Acessibilidade / Reportar erro

Universities are the educational portrait of nations, libraries are the portrait of universities experience report of the Central Library of the Federal University of Piauí* (*) Text based on a lecture given by the author during the “Cultural Programming - Anniversary of the 25th Anniversary of the Community Library Journalist Carlos Castello Branco / Federal University of Piauí, August 24, 2020


The experience report describes an experience in order to record and ensure the memory of the advance of Library Science in the State of Piauí (PI), Brazil. It aims to discuss the pioneering actions of the State university libraries system, from the installation of the first federal public university, Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), instituted on November 21, 1968, with the merger of the isolated faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Philosophy, Law and Administration and their respective bibliographic collections, starting activities, in fact, only in January 1973, in Petrônio Portela University Campus, Teresina - PI. The report focuses on the installation and development of the first 11 years of management of the Central Library (BC) / UFPI, today, Community Library Journalist Carlos Castello Branco (BCCCB). Inevitably, the history of BC/UFPI is intertwined with the trajectory of the institution to which it is linked and of the State itself, as it attests to the advancement of the universe of libraries and their federal institutions of higher education. Similarly, it merges with the team's history of the early years, calling into question the resilience power of the pioneering manager, author of this report, who was at the head of BC between 1972 and 1981. In structural terms, a priori, explanation on the role of university libraries to emphasize BC's modus operandi, at the time, towards the performance of the BCCCB, which today constitutes a milestone at the heart of Piauí society, as a community library at the service of the population.

University libraries; Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) - Libraries; Piauí - Libraries; Federal University of Piauí - Central Library


O relato de experiência consiste em texto que descreve as ações pioneiras do sistema de bibliotecas universitárias do Estado do Piauí (PI), a partir da instalação da primeira universidade pública federal, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), instituída em 21 de novembro de 1968, com a fusão das faculdades isoladas de Medicina, Odontologia, Filosofia, Direito e Administração e suas respectivas coleções bibliográficas, iniciando as atividades em janeiro de 1973, Campus Universitário Petrônio Portela, Teresina - PI. O relato centra-se na instalação e no desenvolvimento dos primeiros 11 anos de gestão da Biblioteca Central (BC) / UFPI, hoje, Biblioteca Comunitária Jornalista Carlos Castello Branco (BCCCB), que comemora 25 anos de existência. A motivação mor que justifica tal relato é preservar a memória da Instituição e de suas bibliotecas, além de motivar experiências similares. Isto porque, inevitavelmente, a história da BC/UFPI entrelaça-se com a trajetória da instituição à qual está ela atrelada e do próprio Estado, haja vista que conduz ao universo das bibliotecas e de suas instituições federais de ensino superior. De forma similar, mescla-se com a história da equipe dos anos iniciais, pondo em xeque o poder de resiliência da gestora pioneira, autora do relato, à frente da BC entre 1972 e 1981. Em termos estruturais, a priori, explanação sobre o status quo das bibliotecas universitárias para enfatizar o modus operandi da BC, à época, rumo à atuação da BCCCB, que constitui, nos dias atuais, um marco no âmago da sociedade piauiense, como biblioteca comunitária a serviço da população.

Bibliotecas universitárias; Universidade Federal do Piauí - Bibliotecas; Piauí - Bibliotecas; Universidade Federal do Piauí - Biblioteca Central


Life is not what we lived, but what we remember, and how we remember it in order to narrate it. Gabriel García Márquez, in "Living to tell", 2002

The Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), the first public federal university in the State of Piauí (PI), established on November 21, 1968, with the merger of the isolated faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Philosophy, Law and Administration and their respective bibliographic collections, began its activities in January 1973, Petrônio Portela University Campus, Teresina - PI. This experience report focuses on the installation and development of the first 11 years of management of the then Central Library (BC) / UFPI, today, Community Library Journalist Carlos Castello Branco (BCCCB), which celebrates 25 years of existence, as a representative of the Library System of UFPI.

Inevitably, the history of the BC/UFPI is intertwined with the trajectory of the institution to which it is linked and of the State itself, since it opens paths to the universe of libraries and its federal institutions of higher education (IFES). Similarly, it blends in with the history of the team in the early years, putting in check the resilience of the pioneer manager, author of the report, who was at the head of the Central Bank between 1972 and 1981. Thus, as an administrator of the UFPI Library System in its initial phase, I feel free to talk about Brazilian public universities. Not as expertise. But as a student, teacher, researcher, extensionist, administrator, and, why not? As a spectator and citizen.

After all, at the age of 17, I entered the first undergraduate course at one of these institutions, and I never left. When I was 20, I began my academic career, which includes participation in various entities in the North, Northeast and Center-West regions, reaching the Southeast, sometimes as a teacher, sometimes as a consultant/assessor, sometimes as a student, and, above all, as a lover of teaching, to such an extent that, despite my doctorate and post-doctorate, at the age of 72, I persist as a journalist, chronicler, writer, researcher, and, perhaps, academic, out of mere stubbornness.

Although I use the first person singular throughout the text, unusual in technical texts, sometimes combined with the first plural, I do not intend to be autobiographical. Perhaps, self-referential. I am always attentive to the reality that surrounds me in the different and varied roles I play in different circumstances and segments, such as family, church, university, circle of friends and colleagues, gym, condominium and others. And it is exactly the attention I devote to the facts that surround me, such as the death of thousands of people in this fateful 2020, victims of Covid-19; the endless problems of immigration; the environmental issues that massacre part of Brazilian territory and its caboclo and indigenous people; wars that continue; ethical calamities that invade the political universe, which make me less autobiographical and more self-referential. After all, libraries as eminently social organs and librarians as social agents are (or should be) affected by the surrounding reality.

I reinforce that I became young, woman and old in the midst of the campuses of Brazilian universities. I have lived its culmination and now watch it crumble gradually, visible to the most attentive and discerning educators. I speak of the decadence of public universities, with rare and honorable exceptions. I have witnessed the emptying of the teachers' rooms. I have seen the decline in the level of student fees. I have seen the favoring of phantom employees. I have assisted in the scrapping of laboratories, libraries, press libraries and restaurants. I assisted in the insertion of party politics for relevant decisions and/or for the appointment of commissioned positions at different levels. I assisted in the struggle of educators (not only teachers) in favor of universities.

And the most serious thing is that, among the crises that pervade the work of the IFES, the issue of university libraries has often passed over the claims of teachers and staff, more interested in naming their salaries as demeaning than in restoring the institutions of higher education (IES) as "centers of excellence and intelligence" or "islands of competence" (OLIVEIRA, 1985OLIVEIRA, João Batista Araújo e. Ilhas de competência: carreiras científicas no Brasil. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1985. 171 p.), capable of providing their activities-end of teaching, research and extension in harmony with social issues.

Besides the physical and structural decay and the collapse of pedagogical values and social commitment, as a result, articles in the national media about the failure of the IES and IFES also omit the term library, such as Goldemberg (1988GOLDEMBERG, José. A universidade tem solução. Veja, São Paulo, v. 20, n. 31, p. 114, 31 ago. 1988.). Union and academic debates deal with university autonomy; scientific production, sometimes, as bargaining power; laboratories; functional ascension; election of Rector; restaurants; university residences, but there is an extreme void around the assertion: "Universities are the educational portrait of nations: libraries are the portrait of universities".


As a mere "background," I discuss university libraries in order to situate the BC/UFPI, reiterating that I am talking about the 1970s and 1980s of the last century, which justifies taking up my publications from that time (TARGINO, 1989TARGINO, Maria das Graças. Biblioteca Central: um retrato falado da UFPI? Cadernos de Teresina, Teresina, ano 3, n. 7, p. 12-16, abr. 1989,, 2006, 2010, 2018). At that time, technological innovations did not assume a central position in the development of peoples and nations, such that the current paradigm in libraries, regardless of their typology, was more about the availability of large collections than about accessibility. Today, the exact opposite occurs: it is no longer so important to have gigantic collections, but to have conditions of access to any information, wherever they may be, using virtual space with its multiple potentialities. However, it is evident that computerization is only a resource and never an end in itself, in such a way that the rendering of services continues as the central objective of all libraries.

The service policy for university libraries is the unique strategy to secure their dynamic, attractive and efficient character. They are linked to HEIs, and they "inherit" great social responsibility with regard to the quality of teaching, the increase in research and the strengthening of university extension, which means that they should include, among their priorities, measures in addition to traditional consultation and loan services. It is urgent that they act as an element to combat the isolationism of IFES, stimulating the creativity of individuals, becoming a cultural space in which information subsidizes diversified and productive activities. This is true for today. This was valid for the 70s and 80s. This was valid as a motto for the whole pioneer team of BC/UFPI moved by the genuine intuition that it is always necessary to dare and believe that changes are inherent to humanity.

The achievement of this goal, in any circumstance and instance, is only possible through user studies aimed at identifying the informational demands of the target audience, in this case, the university community in all its segments, in order to then invest in the careful and correct selection of collections and information services appropriate to the community. It is the planning as an instrument in the field of librarianship, which extrapolates the implementation and implementation of services, ensuring the necessary infrastructure for continuity, which favors credibility, habit formation of use and knowledge of available resources.

Information professionals must anticipate the essential services to collectivities in order to incorporate them into the routine, in a systematized manner. This systematization is guaranteed and it is viable to combat public ignorance, an element recognized as being responsible for the low use of information services. It is worthwhile using advertising, user training and service evaluation (TARGINO, 2006TARGINO, Maria das Graças. Olhares e fragmentos: cotidiano da Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação. Teresina: EDUFPI, 2006. 266 p.).

Advertising is the path to enlightenment that provides the population with information and information. Paradoxically, in the library environment, even with the current emphasis on marketing, libraries continue to advertise services, but without worrying about the public's demands. Besides the usual means (posters, folders, bulletins, exhibitions, specific audiovisuals, formal contacts with freshmen, lectures and seminars), it is valid to adopt more creative resources that encourage users to express their opinions. As for the expression user training, this can be replaced by user education, according to the broad concept of Nascimento and Santos (2019NASCIMENTO, Angilene; SANTOS, Luiz Carlos Pereira dos. A importância da educação de usuários nas bibliotecas. Revista Fontes Documentais, Aracaju, v. 1, n. 2, p. 24-35, jan. / abr. 2019., p. 24), which punctuate

[...] the responsibility of information professionals in the face of the technological advent that has taken place in the educational environment, making it essential for the librarian to position himself so that this user does not lose the main focus, which is the search for coherent and well referenced research.

In this case, user education encompasses the recognition of information sources appropriate to information needs, the ability to use the potential of an information unit and, finally, the basic knowledge to prepare and write technical and scientific documents. In other words, user education enables the user to access information, but also to communicate and generate new knowledge.

For the evaluation of services, alongside traditional forms - questionnaires, statistical control, suggestion boxes, round tables, meetings with the team - I suggest the dissemination of critical panels, radio and TV programs, specialized contests, interaction with student bodies, because in addition to disseminating the library, such actions are representative forms of evaluation. I also recommend specific studies of each activity, including measuring the degree of public satisfaction and service costs. Thus, faced with the question: "what is the time and the turn of the university libraries? The answer is unique and undeniable - always. It doesn't matter if in the 70's and 80's or in the 21st century.


Returning to the trajectory of the BC/UFPI, I reaffirm that I do not wish my words to smell like satin crammed into some trunk, thrown into some corner. I do not want them to smell like mold and mildew. I do want them to smell the supreme smell of longing. And I say: there is no greater longing than the longing for yourself, for what you lived and stayed behind. For all these reasons, the facts that make up the BC as a precedent of the BCCCB are and will inevitably be tied to my life and the life of the Central Library team-family, from now on, BC.

So, as in the stories of/for children, there once was an adolescent-wife who arrived in Piauí, especially Piripiri, the shoulder strap of a husband who had come to electrify the interior of the state. In her arms, my four-month-old girl. In the womb, my three-month-old boy. In her hands, a degree in Librarianship and a complete education in English. In the certificate, 21 years old. In the heart, all the dreams of the world. There, two years of total happiness: English classes in the Gymnasium; English classes in the so-called "Sisters' College"; I learned how to cook; I learned how to sew (pork); I learned how to put the chair on the sidewalk to talk to the neighbors, who laughed at the pimps of the accent I never lost.

No day without work or activities until it was time to come to Teresina, the capital city, in 1970. The State tried to organize the Public Library. There was no librarian. And there I went. I was also very happy there. I faced an immense team, within that old policy of sending problem public servants to libraries and/or archives. Together, I committed/we committed a lot of crazy things. I created/created a children's section. There I went on the "stick", asking the distributors to search without the cover. There I was going to the central market to buy straw jars and plastic flowers to decorate the tables. There I was going to unite my staff to give minimum instructions about the meaning of the collection to the population. There I was... Will to change the world, transmute the library into an action-cultural library. I was always overwhelmed by the lack of resources. I stayed as director of the Library, today, Biblioteca Pública Estadual Desembargador Cromwell de Carvalho, between August 24, 1971 and September 10, 1972. The UFPI would be installed. I would hire two librarians for requirements of the then Ministry of Education and Culture, today, Ministry of Education (MEC). I held a public contest. Approved in first place. Second, a woman from Ceará, whom I borrowed as a sister but who stayed with us for a short time: life gave her an excessive dose of daydreams and dreams and she was prematurely retired due to disability.


September 12, 1972. Recently retired, the then Rector Hélcio Ulhôa Saraiva, from Fundação João Pinheiro (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais) asked me to install the modern centralized library system at UFPI. I widened my eyes full of glow and fear and said: "I don't even know what you're talking about". I managed to scare him and he replied: "but you just passed a contest and you don't know?" I explained that I had just finished the undergraduate course, but the centralized system did not yet exist in the IFES corridors, nor in the excellent Federal University of Pernambuco. He asked me: what is the solution? I answered immediately: send me anywhere where the centralized system is working. I learn. I come back. And I implant.

He said: "I have contacts at the University of Brasilia". Are you ready to travel? And there I went. A month at UnB day and night - I stayed at the campus itself. I did an internship. I tried to understand everything. And I came back. I left for the fight. With the early retirement of the second librarian, four more librarians arrived little by little. Here is the team in formation, with a secretary beyond efficient. In total, 54 people, including university fellows, many of whom remain with us even after graduation and two or three are in the BCCCB to date; library assistants; general service assistants; surveillance et cetera. Outsourcing was not enough. We were a family in the most beautiful meaning of the word.

In a shed said provisional, ugly and disgraced (SG-6) of 1,074m2 (space that is already born strangled) and capacity for 350 users per shift, my first step: the institutionalization of the BC in line with the reality of UFPI. As I write this sentence, I reinforce having incorporated the BC into my life with full force. I participated intensely in the installation of UFPI. This becomes a passion, which lasts until today, regardless of the disappointments, which were many, but these are always part of the great loves. Well ahead, after remaining officially as Director of BC from January 10, 1973 to July 25, 1981, I became a teacher. I get scholarships from Brazilian and foreign funding agencies. Improvement. Specialization. Master's degree. Doctorate. Post-doctorate.

In this period of time, with a team moved by love, we instituted the Association of Librarians of the State of Piauí (ABEPI), 1980. It is now the turn of the Regional Council of Libraries, with the exception that I participated in the Federal Council of Libraries, as representative of the Northeast region and Piauí. In all these moments, the unrestricted support of UFPI: installation of the ABEPI in the Library itself; use of the protocol service; cession of consumption material and everything else necessary.


In the meantime, it is necessary to understand the flow of university reforms in order to conduct the BC/UFPI with greater security. The legislation on higher education in Brazil has some key periods. First, the Provisional Government, when Getúlio Vargas, appointed President after the 1930 Revolution, remained in office until 1934, when he was re-elected indirectly, starting the Constitutional Government. It was in 1931 that the first Reform took place, establishing the rules for the development of public and private university institutions, making the system of federal public institutions viable.

Second, during the Military Regime (1964-1985), in 1968, the Government reorganizes the university system, implementing graduate studies and its forms of public financing. Law No. 5,540 of November 28, 1968 (BRAZIL, 1968) refers to the University Reform. Its Article 11 provides for the organization of universities based on units of teaching, research and extension functions, but surprisingly, it does not even mention the expression - university library. It includes, among other measures, the replacement of the chair system by that of departments, institutes and centers. It is up to the then Federal Council of Education, today, the National Council of Education (CNE), a collegial organ of the MEC, to make mention of the insurmountable demand of Brazilian universities to maintain a library.

This determination leads to the centralization of library systems, not least because, in territorial terms, with the University Reform of 1968, the first universities of the early twentieth century derive from the reunion of isolated colleges already in existence, as is the case with UFPI, as previously referenced, which justifies the Rector's demand for the establishment of the Central Bank at the beginning of my career. Further on comes the university city model, with autonomous colleges in isolated buildings, spread over extensive urban or rural areas. The main motivation of the centralized system is to avoid the duplication of means for identical or equivalent purposes, which allows, at any time and place, the rationality of the organization of collections and services, with full and more economical use of material and human resources.

At that time, in the 70's, UFPI gathered around 1,020 teachers, 1,047 technical-administrative staff and 8,253 students, of which 8,163 were undergraduate and 90 were postgraduate. They are distributed in six large teaching units: Center for Agricultural Sciences (CCA); Center for Educational Sciences (CCE); Center for Nature Sciences (CCN); Center for Health Sciences (CCS); Center for Human Sciences and Letters (CCHL); Center for Technology, CT. These six Centers with their Departments ensure the maintenance of 31 undergraduate courses and six specializations (UFPI, 1973). As parentheses, just to measure IFE's growth in focus, according to the most recent data available on the Net, year 2020, there are 79 undergraduate courses and 22,795 students in attendance. As for Graduate Programs, there are six Professional Masters; 32 Institutional Masters and 10 Institutional Doctorates, data alluding to the headquarters campus in the capital and campuses located in Parnaíba, Picos, Floriano and Bom Jesus (UFPI, 2020a, 2020b).

On that occasion, when libraries were centralized, only CCA and CCS continued to maintain collections and services in the buildings where they operated, even though the material was technically prepared in the Central Bank. However, today, with regret, I see the resumption of the decentralized system, with the so-called sectorial libraries, which makes supervision and operation difficult. They are only justified in the face of physical distance, as in the two cases mentioned and on campuses in other cities. However, on purpose, I intend to limit my speech to the Central Bank alone, without making any judgment about UFPI and its current performance policies.

Going back to the saga of reforms, in the Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva administration, a new proposal for University Reform, gradually elaborated during his two mandates between 2003 and 2011. With changes coming from various sectors of society, the Reform generated four pre-projects, Brazil (2004). Sent for discussion in the National Congress, they always suffer several proposals for amendments, although all versions present similar reasons that justify it (BRAZIL, 2005): to strengthen the public university; to prevent the mercantilization of higher education; to guarantee quality; to democratize access; to guarantee democratic management. Even so, libraries are omitted...

I state that, after the Law of Directives and Bases of Education (LDB), current Law n. 9.394, of December 20, 1996 (BRAZIL, 1996), which establishes the guidelines and bases of national education, based on the principles present in the 1988 Constitution, and whose chapter IV deals specifically with higher education, a consolidated proposal for University Reform is still under discussion in Congress without ever being approved. The MEC has been regulating higher education through Decrees and Ordinances that establish rules for the accreditation and recreation of IES and IFES; authorization and recognition of undergraduate and graduate courses; scholarship programs, such as Student Finance for Higher Education (FIES) and the University for All Program, Prouni.

It is clear proof that education and higher education are not a priority for the Federal Government. By the way, as an addendum, given the impasse of whether or not to return to classes attended in Covid-19 times at the different levels - basic education (early childhood education, elementary and high school) and higher education (undergraduate and graduate), here is a question that does not want to remain silent: why did governments create protocols for EVERYTHING, leaving the return to classes for the end? Politicians and government officials have thought about opening cafes, bars and restaurants; going to the beaches; to the markets; trips or routes in different means of transportation; beauty salons; gymnasiums; parks, squares, gardens and zoo botanicals; live TV programs; movie theaters; theater shows; soccer stadiums; practice of other sports; car races; popular and religious parties; dental clinics and elective plastic surgeries; wholesale trade, stores in general and shopping malls... That is, the teaching was left behind. Universities are still adrift.


Regardless of the legislation in force, even in 1972/1973, I already had the intuition that, from a systemic point of view, the university library is a subsystem. As such, it must maintain its performance in accordance with UFPI plans as a whole, which brings, from now on, to the center of the goals outlined, the reality of the surrounding society. To do so, it maintained/we maintained permanent interaction with all sectors of the University, including direct line of communication with the Higher Administration, and, above all, contact with effective and potential users, in addition to members of the community in general.

My/our modus operandi, today, I recognize, was at least unique. Rules said and not said: sincerity to the extreme. Requirement for punctuality. Unceasing search for justice. Restricted use of the BC public telephone. Economy of materials and resources of any nature is an absolute priority, including reuse of envelopes and back of paper. Gossip, prohibited to the extreme. Meetings always lightning. No administrative secrets: no closed drawers. Very intense love in every measure or resolution always shared.

For students who need it, typewriters at their disposal to write their texts - the computers were still a remote dream and the machines, obtained by favor, here and there, constitute a solution. For students who need to stay at UFPI all day long, freedom for a nap in the corners of BC. For the hungry, freedom for a snack. "Forbidden to rest on the tables after lunch. For boyfriends, freedom for caressing without exaggeration. And the fright of many, when I removed the signs of silence. I replaced them with warnings, like this one: "the loud voice prevents the concentration of the other" et cetera.

In relation to the public, many attempts to raise awareness. At that time, between 1974 and 1979, every year we held a big new book fair. Teresina had only two bookstores. The books came from distant distributors and publishers. Problems of receipt, conference and onerous freight. The UFPI Book Fair lasted six years at the cost of much effort until the expenses made the initiative so useful to the population impossible.

As activities, the BC maintained some saraus. Many exhibitions of different kinds, preferably permanent, including books recently acquired by the institution. Among them, one marked by the sadness it awakens. The very expensive anatomy atlases and other similar works are simply destroyed, with a certain incidence, with stilettos by university students who cut the pages of greatest interest. To expose to the students, the evil of some guarantees their adhesion as vigilantes and adepts. Apart from these details, more traditional services such as: (i) registration of the UFPI memory; (ii) development of collections through requests from teaching departments; (iii) questions and answers / reference service; (iv) home loan; (v) assistance in editing works, academic or otherwise, through guidance in the field of standardization, including preparation of cataloguing sheets; (vi) reprographic services within the BC at below market price; (vii) group study rooms; (viii) training on how to use the Library's resources; (ix) free provision of the Bibliographic Commutation Program (Comut) for two years; (x) commercial representation of works edited by the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization; (xi) effective and systematic exchange as a way to maintain contact with similar national institutions and expand the collection; (xii) provision of local or state or national newspapers for daily consultation; (xiii) tremendous effort to obtain best-sellers as "bait" to attract and train readers.


The dropper, the team grows. Little by little, new professionals arrive in the area of Librarianship. Today, at BCCCB, there are about 15 information professionals plus a reasonable number of technical-administrative staff (26), in addition to university students - scholarship holders - who continue to help for four hours a day, with a significant portion of outsourced employees. In addition to restricting library professionals and loss-making facilities, in the 1970s and 1980s we faced other problems to ensure the performance of the BC: (i) the impossibility of maintaining more advanced services, such as translation/version; (ii) the outdated collection, despite permanent efforts; (iii) the maintenance of the Central Bank as a non-budgetary unit, which prevents Library Management from managing its resources and optimizing them; (iv) the zero chance of adopting industrial extensionism - visits and information assistance to companies and industries; (v) the inexistence of permanent courses in literature, technical-scientific writing, creative writing, cinema et cetera.


I reinforce the idea that the collapse of Brazilian higher education, in the item quality, reflects the precariousness of the IFES, just as a library reflects such institutions. In fact, when I speak of the crisis in higher education, I am referring to the distancing, in particular, of UFPI from society. For example: traditional courses held for the community in English, French and Spanish have disappeared and are now taking place in an assistive manner. The Third Age Program in Action (PTIA), with its derisory fees since 2019, has taken a step backwards, given that its public, in general, gathered people of little means. Interrupted, then, by crisis in its management and, in 2020, by Covid-19, it seems to have a chance to return.

Moreover, it is impossible to leave aside the idea that documentary resources (no matter the support) constitute one of the most important social mechanisms for the preservation of humanity's memory and the library is a social apparatus to transfer it to the conscious of individuals. Any interpretation of society must include an explanation of this social element and its function in community life. Librarianship and Information Science take their rightful place among the phenomena to be discussed in any system of social science, not only as a branch of knowledge dedicated to gathering, organizing, disseminating and/or producing recorded knowledge, but essentially as a social service of paramount relevance to the evolution of human groups. On the other hand, if culture, whatever it may be, cannot be understood as an isolated phenomenon, I affirm that, for its preservation and communication, the modern library constitutes a key institution.

When relating local culture and library as an essentially social institution, the preservation and dissemination of the values of local and national cultural formation, avoiding that technological innovations enslave contemporary man instead of liberating him to the advance of science and technology, should be the primary objective of any library, including the BCCCB / UFPI. It is the purpose of the library, at any level it operates, to maximize the social utility of the graphic records, keeping alive the identity and memory of local culture, which favors the impulse of the Brazilian cultural level.

I remind you that the term education is not restricted to the preparation of the individual for the foreseen, which is closer to dressage. It prepares the individual for the unforeseen, prophesizes and projects. All this within a global process of physical, intellectual and moral capacity of the human being, with a view to better individual and social integration, which requires access to information, as provided for in the current Constitution:

The information is thus contained in the bulge of the educational process as a social right, provided for in Article 5, point XIV of the Magna Carta, which states: "Everyone is guaranteed access to information [...]" Information is therefore a privilege for everyone. It is a common good, which can and must act as a factor of integration, democratization, equality, citizenship, liberation and personal dignity. There is no exercise of citizenship without information. This is because, even to fulfill duties and claim rights, whether civil, political or social, citizens need to know and recognize them, and this is information (TARGINO, 2006TARGINO, Maria das Graças. Olhares e fragmentos: cotidiano da Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação. Teresina: EDUFPI, 2006. 266 p., p. 71).

I insist, however, that the differentiation of paradigms - traditional library (primacy of large collections); cultural action library (primacy of users); virtual library (primacy of the informational flow or informational paradigm or digital paradigm) - sounds false and artificial, when the librarian moves by watertight concepts or dangerous generalizations. For all these reasons, at the same time that the conceptions of the library change with the mutations of the information society, certainly much more than the typology itself or the name given to the library, what determines the adoption of paradigm x or y by a certain institution is the way it acts. This means that, in the middle of the 21st century, in the midst of the irreversible domain of the continuous and inexhaustible informational flow, it is possible to find, in different countries and in different localities, the so-called traditional library. I refer to those institutions that have good working conditions, or at least reasonable, but prioritize collection, storage, material resources, facilities and equipment to the detriment of the provision or anticipation of information to the target audience.

They can even store large collections. They can even keep internet connection available to users, but the services are distant from cultural action, in which professional and public are actors and social agents, distant from the stereotype of passive and amorphous element. As I also idealized in 1972, cultural action, cultural mediation and reading are inherent to any library, including university libraries. Here are some examples:

  1. Assistive technology - the use of resources and services that contribute to broaden the functional skills of people with disabilities and, therefore, promote their independent and inclusive life in the cultural and reading field.

  2. Workshop circuits.

  3. Literary reading clubs.

  4. Provision of local or state or national newspapers for daily consultation.

  5. Exhibitions of different natures, preferably permanent.

  6. Used book fairs.

  7. Literary and artistic contests.

  8. Homage to authors / literary.

  9. Hours of poetry.

  10. Release of books, preferably with the presence of authors.

  11. Permanent and updated educational murals, including suggestions for reading.

  12. Lectures of interest to the community.

  13. Performances, small theatrical shows, dance and cetera presentations.

  14. Literary Saraus (TARGINO, 2020TARGINO, Maria das Graças . Mediação cultural e mediação da leitura como estratégia de inclusão social: bibliotecas comunitárias. Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, São Paulo, v. 16, p. 1-17, jun. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em 5 jun. 2020.

As anticipated, the history of UFPI and BC/UFPI is confused with my own life history. Very early on, I learned that it was impossible to manage from inside a closed room. If my walk is more and more distant and oblivious to institutional memory, it does not matter. It is what is expected with the succession of days and years. Even so, I cling to the clear days full of light that I lived there. The memories lived with the BC team and, later, with friends of the then Pro-Rectorate of Research and Post-Graduate Studies and with colleagues in the Communication Department are intense.

Finally, for those who read this report at the end of 2020 or the beginning of 2021, they can nourish the feeling that there is nothing extraordinary. But it is vital to remember that I was assuming the post of first graduate in Librarianship in a state, which until then had generally thought of the librarian-bookkeeper. There is behind the simplicity of routine activities, the perennial struggle to deconstruct a negative image forged in the collective memory: our uselessness as a social agent and our inability to see the world on fire...


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  • (*)
    Text based on a lecture given by the author during the “Cultural Programming - Anniversary of the 25th Anniversary of the Community Library Journalist Carlos Castello Branco / Federal University of Piauí, August 24, 2020
  • JITA:

    DE. Academic libraries.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 Sept 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    12 Oct 2020
  • Accepted
    11 Nov 2020
  • Published
    26 Nov 2020
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 421 - 1º andar Biblioteca Central César Lattes - Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz - CEP: 13083-859 , Tel: +55 19 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil