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DEVELOPMENT OF THE INFORMATIONAL COLLECTION OF IFBA IN THE VIEW OF THE RESPONSIBLE FOR LIBRARIES* * This article is an extract from the monographic work that won the first place in the TCC - 2017 competition held by the Associação Brasileira de Ciência da Informação (ABECIN), in the category of Librarianship in the Northeast Region.


In order to investigate the perception of those responsible for the libraries of the campuses of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia (IFBA) regarding the procedures for training and development of informational material’s collection authority and the comparison between this perception and the precepts of it’s field’s literature, a survey of the population of representatives of libraries of the institution was carried out, methodologically characterized as exploratory in relation to the objectives, quantitative in relation to the problem approach. Initially, it is conjectured that, from the point of view of the representatives of these libraries, the theoretical basis of the topic was used sparingly and not agreed to the construction of collaborative informational collection of the units, despite the multicampi structure of IFBA. The results, obtained from the related data analysis through the proposed Macnaughton and Stochastic Oscillator of Wilder Jr., pointed to some moderate employment for some variables, a robust employment for others and, for the rest, the employability of the theoretical and conceptual teaching about the management of how the information collection is fragile.

Libraries - Development of collection; School libraries; University libraries


Com o objetivo de investigar a percepção dos responsáveis pelas bibliotecas dos campi do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia (IFBA), no que tange aos procedimentos para a formação e desenvolvimento da coleção de material informacional da autarquia e a comparação dessa percepção com os preceitos da literatura da área, foi realizada uma pesquisa com a população de representantes das bibliotecas da instituição, metodologicamente caracterizada como exploratória no que tange aos objetivos, quantitativa no que se refere à abordagem do problema e de levantamento ou survey, quanto aos procedimentos. De início, conjecturou-se que, na visão dos representantes dessas bibliotecas, as bases teóricas acerca do tema eram empregadas com parcimônia e que não assentia a construção do acervo informacional colaborativo das unidades, apesar da estrutura multicampi do IFBA. Os resultados, alcançados a partir da análise de dados correlatos por meio da proposta de Macnaughton e do oscilador estocástico de Wilder Júnior, apontaram para algumas variáveis o emprego moderado, para outras o uso apresenta robusteza e em algumas variáveis a empregabilidade do ensinamento teórico-conceitual, quanto ao gerenciamento da coleção informacional, é frágil.

Bibliotecas - Desenvolvimento da coleção; Bibliotecas escolares; Bibliotecas universitárias


The formation or development of the information collection is composed of a set of actions undertaken by an informational organization, in the case at hand, libraries of a federal autarchy. As for the functional aspects of the activities, the librarian plays a relevant role in the development of the collections, since he knows the environment in which the library is inserted and, mainly, has the ability to identify the multiple informational needs of his community of users.

Vergueiro (2010VERGUEIRO, W. Seleção de materiais de informação: princípios e técnicas. 3. ed. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos/Livros, 2010.) understands that the decision to incorporate an informational item into the collection transfigures the power of the librarian to interfere in the social relations of individuals and in the outcomes of their work and, therefore, in the benefits that may come to all humanity. It should also be noted that the decision to select a particular informational item may in many cases not have the same force if taken at an inappropriate time.

Andrade and Vergueiro (1996ANDRADE, D.; VERGUEIRO, W. Aquisição de materiais de informação. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos/Livros, 1996.), confirming the importance of studying the acquisition processes, perceive that, from the acquisition, libraries begin their career in guaranteeing the custody, access and availability of registered human knowledge, without neglecting the professional's decision to choose one item to the detriment of another, in view of the range of material produced, the institutional goal and the budget availability.

The vertiginous amount of informational production, too, is shown as a voucher to look into the subject. After all, it is certainly the organizational inability to safeguard all human knowledge, coupled with the lack of economic resources for its acquisition.

This research sought to investigate the perception of those responsible for the campuses of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia (Ifba) regarding the procedures for training and development of the collection of informational material of the municipality and the comparison of this perception with the precepts of the area literature. This choice, to the detriment of all its professionals, is justified by its strategic and decisive position in the section, influencing the determination of the closure of the administrative act, independent of the participation of the other components of the team.

From a practical point of view, it is expected that the institution studied will benefit from the reflections provided by the work, regarding rethinking its administrative routines, aiming at cooperation among its various libraries, sharing of information, financial and investment resources in the library infrastructure. The judgments may also apply to institutions that have library structures similar to those of the research organization or that will start the process of formation and development of their collections of informational materials.

It may also contribute to the development of training projects for the institution's

Collection Development Policy (PDC) and the training and qualification policy of its employees, in order to remedy possible absences in the training of its professionals, reverberating in quality services offered to the community by libraries. Also, it may serve as a reference in future work in the field of training and development of collections of the library.

This article, in addition to this introductory section, is organized into four more parts. The second begins the theoretical reference, briefly presents the characteristics of the existing libraries in the Ifba and takes care of the canonical concepts about the formation and the development of the collections of informational materials. The third section presents the methodological framework of the research, presents the methodological attributes of the study; including statistical information and techniques used in the analysis and interpretation of data. The description and analysis of the data are exposed in the fourth section. In the fifth section, the final considerations and conclusions of the research, its limitations and suggestions for future research are presented. Finally, the list of references of the mentioned items.


The view of libraries, archives and documentation centers evolves with social growth, from being information custodians to behaving as facilitators and mediators of information, willing to respond to the needs of their users (RIBEIRO, 2010RIBEIRO, F. Da mediação passiva à mediação pós-custodial: o papel da Ciência da Informação na sociedade em rede. Informação & Sociedade: Estudos, João Pessoa, v.20, n.1, p. 63-70, jan./abr. 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 jun. 2015.

For Vergueiro (1993VERGUEIRO, W. Desenvolvimento de coleções: uma nova visão para o planejamento de recursos informacionais. Ciência da Informação. Brasília, v. 22, n. 1, p. 13-21, jan.-abr. 1993.) the development of the collection, prior to the bibliographical explosion, did not have a systematic technique, as was the case with cataloging. It followed the law of free formation (laissez-faire) driven by uncontrolled acquisition, producing a quantity of redundant information material, without a detailed study of what should be acquired and the user to whom the information would be sent.

The explosion of information publishing and dissemination was one of the factors, perhaps the main one, that led information professionals to rethink their techniques and methods of acquisition, formation and development of collections, which was incorporated in the shortage of personnel, infrastructure and financial resources. Burke (2002BURKE, P. Problemas causados por Gutenberg: a explosão da informação nos primórdios da Europa moderna. Trad. de Almiro Piseta. Estudos Avançados. São Paulo, v. 16, n. 44, janeiro-abril 2002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 jun.2015.
) joins the thought that the press has revolutionized the rigging of the library and the profession of librarian; its work organization, cooperation, of a rather generalist character now specialized, and therefore promoted the paradigm shift of the information services offered by the libraries, before custody, at present, post-custodial, in which the user becomes the center of attentions. Already Weitzel (2012WEITZEL, S. R. Desenvolvimento de coleções: origem dos fundamentos contemporâneos. TransInformação, Campinas, v. 24, n. 3, p. 179-190, set./dez., 2012. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 11 jun. 2015.
), says that the excess of publications had repercussions in the formation and development of the collections of the libraries, now more difficult, lacking the discernment of which work was deserving of being added to the collection, contradicting the previous vision to the editorial propulsion, in which given the scarcity, was satisfied in locating published titles and accumulating them.

Nevertheless, it is present in all types of libraries, the philosophy of collection development is different for each proposition, given the characteristics intrinsic to the functions that these libraries are willing to play.

The historical course of the Ifba, as it happened in other municipalities of federal technical education, harmonized the diversified offer of courses and of teaching modalities, reflecting in the administrative structures of the organization, especially in the function of its libraries. Aligned with the goals of the research institution, its libraries essentially have the typology of school library and university library, coexisting in a single building.

As an example of the two types of target libraries in this study, the school and the university, it is highlighted that in the first the process of development of the collection will be aligned with the school curriculum, with the objective of supporting the didactic activities and the chopping of the collection will happen in synchrony with the alteration of the school program. In the second, the university library must meet the triad of research, teaching and extension, lacking a wider range of material, considering the heterogeneous need of research and the strengths of the subject in its development.

According to Evans (1995EVANS, E. G. Developing library and information centre collections. 3er.ed. Englewond: Libraries Unlimited, 1995.), the development of the collection is based on the activities of community study, selection, selection policies, acquisition, chopping and evaluation policies, all supported by the activities of the librarian, subsidized by the recipient community of the library services, other than the acquisition process. The characterization of the process made by the author, in a circle, presupposes that all activities operate on an equal footing and in an uninterrupted process.

The community study must be supported by information capable of identifying the taste and the precisions of the community and, therefore, choose the primacy of incorporation into its collection. As a basis for this information, informational products and services are elanated for the user community. This study is a premise of total relevance for the technical staff in charge of forming and developing the collections, as well as its constant monitoring, identifying also the behavior of information and communication and the potential of users of these observations when analyzed should subsidize the decision making in the selection process of the entities that will make up the collection.

The PDC is the institutionally formalized document for the development of collections, and should contain the procedures for each action that make up the formation and development of collections and those responsible for the excusion of them. Kennedy (2006KENNEDY, J. Collection management: a concise introduction. Wagga: Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, 2006.) views this document as "written statements of policies designed to manage the activities of a library in relation to its collection." For Lorenzen (2009LORENZEN, M. Information policy as library policy: intellectual freedom. Lecture # 20, Spring/Summer, 2009. (LIS 6010 WSU/LISP).) the policy aims at planning the library's information collection, since it guarantees the consistency of the activities. Hoffmann and Wood (2005HOFFMANN, F. W.; WOOD, R. J. Library collection development policies: Academic, public, and special libraries. Scarecrow Press, Lanham, 2005.) point out the relevance of politics as an instrument of communication between the library and its community.

The selection of informational material should be based on the objectivity that the choice or rejection of the item will bring to the collection of a library, with a focus on the community to be served, devoid of the idioms promoted by technological innovations or acquisition without criteria supported by budget availability. Nevertheless, the guiding objectivism of the process is undoubtedly the existence of the subjectivism or discretion of the librarian or selection committee projected by the impossibility of acquiring all the material produced by humanity, limited, in part, by the selection criteria previously defined.

Estabel and Moro (2014ESTABEL, L. B.; MORO, E. L. S. Tratamento do livro: seleção, aquisição e organização do acervo da biblioteca. In: ESTABEL, L. B.; MORO, E. L. S. (org.). Biblioteca: conhecimentos e práticas. Porto Alegre: Penso, 2014. p. 14-41.) indicate the requirement of impartiality in the process of selection of informational material, observing the value that the item will bring to the collection, in view of the library's objectives, its necessity and added value in comparison with the existing collection. The authors (2014) also point out the importance of the quantitative and qualitative look of the information collection and that selection is not done in a tight time, it is present in other tasks of the library's servers. Vergueiro (2010VERGUEIRO, W. Seleção de materiais de informação: princípios e técnicas. 3. ed. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos/Livros, 2010.) points to objectivity, quality and need as rules to be followed in the selection. The PDC is the institutional document that regulates all the steps of management of the informational stock in which it must indicate the selection policy.

Considering the requirements imposed by the Higher Education Evaluation Board (Daes), linked to the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), in which the evaluation of the informational collection is based on the quantitative of the publications suggested in the basic and complementary curricular components in the onsite evaluation of the courses (DAES, 2015), it is attractive to train a multiprofessional team to carry out the task, chaired by the librarian, including teaching representatives, given the impossibility of participation of all teaching staff, and at the moment of the curriculum reformulation and its menus, the selection team and the selection librarian participate in this construction, with the intention of adjectivizing the collection qualitatively and quantitatively, inhibiting the indication of items that are similar to others that the unit already possesses and that fulfills the demand of the curricular component. The importance of the librarian's role in the process of selecting an informational component is defended by Vergueiro (2010VERGUEIRO, W. Seleção de materiais de informação: princípios e técnicas. 3. ed. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos/Livros, 2010.) because of his knowledge of the potentialities and weaknesses of the unit's collection and of the users it serves and its needs, and even if the final decision isn't to him contemplated, his participation shall be exercised.

In turn, the acquisition process is the initial artifice for the collection and, consequently, a library to transform from an idealization to concreteness. In the words of Andrade and Vergueiro (1996ANDRADE, D.; VERGUEIRO, W. Aquisição de materiais de informação. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos/Livros, 1996., p.6) it is security "that planning in the earlier stages of collection development, especially the phases of policy making and the actual selection activity, is put into practice."

Differentiating from the other steps that make up the collection management cycle, the acquisition is composed of administrative actions that are distanced from the direct intervention of the community. Despite this particularity of distancing from the intervention of the community and the user, it does not imply that the acquisition behaves in isolation from the other stages of the collection management process or that the action is merely bureaucratic. The actions of planning, elaboration, execution and budgetary evaluation deserve special mention. Andrade and Vergueiro (1996ANDRADE, D.; VERGUEIRO, W. Aquisição de materiais de informação. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos/Livros, 1996.) argue that on many occasions it is difficult to distinguish the activities of selection of acquisition actions and, in this light, the administrative divisions of the two events are justified by the speed of the decision making process. acquisition. In the impossibility of such surroundings in the institutional organization chart, it must be ensured that proximity is present in the communication process, and the formal registration of procedures for acquisition of information material is deserving of particular attention.

Evaluating the collection and rethinking the purpose, objectives, and mission of the library is paramount to ascertain whether the informational unit remains imperative to serve the community it is intended to serve, and particularly its user. From this point of view, the collection is the focus of the evaluation by configuring one of the main origins and maintenance of library versus community / user interchange; mission / purpose of the library versus community / user interests and demands, as well as contributing to information dissemination and subsidizing the planning and coherence of the PDC selection, acquisition, and thinning steps. Despite the focus on the collection, all the services of the library are worthy of the evaluation process (FIGUEIREDO, 1979bFIGUEIREDO, N. M. Avaliação de coleções e estudo de usuários. Brasília: Associação dos Bibliotecários do Distrito Federal, 1979b., 1998).

Regarding the management of an information collection, the chopping is characterized by a regulatory action of the collection, with a view to the interests of the unit, based on its mission and objectives, concerned with meeting the demand of the community and the user. The knowledge of the librarian regarding the maintainer institution, the library and the user community, effective or potential, are essential for the management of the collection in a holistic manner, also aggregating their training, knowledge, skill and research practice.


Since its foundation in 1909 by means of Decree No. 7,566/1909 and inaugurated in 1910 under the name of the School of Apprentice Crafts of Bahia, popularly known by the name of "School of Muesli" in function of its charitable character, stamped in the legal document of its creation and by virtue of the food served by it to its students, the history of Ifba is related to the evolution of Brazilian professional education. It has had its nomenclature altered over the years: School of Artifical Apprentices of Bahia (1909), Industrial Liceu of Salvador (1937), Technical School of Salvador (1942), Federal Technical School of Bahia (1965), Federal Center of Technological Education of Bahia (1993), Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia (2008). Besides the change in the corporate name, the changes reflected in the offer of courses by the institution and, therefore, in its libraries.

With status similar to the university, Ifba, at the time of the study (2016), was present in the cities of Barreiras, Brumado, Camaçari, Euclides da Cunha, Eunápolis, Feira de Santana, Irecê, Ilhéus, Jacobina, Jequié, Juazeiro, Lauro Freitas, Paulo Afonso, Porto Seguro, Salinas da Margarida, Salvador, Santo Amaro, Santo Antônio de Jesus, Seabra, Simões Filho, Ubaitaba, Valença and Vitória da Conquista.

Considering the geographical locations of the Ifba campuses, we opted for the indirect observation of data collection through the application of a questionnaire. Backed by the theoretical reference, abstract conceptualization to explain the reality, the indicators, attributes or characteristics that were in communion with the research objectives were chosen to guide the construction of the questionnaire. The measurable indicators or conceptual components can be defined variables - directly related to the hypotheses, and control variables - that have interaction with other variables (QUIVY and CAMPENHOUDT, 1998QUIVY, R.; CAMPENHOUDT, L. Manual de investigação em ciências sociais. 2. ed. Lisboa: Gradiva, 1998.).

The questionnaire consists of three sections. In the introductory section there is an overview of the research, its purpose and those responsible for the study, followed by the Informed Consent Term in which the respondent formalizes their being conscious of the research procedures and their voluntary agreement or disagreement with participation. In the first part of the propositions an investigation is made on the profile of the respondent and then, in the second part of the propositions, the research problematic is inquired.

In order to minimize possible inadequacies, ambiguities, omissions and lack of objectivity, prior to its application, the observation instrument was submitted to the evaluation of a researcher in the area of Collection Development. Their contributions were incorporated into the questionnaire, the final version was once again submitted to the assessor's appreciation and after their acquiescence, submitted to the questioned population.

All the opinions of the respondents of the second part of the questionnaire are measured by a Likert scale composed of the differential scale in which the numeral signification is 1 - Totally Disagree (DT), 2 - Disagree (D), 3 - Indifferent (I), 4 - Agree (C) and 5 - Totally Agree (TC). In the words of Sanches, Meireles and De Sordi (2011SANCHES, C.; MEIRELES, M.; DE SORDI, J. O. Análise qualitativa por meio da lógica paraconsistente: método de interpretação e síntese de informação obtida por escalas Likert. In: ENCONTRO DE ENSINO E PESQUISA EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO E CONTABILIDADE, 3., 2011, João Pessoa. Anais eletrônicos... João Pessoa: Anpad, 2011. Disponível em: ENEPQ221.pdf . Acesso em: 30 ago. 2016.
), a Likert-type scale has no 'questions' but rather assertive ones in which the respondent indicates their degree of agreement. According to Likert (1976), his scale aims to 'verify the level of agreement of the subject with a series of statements that express something favorable or unfavorable in relation to a psychological object'. description of the purpose of the measurement scale embraces the purpose of this research, since its analysis is constructed based on the perspectives, opinions of the respondents, without intervention of the researcher.

Considering the quantity of research libraries, the research was carried out with all the campuses of Ifba, the population, instead of choosing a representative sample (QUIVY and CAMPENHOUDT, 1998QUIVY, R.; CAMPENHOUDT, L. Manual de investigação em ciências sociais. 2. ed. Lisboa: Gradiva, 1998.). On this occasion, the Ifba Libraries Development Department (GDBIB) was requested to play the role of the autarky's campuses with libraries in operation, their representatives and contact information. According to the document the Rectory, the Salinas das Margaridas Advanced Nucleus, the Ubaitaba Advanced Campus and the Polo de Inovação and Lauro de Freitas campuses do not have an active library, so they do not circumscribe the research population.

In view of the geographic dispersion of libraries that could initially be configured as an obstacle in the conduct of the observation, and in harmony with the quantitative attribute of the research, the procedural methodology of the survey was chosen. The questionnaire was formatted in SurveyMonkey® software and submitted to electronic addresses. It was found that a library, contrary to the information previously provided, had the responsibility subdivided into two, focusing on the informational support, and aligned with the intention of the survey to raise the opinion of those in charge of the libraries of the campuses of Ifba with regard to the procedures for training or development of the collection of informational material, the questionnaire was sent to the two representatives.

Data analysis was carried out based on the methodological proposal adopted by Sanches, Meirele and De Sordi (2011SANCHES, C.; MEIRELES, M.; DE SORDI, J. O. Análise qualitativa por meio da lógica paraconsistente: método de interpretação e síntese de informação obtida por escalas Likert. In: ENCONTRO DE ENSINO E PESQUISA EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO E CONTABILIDADE, 3., 2011, João Pessoa. Anais eletrônicos... João Pessoa: Anpad, 2011. Disponível em: ENEPQ221.pdf . Acesso em: 30 ago. 2016.
), with reference to the semantic differential grade used to illustrate the respondent's opinion, and describes the discordant and concordant number of each proposition. The first step in the calculation of Proposition Discordants (Dp) by means of Macnaughton's proposal is to sum the quantitatives of the DT and D responses and half of the I values. The calculation of the Proposition Concordants (Cp) is obtained in a similar way, that is, sum the CT and C values of half of the I values. The 'general sense' of the answers is reached from the respondent's opinion equivalent to the total value of respondents divided by 2, in the left-hand direction for on the right.

In turn, stochastic oscillator or relative strength indicator signals the Concordance Degree of the proposition (GCp) is obtained, adding 0.000001 to the values of Cp and Dp, in order to avoid division errors (SANCHES; MEIRELES; DE SORDI , 2011SANCHES, C.; MEIRELES, M.; DE SORDI, J. O. Análise qualitativa por meio da lógica paraconsistente: método de interpretação e síntese de informação obtida por escalas Likert. In: ENCONTRO DE ENSINO E PESQUISA EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO E CONTABILIDADE, 3., 2011, João Pessoa. Anais eletrônicos... João Pessoa: Anpad, 2011. Disponível em: ENEPQ221.pdf . Acesso em: 30 ago. 2016.

The explanation of GCp is carried out from the convention exposed in Chart 1 (SANCHES; MEIRELES; DE SORDI, 2011SANCHES, C.; MEIRELES, M.; DE SORDI, J. O. Análise qualitativa por meio da lógica paraconsistente: método de interpretação e síntese de informação obtida por escalas Likert. In: ENCONTRO DE ENSINO E PESQUISA EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO E CONTABILIDADE, 3., 2011, João Pessoa. Anais eletrônicos... João Pessoa: Anpad, 2011. Disponível em: ENEPQ221.pdf . Acesso em: 30 ago. 2016.

Chart 1
Interpretation of values of GCp

Sanches, Meireles and De Sordi (2011SANCHES, C.; MEIRELES, M.; DE SORDI, J. O. Análise qualitativa por meio da lógica paraconsistente: método de interpretação e síntese de informação obtida por escalas Likert. In: ENCONTRO DE ENSINO E PESQUISA EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO E CONTABILIDADE, 3., 2011, João Pessoa. Anais eletrônicos... João Pessoa: Anpad, 2011. Disponível em: ENEPQ221.pdf . Acesso em: 30 ago. 2016.
) support the possibility of analysis through the proposal of Macnaughton and the stochastic oscillator of Wilder Junior for a proposition or for a factor. It is called the set of propositions about a topic. The calculation of factor discordants

(Df), factor concordants (Cf) and factor Concordance Degree (GCf), added 0.000001 to the values of Cf and Df, in order to avoid division errors. The same convention in Table 1 is used to explain GCf (SANCHES; MEIRELES; DE SORDI, 2011SANCHES, C.; MEIRELES, M.; DE SORDI, J. O. Análise qualitativa por meio da lógica paraconsistente: método de interpretação e síntese de informação obtida por escalas Likert. In: ENCONTRO DE ENSINO E PESQUISA EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO E CONTABILIDADE, 3., 2011, João Pessoa. Anais eletrônicos... João Pessoa: Anpad, 2011. Disponível em: ENEPQ221.pdf . Acesso em: 30 ago. 2016.


Of 21 responsible for Ifba libraries, since one library declared shared responsibility, 20 respondents answered the questionnaire and all the participants stated that they agreed to respond to the questionnaire spontaneously, that is, more than 95% of the questionnaires sent were matched Of this number, 85% of those responsible stated that they were LibrarianDocumentalists.

According to section C and article 6 of Law No. 4,084/1962, the management and administration of libraries is the responsibility of the bachelor in Library Science/Librarianship (BRAZIL, 1962). It is to be expected that the legal provision does not provide for the direction and administration of libraries to hold Librarian-Documentalist positions, but only provides that they are bachelors in Librarianship duly registered in the class council. In turn, the Secretariat for Public Management of the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management reinforced this understanding by advising the organs linked to the Civil Administration System of the Federal Administration that the administration and direction of the libraries be occupied by librarians registered with the Regional Council of Librarianship of the jurisdiction (BRAZIL, 2012), remaining silent about the requirement of this function to hold the position of Librarian-Documentalist.

When questioned about the specific existence of discipline directed to the Formation and Development of Collections in the curricula of the Librarianship courses, only one respondent who declared to occupy the position of Librarian-Documentalist ignored this information. Therefore, of the 17 occupants holding this position, 94.1% stated that they had taken courses on the subject under analysis during their graduation. This result of curricular evaluation regarding the formation and developtment of collections including ancillary activities such as bibliometry, preservation and conservation, matches the opinions of Evans (1995EVANS, E. G. Developing library and information centre collections. 3er.ed. Englewond: Libraries Unlimited, 1995.), Vergueiro (2010VERGUEIRO, W. Seleção de materiais de informação: princípios e técnicas. 3. ed. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos/Livros, 2010.), and Machado and Santos (2002MACHADO, R. N.; SANTOS, S. S. Coleção de lastro: uma avaliação do estado de conservação. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENSINO E PESQUISA EM INFORMAÇÃO, 9., 2009, Salvador. Anais eletrônicos... Salvador: UFPE, 2002. Disponível em: WjtqAgJmSjgjRYoFzzNpHVcHJZVWkeblCSzahf2dyrhRYLqWRM-50ln/ArtigoSelma SantosIXCINFORM.pdf . Acesso em: 24 ago. 2016.
), when they pointed out the librarian as the main actor to carry out these actions.

Of the total number of respondents, 50% claimed to hold a specialist degree, while 15% claim to hold the master's degree. Therefore, 65% of respondents, consistent with the importance of initial training, are concerned about keeping up-to-date with their professional qualifications. This attitude of the respondents is handcuffed by Figueiredo (1979aFIGUEIREDO, N. M. Bibliotecas universitárias e especializadas: paralelos e contrastes. Revista Biblioteconomia, Brasília, v. 7, n. 1, p. 09-25, jan.-jun. 1979a. Disponível em:ⅆ1=bb4c3. Acesso em: 27 out. 2015.
, 1998), who argued that in order to manage the collection, in addition to the legal needs that need attention to the treatment of the information collection of these libraries, information on the development of skills and competences, including research and statistical techniques and methods.

According to the respondents, the predominant sentiment is agreement (C) regarding knowledge about issues related to the formation and development of library collections. This feeling is corroborated by the value of Cp, since 18 of 20 questionnaires responded accordingly and the value of GCp (90) indicates the existence of a very strong agreement for the on-screen proposition.

Based on the analysis of the data through the proposal of Macnaughton and Wilder Junior's stochastic oscillator of the proposition about the necessity of the community study of the library (Table 1), the answers of the questioned ones address the precept indicated in the literature since 100% of the questionnaires disagree about the lack of promotion of community study, although the Ifba libraries are classified as university and school ones, typologies that facilitate a recognition in the community to be attended, characterizing a general sense of total disagreement (DT) regarding the assertive and a very strong disagreement, according to GCp.

Table 1
Analysis of the need to carry out the community study

When questioned about the existence of the formalized PDC, the priority feeling of the respondents was of indifference. GCp (47.5) indicated a negligible discordance, corroborated by Dp (10.5), which indicated that 10.5 of the 20 participants in the study disagreed with the formal existence of the device, as shown in table 2.

Table 2
Analysis of PDC formalization

The PDC is the formal instrument that coordinates the development of the collection in line with the library's objectives and effectiveness in the use of available resources, in view of the impossibility of acquiring all informational production (WEITZEL, 2002WEITZEL, S. R. O desenvolvimento de coleções e a organização do conhecimento: suas origens e desafios. Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, Belo Horizonte, v.7, n.1, p.6167, jan./jun., 2002., 2012). Thus, in the perception of the respondents, the Ifba libraries the recommendation of scholars of the subject is not reflected in practice.

Table 3 compiles the data of the propositions related to the selection factor of informational materials. Vergueiro (2010VERGUEIRO, W. Seleção de materiais de informação: princípios e técnicas. 3. ed. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos/Livros, 2010.) defends the representation of the librarian in the process of selection for the library considering the capacity of the professional regarding the knowledge of the collection and the profile of the community / user.

Considering the data presented in table 3, of the total of 100 answers that compose the factor Cf = 64.5 of these answers, generally agree with the factor, whereas Df = 35.5 of the answers disagree with the factor. It is also possible to affirm that there is a low agreement of the respondents with respect to all the propositions of this factor.

Table 3
Analysis of the factor Selection of informational materials

The opinions of the respondents about the fulfillment of the informational demands of the research projects and extension of the campus demonstrate adherence to the mission of university libraries or specialized typology libraries (MACHADO, SILVA, 2002MACHADO, R. N.; SANTOS, S. S. Coleção de lastro: uma avaliação do estado de conservação. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENSINO E PESQUISA EM INFORMAÇÃO, 9., 2009, Salvador. Anais eletrônicos... Salvador: UFPE, 2002. Disponível em: WjtqAgJmSjgjRYoFzzNpHVcHJZVWkeblCSzahf2dyrhRYLqWRM-50ln/ArtigoSelma SantosIXCINFORM.pdf . Acesso em: 24 ago. 2016.
). The treatment addressed to the selected informational items should be shared with equal accuracy for the items not selected as a selection criteria management mechanism and duly registered in order to subsidize possible future questions about the motivation for the pretermity of these items, considering possible changes of scenarios and interests institutions.

The acquisition process is the concretion of the formation or development of an informational collection (ANDRADE; VERGUEIRO, 1996ANDRADE, D.; VERGUEIRO, W. Aquisição de materiais de informação. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos/Livros, 1996.). The acquisition of information material can occur through purchase, donation or exchange (Andrade, Vergueiro, 1996ANDRADE, D.; VERGUEIRO, W. Aquisição de materiais de informação. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos/Livros, 1996., ESTABEL, MORO, 2014ESTABEL, L. B.; MORO, E. L. S. Tratamento do livro: seleção, aquisição e organização do acervo da biblioteca. In: ESTABEL, L. B.; MORO, E. L. S. (org.). Biblioteca: conhecimentos e práticas. Porto Alegre: Penso, 2014. p. 14-41.). Considering the public regime of the entity responsible for libraries, Ifba, the procurement process must observe the relevant legislation regarding the bidding (BRASIL, 1988).

According to the data presented in table 4, out of the total of 168 responses that make up the factor, 56 responses generally disagree with the factor, while 112 of the answers agree with it. It is also possible to affirm that there is a low agreement of the respondents with respect to all the propositions of the factor Acquisition of informational materials.

Tabela 4
Análise do fator Aquisição de materiais informacionais

The collection evaluation is the procedure within the management of the research library collection’s in relation to the alignment of goals of the library and the community it serves, as well as supporting the other steps that make up the PDC (FIGUEIREDO, 1979bFIGUEIREDO, N. M. Avaliação de coleções e estudo de usuários. Brasília: Associação dos Bibliotecários do Distrito Federal, 1979b., 1998). This action must compose the administrative routines and configure the managerial and decisionmaking profile of the library (FIGUEIREDO, 1998). According to the analysis of table 5, it can be affirmed that from the perspective of the participants of the research there is a negligible agreement with regard to the routine and systematic evaluation of the informational collection. That is, this evaluation does not translate into a daily practice.

The general meaning of the respondents, from the semantic referential, is indifferent (I) to the action addressed in the proposition. Of the 20 respondents, 10 replied discordantly and 10 agreed to the proposition.

Table 5
Analysis of routine and systematic collection evaluation

In consideration of the collection's regulation regarding the library's interests, Figueiredo (1998FIGUEIREDO, N. M. Desenvolvimento e avaliação de coleções. 2. ed. Brasília: Thesaurus, 1998.) argues that the thinning is composed of the relocation and disposal actions. The perspectives of the research participants regarding the occurrence of the discarding activity are shown in table 6.

Table 6
Analysis of the Chopping Factor

According to the data in table 7, the predominant feeling of respondents is total agreement (CT) regarding the relationship between competence in terms of research practices, research methodologies, qualification and qualification to be effective for collection management. This perspective is reaffirmed with the value of Cp, since 19 of the 20 questionnaires responded accordingly and the value of the GCp that indicates the existence of a very strong agreement for the proposition in comment.

For Machado and Santos (2002MACHADO, R. N.; SANTOS, S. S. Coleção de lastro: uma avaliação do estado de conservação. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENSINO E PESQUISA EM INFORMAÇÃO, 9., 2009, Salvador. Anais eletrônicos... Salvador: UFPE, 2002. Disponível em: WjtqAgJmSjgjRYoFzzNpHVcHJZVWkeblCSzahf2dyrhRYLqWRM-50ln/ArtigoSelma SantosIXCINFORM.pdf . Acesso em: 24 ago. 2016.
) the updating of the professional with regard to preservation and conservation techniques, especially when it comes to special materials, are essential requirements, reverberating in the process of discarding informational items. Also updated should be the professionals regarding techniques of bibliometrics - for evaluation as to the obsolescence of the collection, legal and of scientific methodologies to support all the informational management (FIGUEIREDO, 1979aFIGUEIREDO, N. M. Bibliotecas universitárias e especializadas: paralelos e contrastes. Revista Biblioteconomia, Brasília, v. 7, n. 1, p. 09-25, jan.-jun. 1979a. Disponível em:ⅆ1=bb4c3. Acesso em: 27 out. 2015.
, 1998).

Table 7
Analysis of the correlation between continuing education and collection management

Chart 2 summarizes the degree of agreement of the population with the variables chosen to analyze the perspectives of those responsible for the libraries of the Ifba campuses on the development of the information collection.

Chart 2
Degree of agreement about the development variables of the informational collection.

From the analysis of the research results and the correlation between the variables chosen in this work about the theme of Library Collections Formation and Development, the research adherence to the study hypotheses, based on what was collected, will be approached in the chapter that follows.


The purpose of this research consisted in the perception of those in charge of the libraries of the Ifba campuses about the processes of formation or development of their collection of information materials. The answer to the question of departure was that in the view of these representatives, the theoretical bases on the subject were used with parsimony (H1) and did not agree to the construction of the collaborative information collection of the libraries, despite the multicampi structure of the autarchy (H2). In other words, the actions of one library were not shared by the others, in a system mechanism.

The analysis model was constituted from defined variables, according to the theory directly related to the management of informational collection, and control variables, that although they are not limited to the subject can clarify the opinion and, therefore, the action of the one responsible for the library. The results showed that, from the point of view of the respondents, there is no homogeneity of observation to the theoretical dictates about the formation and development of collections of libraries.

Regarding the topic of community study, the population positively rejected the hypothesis that this subject is followed moderately by indicating that there is very strong adherence to theoretical precepts (H1). The variable about continuing education follows this same scenario of rejection to the value moderation perspective (H1).

In spite of the adherence to the theoretical precepts, regarding the appropriate variables to the selection, acquisition and chopping of informational materials, these aspects of the study temper the hypothesis of moderate observance of its theoretical and conceptual bases, converging to the expected results and proving the first hypothesis (H1). A plausible justification for this result is the experience of these representatives in working in libraries and, more specifically, in the practice of head of libraries, since many of the respondents are in the midst of this professional phase. Associated with the professional experience element is the expansion phase experienced by the municipality, from the year 2008 that culminated in the inauguration of several campuses located in different municipalities of the state of Bahia and, therefore, still without satisfactory infrastructure, especially in the more inner cities.

Regarding the PDC and collection evaluation, these components negatively reject the hypothesis (H1) by achieving low agreement in comparison to the theoretical teachings of collection management.

In the opinion of the representatives of the libraries of the Ifba, their units cooperated and are cooperated by the other libraries of the municipality. Thus, the hypothesis regarding the cooperative and participatory formation of the collection (H2) is rejected. Nevertheless, although it does not represent a hypothesis for the research, the participants in the study tend to agree that cooperation with other institutions happens insufficiently, if the acquisition of information material by exchange happens to this end..

The main contribution of this study is in the considerations on the autarchy's information collection, primordial artifact to subsidize the success of an education that has as an end the promotion of education, research and extension. This premise applies directly to Ifba and indirectly to the entire network of expanding technical and technological education.

In this set of reflection, the improvement of administrative routines for the cooperation among the different libraries, the sharing of information, financial and investment resources in their library infrastructure, as well as the advance of inter-institutional cooperation, is also applied.

Suggestions for future studies focus on broadening the quantitative strand of the methodology and extend to an inclusive qualitative and individualized research, both in the campus and in the professional sense, and to consider regional, cultural and socioeconimic differences present in each municipality in which the library is located.

The limitations for carrying out this study are concentrated in the lack of standardization of the administrative structure of the municipality and its campuses. At times it was verified that the representativeness of the library happens more by practice than by the official designation, contrary to the legal dictates that empower the agent for decision making and, due to this finding, there may be cognitive biases in the answers, since the respondent does not feel comfortable at the moment of decision making and therefore the action may not correspond to their most concrete opinion.


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  • Anti-plagiarism check:
  • JITA:

    DD. Academic libraries / JA. Acquisitions
  • Anti-plagiarism check
  • *
    This article is an extract from the monographic work that won the first place in the TCC - 2017 competition held by the Associação Brasileira de Ciência da Informação (ABECIN), in the category of Librarianship in the Northeast Region.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 Mar 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    14 July 2018
  • Accepted
    23 Aug 2018
  • Published
    27 Sept 2018
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 421 - 1º andar Biblioteca Central César Lattes - Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz - CEP: 13083-859 , Tel: +55 19 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil