19 Oct 2019
  • Published
    22 Jan 2020
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 421 - 1º andar Biblioteca Central César Lattes - Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz - CEP: 13083-859 , Tel: +55 19 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil