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Information literacy is important to access, evaluate and use information in an efficient way. Furthermore, information literacy helps individuals to use technology, to seek information, to interpret a text, to verify an information source and to produce new knowledge. This paper aims to discuss how information literacy contributes to the development of public policy for school libraries. The public policy should focus on librarians’ lifelong learning. The methodological procedures involve a bibliographical research about information literacy and public policy in the context of school libraries. Therefore, we researched materials like books, printed and digital articles in many journals in the information science field. In conclusion, we illustrated that information literacy needs to be considered in public policy of school libraries in Brazil, so that this literacy can guide information professionals and improve the services offered by the libraries.

Public policy; Information literacy; School library; Lifelong learning; Knowledge development


A Competência em informação é fundamental para que os indivíduos saibam acessar, avaliar e usar a informação de maneira eficaz ao longo da vida. Consiste em saber utilizar as tecnologias, buscar as informações em vários lugares, interpretar o texto, verificar a fonte de informação e produzir novos conhecimentos. O objetivo deste estudo é propor a aplicação dos princípios da Competência em informação ao elenco de tarefas dos bibliotecarios escolares. Os procedimentos metodológicos envolvem a pesquisa bibliográfica no âmbito da Competência em informação e das políticas públicas voltadas ao contexto das bibliotecas escolares. Para tanto, buscou-se em livros e artigos impressos e digitais em diferentes periódicos da área da ciência da informação. Como considerações finais, defende-se que a Competência em informação precisa ser considerada pelas políticas públicas da biblioteca escolar no Brasil, a fim de que se torne subsídio à prática do bibliotecário escolar e melhore o serviço oferecido pelas bibliotecas.

Políticas públicas; Competência em informação; Biblioteca escolar; Aprendizagem ao longo da vida; Desenvolvimento de saberes


Currently, society is living in a context of very rapid transformation of information and communication technologies (ICT). The Internet, computers and smartphones allow information to be disseminated rapidly in various domains such as economic, social and political. In this context, individuals need to be empowered in order to know how to search and evaluate information in a universe full of sources of information. Those who know how to access, evaluate and use the information are considered as competent.

Being competent in information does not only mean using ICT to achieve its objectives, but also interpreting information based on the context in which it is involved and the constituent ideology of information sources. For Belluzzo and Feres (2015BELLUZZO, R. C. B.; FERES, G. G. Competência em informação, redes de conhecimento e as metas educativas para 2021: reflexões e inter-relações. In: BELLUZZO, R. C. B; FERES, G. G.; VALENTIM, M. L. P. (Org.). Redes de conhecimento e competência em informação: interfaces da gestão, mediação e uso da informação/organização. Rio de Janeiro: Interciência, 2015, p.1-35.), this competence is fundamental to achieve lifelong learning in a personal, professional and social setting.

Informational competence1 1 Also known as competence in information is a recurring subject in research in the field of Information Science and emerged in 1974 through the speech of Paul Zurkowski in the United States. Since then, several researchers in the area have been engaged in the development of this competence in several countries.

The efforts of researchers are also focused on disseminating the theme to the scientific community and society in general, due to the need to establish policies that promote informational competence in different institutions such as schools, libraries, companies and other organizations.

Public policies are the main instrument for implementing an idea, as they are instituted through social hierarchy. The government demonstrates that it values that theme and provides resources so that other organizations can use it in a practical way.

Brazil has faced difficulties in disseminating issues and concepts in the area of Information Science in the country's public policies. In 2003 there was an initial concern in the field of reading and of the school library, disseminated by the implementation of Law n. 10,753 of 2003 that instituted the National policy of the Book. It is perceived that the value of lifelong learning begins because of the need to stimulate reading in Brazilians.

In addition to valuing libraries and the school librarian as fundamental factors for stimulating knowledge, there is a need to value learning, which is an informational competence for the exercise of citizenship.

Thus, the present article presents as a research problem the following question: How is it possible to correlate the activities of the school librarian with the standards and indicators of informational competence? Therefore, the general goal consists of elaborating a relational framework of the activities of the school librarian with the indicative standards by the conceptual framework of this competence.

It is believed that this theme is fundamental for the construction of the theoretical framework in the field of informational competence, since it considers this competence in the context of the public policies of the school library. The study of informational competence in the context of public policies is still considered a new and little explored theme in the area, thus the work can be taken as a first step in the analysis of interdisciplinary relations inherent tothe complexity of the issue.


This research is of exploratory nature and qualitative character, because it was done through bibliographic research on the themes of informational competence and public policies related to the context of school libraries. For that, the search was made in books and digital articles of periodicals of the area of Information Science.

The following keywords were used: public policies, informational competence, school library, lifelong learning and knowledge development. These words fit the proposed objective and contributed to the evolution of the discussion proposed by the article. The research was carried out in the journal portal of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) and in the Reference Database of Journal Articles in Information Science (BRAPCI).

The research period in the databases was between May and August 2018. The authors used were Dudziak , Ferreira and Ferrari (2017DUDZIAK, A. E.; FERREIRA, S. M. S. P.; FERRARI, A. C. Competência Informacional e Midiática: uma revisão dos principais marcos políticos expressos por declarações e documentos. Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, São Paulo, v. 13, n. especial, p. 213-253, jan./jul. 2017.), Belluzzo (2017BELLUZZO, R. C. B. O estado da arte da competência em informação no Brasil: das reflexões iniciais à apresentação e descrição de indicadores de análise. Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, São Paulo, v. 13, n. especial, p. 47-76, jan./jul. 2017.), Belluzzo, Kobayashi and Feres (2004),Castro Filho (2016), Campelo (2003), Belluzzo (2007), Vitorino (2006), Castro Filho and Campos (2014). In addition to the authors, international and legal documents on the subject of informational competence and the school library of IFLA and UNESCO (2015), Maceió Declaration (2011), Florianópolis Manifesto (2013), Marília Letter (2014) and the laws of Brazil (1997, 2003, 2014, 2018) and São Paulo (1986).

The bibliographical research converges with the objective, since it is focused on the reflection on the way the informational competence contributes to the development of library public policies aimed at lifelong learning. Bibliographical research is also pertinent to deal with new issues in the area that have not yet been a practical topic, and for this reason it was chosen as the methodology used in this article.


In general, public policies are actions carried out by the State with the goal of having them be implemented by institutions. Such policies act directly in the life of citizens and aim to improve the quality of life of the population or particular communities.

For Crispino (2016CRISPINO, A. Introdução ao estudo das políticas públicas: uma visão interdisciplinar e contextualizada. Rio de janeiro: FGV, 2016.), the concept of public policies is very broad, as it varies depending on the author. Thus, the concept of public policy:

[...] is the result of innumerable variables (constructo) and their meaning will be as distinct as the values, ideologies, contexts, ethics and so on. of its formulator. In other words, the concept of public policy does not arise by itself or by unique endogenous factors. It is delimited by the multiple possibilities of connection of actions that contribute to make of it, the public policy, the center of balance of these different social forces.

Based on Crispino's (2016CRISPINO, A. Introdução ao estudo das políticas públicas: uma visão interdisciplinar e contextualizada. Rio de janeiro: FGV, 2016.) statements, public policies are the center of actions and their interconnections. Such actions are influenced in the life context of the individual who create them. Thus, the author proposes the construction of the concept through the division of the words that compose it: political and public.

Politically, we will understand the art of governing or deciding the conflicts that characterize social groupings. Publically, we will understand what belongs to a people, something relative to collectivities. Therefore, we can deduce that public policy - in a metaconcept - would be intentional action of government aimed at meeting the needs of the collectivity. To this simplifying metaconcept we will aggregate variables, institute values, perceive arrangements of forces, identify processes and goals, propose evaluations (CRISPINO, 2016CRISPINO, A. Introdução ao estudo das políticas públicas: uma visão interdisciplinar e contextualizada. Rio de janeiro: FGV, 2016., p.19).

Public policies involve community-oriented actions based on a predefined intention. Intentionality is also part of the concept of public policy, as "public policy is the intentionality of government action" (CRISPINO, 2016CRISPINO, A. Introdução ao estudo das políticas públicas: uma visão interdisciplinar e contextualizada. Rio de janeiro: FGV, 2016., 22). Intentionality makes it possible to evaluate the phenomenon in two different ways, known as political creation and governmental action (CRISPINO, 2016).

Political action is related to certain political rules, laws however, occur through legal instruments, that is, must submit to the legal norms (CRISPINO, 2016CRISPINO, A. Introdução ao estudo das políticas públicas: uma visão interdisciplinar e contextualizada. Rio de janeiro: FGV, 2016.). It is the practical implementation followed by political creation so that the people can enjoy the planned actions and improve their quality of life.

In Brazil there are numerous difficulties that complicate the implementation of public policies due to the history of politics in the country. These problems are related to corruption, which generates the gain of illicit financial resources and power (CRISPINO, 2016CRISPINO, A. Introdução ao estudo das políticas públicas: uma visão interdisciplinar e contextualizada. Rio de janeiro: FGV, 2016.).

Faced with this complex political scenario, there are several public policies established with the purpose of valuing reading, the book and the school library in Brazil. These policies began to become more visible in 1997 with the creation of the "National Library Program" and continue to be developed to the present day. Among the main initiatives of the federal government in the field of books, reading and school libraries, are worth highlighting:

  • National Library Program developed through Ministerial Order no. 584/1997; Law no. 10,753/2003 , which provides for the National Book Policy;

  • Law no. 12.244/2010, which establishes School Libraries;

  • Law no. 13,005/2014, approving the National Education Plan (2014-2024) ; National Book and Reading Plan, published through Decree n . 7.559/2011;

  • Law 13.696/2018 , which establishes the National Policy of Reading and Writing.

Each of these laws provides a stimulus to the reading and valuing of public and school libraries as important organizations for the development of people. Citizens need to develop their skills, skills and experience to learn more and be competent to transform information into knowledge. The laws are explained in Chart 1:

Chart 1
Laws and public policies that contribute to school libraries.

The Senate Bill 212, created in 2016 and approved in 2017, is considered a historical milestone in affirming that reading positively impacts the quality of citizen life:

[...] the positive and lasting impacts of reading and writing are found in virtually all relevant dimensions of individual and collective life. With reading, there is the formation of more critical, autonomous and better qualified citizens; organizations and institutions - public or private and third sector - are built more efficient, effective, innovative and responsible; finally, communities, neighborhoods, cities and societies are consolidated more just, solidary and autonomous. In this sense, full literacy, reading and writing, are inescapably the center of the development agenda of nations, especially in Brazil in its successful struggle against inequalities. Reading is the master key to social mobility and full development. A country without poverty, an Educating Country, affirms itself with a public policy of full reading, mobilizing, inclusive, that makes possible the democratization of the opportunities in a lasting way in our country. Reading and writing, as the book, reading, literature and libraries militants proclaim, are the key to all human rights in contemporary society, recognized as the information and knowledge (BRAZIL, 2016, p. 4, emphasis added).

Elements that make up informational competence form part of the description of Law 212/2017 outlined above in citation, by helping individuals to be critical and organizations effective in order to achieve their goals and make communities fair and supportive. This law is seen as a key factor for the exercise of human rights in the information and knowledge society in Brazil.

In addition to this initiative, there is also Bill No. 28 of 2015, which establishes the National Library Policy, which, when approved, intends to contribute significantly to the promotion of Informational Competence in the discussions and sharing of experiences and practices within libraries and its articulation with the integral formation of individuals, as indicated in article 26:

It is permitted to libraries:

I - promote educational and cultural activities, based on respect for cultural diversity and community participation, to contribute to the expansion of informational competence, in order to ensure society's access to the knowledge produced (BRAZIL, 2015, p. 7, emphasis added).

In this sense, the Information Competence contributes to individuals being more critical in the different situations of personal, professional and social life. Informational competence occurs not only by reading written texts, but by reading the world of people.


Informational Competence is a relatively new topic in Information Science, since it emerged in 1974 with Paul Zurkowski. Since then, the theme has gained international prominence and there is a struggle on the part of researchers and international organizations to disseminate its importance to society in general.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has carried out several manifests in various languages to disseminate the importance of informational competence in the construction of the critical thinking of individuals. These manifestos are also published as the result of national and international congresses around the world, in order to demonstrate how the researchers of that country understand the theme.

In Brazil, the main documents that focus on informational competence are: the Maceió Declaration, the Florianopolis Manifesto and the Marília Letter. The Maceió Declaration (2011) was the result of the XXIV Brazilian Congress of Library Science, Documentation and Information Science (CBBD) held in Maceió, State of Alagoas. Within the Congress, there was another event, the "Seminar on Information Competence", which developed and disseminated the document (DUDZIAK; FERREIRA; FERRARI, 2017DUDZIAK, A. E.; FERREIRA, S. M. S. P.; FERRARI, A. C. Competência Informacional e Midiática: uma revisão dos principais marcos políticos expressos por declarações e documentos. Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, São Paulo, v. 13, n. especial, p. 213-253, jan./jul. 2017.).

The statement pointed out that the technological resources that society has to access the information are not enough to meet the needs of citizenship. Therefore, training based on informational competence is fundamental for the development of individuals (DECLARATION, 2011).

The Manifesto of Florianópolis (2013) emerged as a result of the II Seminar " Competence in information : Scenarios and Trends". This seminar also took place with the Brazilian Congress of Library Science, Documentation and Information Science (CBBD) and already emphasized the role of libraries and librarians. The document showed that Informational competence is "intrinsic to one's own being" because it contributes to the survival and citizenship of the people (DUDZIAK; FERREIRA; FERRARI, 2017DUDZIAK, A. E.; FERREIRA, S. M. S. P.; FERRARI, A. C. Competência Informacional e Midiática: uma revisão dos principais marcos políticos expressos por declarações e documentos. Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, São Paulo, v. 13, n. especial, p. 213-253, jan./jul. 2017.).

The Manifesto pointed out the importance of the mobilization of the government towards this competence:

We, librarians and professionals of related areas, believe that the Competence in information is a critical and conditioning factor for the social, cultural and economic development of Brazil in the contemporary world and therefore deserves the primary attention regarding the mobilization of organized Civil Society and Governmental Organs for their integration into the actions of democracy and full exercise of citizenship (MANIFESTO, 2013, p.1).

The Marília Letter (2014) emerged from the "III Seminar on Informational Competence: Scenarios and Trends" and proposed the adoption of the abbreviation Co Info for the term 'Competence in information' in the city of Marília, State of São Paulo. Among the recommendations of the document, we highlight:

The exercise of democracy and human rights reinforce opportunities in terms of reducing social inequities and regional inequalities in the Brazilian context. However, this scenario depends on the existence of public policies that favor its expansion and the consolidation of advances achieved in different areas , especially the one related to the informational competence , which focuses on the human and technological dimension for the construction of knowledge in contemporary society (LETTER , 2014, p.1, emphasis added).

In this sense, informational competence needs the state to create public policies aimed at developing critical thinking citizens. The exercise of citizenship requires the evaluation of information sources, that is, understanding the interests that accompany the dissemination of information by the media.

In addition, Belluzzo (2017BELLUZZO, R. C. B. O estado da arte da competência em informação no Brasil: das reflexões iniciais à apresentação e descrição de indicadores de análise. Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documentação, São Paulo, v. 13, n. especial, p. 47-76, jan./jul. 2017., p. 47) afirms: “[...] this subject has been widely researched and disseminated in developed countries, and in our context these initiatives have occurred on a small scale [...]". Thus, there is a demand to implement public policies that provide conditions for Brazilians to carry out lifelong learning and to evaluate the information they receive.

In addition, the document adds:

Learning in its various levels requires the development of competence in information. The importance of integrated and collaborative work for the transformation of networks, systems, units and information services, such as: libraries, archives, museums, documentation / information centers, and other types of organizations that act with information and knowledge, whose primary care spaces turn to the needs of exercising citizenship and lifelong learning (LETTER, 2014, p. 1).

Libraries play a central role in this context as they contribute to building individuals' knowledge and support school organizations to achieve their goals. Lifelong learning is the main goal of informational competence, since it occurs in the most diverse aspects of human, personal, professional and social experience.

Belluzzo, Kobayashi and Feres (2004BELLUZZO, R. C. B.; KOBAYASHI, M. C. M.; FERES, G. G. Information literacy: um indicador de competência para a formação permanente de professores na sociedade do conhecimento. ETD: Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, v. 6, n. 1, p. 81- 99, dez. 2004. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2017.
, p. 87) agree that informational competence:

is undoubtedly linked to learning and the ability to create meaning from information, a condition for people to know how to "learn to learn" and to achieve lifelong learning.

Complementing Belluzo, Kobayashi and Feres (2004), Demasson, Partridge and Bruce (2016DEMASSON, A.; PARTRIDGE, H.; BRUCE, C. Information literacy and the serious leisure participant: variation in the experience of using information to learn. Information Research, v. 21, n. 2, jun., 2016. Disponível em: WX83_4jyvIU. Acesso em: 31 jul. 2017.
), based on the relational approach, add that:

the Information literacy provides the means by which the person's experience with information (the way they locate, evaluate and generate information) can be examined and understood. It is a lens that enables researchers to examine people's information experiences as well as leisure provides a lens for observing individuals' experiences with leisure (DEMASSON, PARTRIDGE, BRUCE, 2016DEMASSON, A.; PARTRIDGE, H.; BRUCE, C. Information literacy and the serious leisure participant: variation in the experience of using information to learn. Information Research, v. 21, n. 2, jun., 2016. Disponível em: WX83_4jyvIU. Acesso em: 31 jul. 2017.
, p. 3, our translation).

Thus, informational competence involves various elements such as cognitive, behavior and experiences of people in any aspect of life. It can be acquired through both living and learning in traditional teaching organizations. Individuals learn in groups or individually through access, evaluation and use of information, transforming it into knowledge.

Among the organizations that can use the informational c ompetência , the school library stands out, whose role is to contribute to the development of students' abilities and skills to become citizens. For Campello (2003CAMPELLO, B. S. O movimento da competência informacional: uma perspectiva para o letramento informacional. Ciência da Informação, Brasília, v. 32, n. 3, p. 28-37, set./dez. 2003. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2017.
), this competence was the main factor of integration of the library with the school curriculum. Castro Filho (2016: 31) corroborates the ideas of Campello (2003) by mentioning that:

In this respect, the school library must be recognized as a cultural equipment and, as a social institution, with the aim of integrating the information society, establishing new concepts, and adapting the social, cultural, educational, technological realities of society . With the informational explosion, contemporary society needs librarians who work in a school library with skills that can meet the new demands of information products and services.

School libraries demand numerous actions and positions from information professionals. The organization and classification of documents are no longer the only activities of this professional. For this reason, collaboration with other libraries should be encouraged, knowledge sharing, group work and knowledge management should be encouraged in the organizational culture (CASTRO FILHO, 2016CASTRO FILHO, C. M. Políticas públicas, biblioteca e as competências no contexto escolar. In: ALVES, F. M. M.; CORRÊA, E. C. D.; LUCAS, E. R. O. Competência informacional: políticas públicas, teoria e prática. Salvador, EDUFBA, 2016.).

In this context, there is a need to evaluate the information professional through his / her training. It is critical to investigate whether librarians learn to work in school libraries based on public policies and skills. It is argued that both competencies and public policies are important to carry out educational and cultural activities (CASTRO FILHO, 2016CASTRO FILHO, C. M. Políticas públicas, biblioteca e as competências no contexto escolar. In: ALVES, F. M. M.; CORRÊA, E. C. D.; LUCAS, E. R. O. Competência informacional: políticas públicas, teoria e prática. Salvador, EDUFBA, 2016.).


UNESCO, in partnership with IFLA in 2015, shared the Manifesto on the school library. This paper addresses the role of the school library aimed at learning for all. According to UNESCO and IFLA (2015, no pages, our translation), this library:

[…] provides information and ideas that are fundamental to developing successfully in our contemporary society, based on information and knowledge. It provides students with skills for lifelong learning and contributes to the development of the imagination, enabling them to lead in life as responsible citizens.

The school library contributes to students' learning by being part of the educational process. Its objectives involve questions about education, culture, basic knowledge and information (UNESCO, IFLA, 2015). Therefore, both international organizations suggest eight objectives:

  • To support and fulfill the objectives of the educational project of the school and study plan;

  • To encourage and foster in children the habit and enjoyment of reading, learning and use of libraries throughout life;

  • To provide opportunities to carry out experiences of creation and use of information in order to acquire knowledge; understand, develop the imagination and entertain;

  • To support students in the acquisition/application of abilities that allow them to evaluate/use the information, independently of the medium/format or medium of diffusion, taking into account the sensitivity with the forms of communication existing in the community;

  • To facilitate access to local, regional, and global resources and possibilities so that students may have contact with ideas, experiences and various opinions;

  • To organize activities that stimulate social and cultural awareness and sensibility;

  • To work with students, teachers, administration and families to carry out the educational project of the school; disseminate the idea that intellectual freedom and access to information are fundamental to the educational project of the school;

  • To encourage reading and promote the resources and services of the school library within and outside the school community as a whole.

It is necessary to develop institutional policies and services that meet the proposed objectives, as well as to purchase materials, facilitate access to intellectual materials as well as sources of information. Nonetheless, it should make available teaching resources and employ trained professionals (UNESCO, IFLA, 2015).

Regarding the role of the school librarian, it is fundamental that they are:

[…] involved in programming for curriculum development, in collaboration with school administrators and teachers. They have the knowledge and skills related to providing information and solving information problems, as well as expertise in using all sources, both print and electronic. Their knowledge, skills and expertise meet the needs of a specific school community. In addition, they should conduct reading campaigns and the promotion of literature, media and culture for children (VITORINO, 2006, p. 12).

Thus, teachers, information professionals and managers work together to develop a curriculum that meets educational objectives. Users need to access, evaluate and use the information and their sources to solve their doubts and learn something new.

The school librarian has several duties to ensure the effectiveness of the library in the participation of education. Therefore, it is expected that the professional:

  • analyze the resources and information needs of the school community

  • formulate and promote policies for the development of services

  • Develop procurement policies and systems for library resources

  • catalog and classify documents and resource in general

  • makes for the use of the library

  • builds on the skills of information literacy and information literacy

  • support students and teachers in the use of library resources and information technology

  • respond to requests for reference and information using the appropriate materials

  • promote reading programs and cultural events

  • participate in planning activities related to curriculum management

  • participate in the preparation, promotion and evaluation of learning activities.

  • promote the evaluation of library services as a normal and regular component of the school's overall assessment system

  • build partnerships with external organizations

  • prepare and apply budgets • devise strategic planning

  • manage and train the library team (VITORINO, 2006, p. 13).

In order to elaborate the planning of these libraries, the school librarian also needs to be competent in information. This competence is fundamental for the development of the suggestions determined by IFLA and UNESCO.

Informational Competence presents standards and indicators that can guide the school librarian's performance in order to fulfill the necessary requirements for the development of its activities proposed by UNESCO and IFLA (2015). The standards are disseminated internationally by several countries and in the case of Brazil, the author Belluzzo (2007BELLUZZO, R. C. B. Construção de mapas: desenvolvendo competências em informação e comunicação. Bauru: Cá Entre Nós, 2007.) has translated and adapted it to the national context, according to Chart 2.

Chart 2
Standards, Indicators and Desirable Results of Informational Competence

Thus, it is proposed Table 3 of the interrelationship between the standards, indicators and desirable results of Informational Competence with the main activities of the school librarian, as follows.

Chart 3
Activities of the school librarian, standards and indicators of Informational Competence

The school librarian needs to be competent in information in order to flexibilize the resources of the school library in relation to the objectives proposed by the teachers and managers of the school. In each activity, it counts on standards and indicators of Informational competence to act in an intelligent and effective way, respecting the cultural context of the users.

Need to know the information needs of the users of the school community; being in contact with students and participating in classes, lectures and school events; partner with other members of the organization and participate in meetings and curriculum development. This step corresponds to Standard 1 of the Informational Competency : Standard 1, when "the competent person in information determines the nature and extent of the need for information" (BELLUZZO, 2007BELLUZZO, R. C. B. Construção de mapas: desenvolvendo competências em informação e comunicação. Bauru: Cá Entre Nós, 2007., p.95), and corresponds to the analysis of resources and information needs of the school community (VITORINO, 2006 ). It manages the documents, resources, information and decides what is the best strategy to achieve the proposed goal. Identifies various types of media to use and which is the most profitable and meets the needs of users. Helps library staff, teachers and managers implement events and extracurricular learning activities.

In this regard, when school libraries elaborate practices and actions in order to assume responsibility for pedagogical support, learning can occur in a meaningful and efficient way in order to provide Informational Competence as a need to search, access and disseminate information in the sphere of school research. The school librarian must formulate and promote policies for the development of services along with Standard 2, in which "the information-competent person accesses the necessary information effectively" (BELLUZZO, 2007BELLUZZO, R. C. B. Construção de mapas: desenvolvendo competências em informação e comunicação. Bauru: Cá Entre Nós, 2007.: 97). Evaluate features and services through user surveys and create other ways to retrieve information according to the needs of individuals.

The library is taken as a scientific and cultural heritage, a disseminating element of information and an opinion form that participates in the development of the citizen, a privileged space of pedagogical action. In this sense, public policies are necessary for the development of collections, the planning of actions in the choice of sources of information and the search for methodologies of access to information, the promotion of reading and the advancement of school libraries.

It is necessary to know the ways in which users can access the resources of the library, the ways in which information and communication technologies are handled, the way books, videos and magazines are loaned, thus developing an institutional policy according to the resources and needs of users. As Vitorino (2006) explains, the professional needs to develop policies and procurement systems for the resources of the library and Standard 3 explains that "the informational person critically evaluates the information and its sources" (BELLUZZO, 2007BELLUZZO, R. C. B. Construção de mapas: desenvolvendo competências em informação e comunicação. Bauru: Cá Entre Nós, 2007., p.).

The school librarian needs to know how to evaluate documents and resources and interpret their textual content so that classification is effective, in a language accessible to the user. It needs to evaluate the source of information through the research and verify how its cultural values influence the document. Must know how to anchor information about authors and publishers in order to make future partnerships. Learn with the knowledge of other professionals and compare with your own. The librarian also needs to work as a team.

Digital technology equipment and resources are needed for school libraries as pedagogical tools for access to information and the connection of information networks. In new times, school library networks are able to find new ways to meet the needs of their readers and their roles by adapting policies, objectives, and modes of intervention to social change and the demands of the new information culture.

The school library functions as a way of access for the teaching and learning community, allowing the transformation of information into knowledge. In this perspective, the school librarian has the competence to evaluate the reliability of the information resources and to interpret the content of these resources, thus assuming the function, the position and the action of mediator of the information. In the context of school libraries, the librarian must have knowledge that, in line with his/her skills and abilities (technical and technological), allows the generation and use of information.

The professional should know the reasons why the users will use the information, being able to be for leisure, to ask questions, to learn, to read and to write, to do a job or to carry out the task of the school. The school librarian should educate the user to use the library (VITORINO, 2006) through Standard 4: "the person competent in information, individually or as a member of a group, uses the information effectively to achieve a goal / obtain a result "according to Belluzzo (2007BELLUZZO, R. C. B. Construção de mapas: desenvolvendo competências em informação e comunicação. Bauru: Cá Entre Nós, 2007., p.101). It organizes the necessary information to the teachers and managers who are part of the team so that it facilitates their future recovery. In addition, the organization helps the professional develop the projects of the library according to the determinations of the team based on the resources that it possesses.

Castro Filho and Campos (2014, p.23), agree that the school library should be

[...] a research lab, which allows readers to form; an educational leisure center; a place of communication and use of various sources of information, whether in the physical, printed or virtual support; of search for questions and solutions to problems; needs to be active; of entertainment; and whose mission is the development and training of citizens.

The school library functions as a way of access for the The school librarian must be competent in information, valuing this competence and directing his actions so that the users can acquire skills, capacities and experiences from the access to the information. The main objective of Informational Competence is that individuals understand the context in which they live and value ethics and law when using information. These actions are based on the professional's duty, which, according to Vitorino (2006), forms in the skills and knowledge of the information. According to Standard 5, "the information-competent person understands the economic, legal and social issues of the environment of the use of information and accesses and uses information ethically and legally" (BELLUZZO, 2007BELLUZZO, R. C. B. Construção de mapas: desenvolvendo competências em informação e comunicação. Bauru: Cá Entre Nós, 2007., p.103).

It should be emphasized that the professional must adopt Information Competency policies and at the same time be competent in information. It creates events linking users, teachers and managers within the school so that all members understand the issues surrounding the use of the information environment, demonstrating the importance of the school library and its role. This type of initiative contributes to avoid conflicts between individuals and demonstrate the importance of knowing the performance of all in the education of students.

The school librarian must know the documents and available resources, disseminating the information to the users, paying attention to the plagiarism and valuing the intellectual properties. Therefore, it is important that the school library provides a collection that meets the interests and needs of teachers and students, and for this, it is necessary that the services of the school library are integrated into a Political Pedagogical Project.

In a society where the volume of information increases at every moment, it is crucial to know how to interpret and select the information. The school library seems to be the institution responsible for stimulating in the individual the critical and questioning side, an important characteristic for the conscious exercise of citizenship, demarcating its social function, an introductory instance for an educational project of larger dimensions and scope.

Invariably the values of the relationship between library and classroom are absent from pedagogical discussions in school. Plans are outlined for content to be worked on, but discussions that directly approach the library of teachers and pedagogical coordinators are rare. Adequate use of the library is crucial for conducting a satisfactory research whose habit, encouragement, and training are key elements for a relevant contribution in which the student can find, or discover, the answers to their inquiries and investigations, expanding the horizons of their knowledge, forming a critical world view and thus becoming a competent user and, above all, a critical citizen.


We observed that there is a need for information mediation in the context of information skills, which can contribute to the functions and actions of the school library, not only as a purely pedagogic assignment, but also in several aspects that may be complementary, convergent and/or even divergent: physical/digital; pedagogical/technical; technological/human; teaching/research; teachers/students; both individually and collectively. All of these attributes are positively reflected in the results of the analyzes using the informational competency standards discussed in this article.

This article has demonstrated that the Information Competence has a strong potential to contribute to the public policies of the school library, since it is fundamental that Brazilian society be guided by lifelong learning, including the information professional. However, there are still few efforts in the political sphere and therefore, researchers in the area of Information Science have been holding conferences, lectures, research and participate in the development of public library policies.

Bill no. 212 (BRAZIL, 2016) that establishes the National Policies of Reading and Writing, signed in 2017, translates as a new hope for informational competence in Brazil. For the first time, a public policy project mentions the term 'informational competence', which shows that the efforts of researchers are increasingly recognized by the government.

The work performed in Brazilian school libraries requires much more than technical skills from the librarian (how to organize and classify materials in the library); It requires mainly social attributes (collaboration/partnership between libraries, knowledge sharing, teamwork, management practices of knowledge and new styles in management of the libraries).

In the field of information and communication technologies, some public schools have multimedia laboratories that are practically separate from libraries, sometimes serving only as annexes to reading rooms, without thinking about the possibility of an interface between them, so it can be asked: would it not be the moment to train professionals, in the sense of carrying out actions of inclusion between library, technology, subject and reader? One of the possible answers is to promote a public policy school library at the federal level, involving the country as a whole, so we can begin to understand the specific environmental specificities of each region. Another option might be to work together involving universities, the institutions and professional associations, the non-governmental organizations, the Ministry (of Culture and Education) and the school libraries, in order to strengthen research in the scope of informational competence of librarians..

In this sense, the school librarian, in his social role, must also be sensitive and provide environments that contribute to soften the lack of access to information and digital exclusion. Therefore, they can perform actions such as: available wi-fi in the library and offer training for the use of search tools. By contributing to digital inclusion and informational competence, the librarian assumes a political and social position, which contributes to the integral formation of the individual in Brazilian society.


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  • 1
    Also known as competence in information
  • Anti-plagiarism check:
  • JITA:

    CE. Literacy

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 Mar 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    22 Feb 2018
  • Accepted
    26 Aug 2018
  • Published
    29 Nov 2018
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 421 - 1º andar Biblioteca Central César Lattes - Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz - CEP: 13083-859 , Tel: +55 19 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil