Open-access Elaboration of a booklet for individuals with chronic pain


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:  Chronic pain is considered a public health problem. The best way to deal with it is still a challenge. However, socio-educational interventions have been recommended in national and international guidelines that deal with it. The objective of this study was to develop an educational booklet written in the Brazilian Portuguese language for people who face the problem of chronic pain.

METHODS:  This study on the development of a light technology was conducted in three phases: the narrative of the literature review to identify the appropriate content; the approach of target audience through structured interviews; and the elaboration of a booklet by professionals specialized in the treatment of chronic pain.

RESULTS:  The study resulted in the production of a booklet named “EducaDor,” ludically illustrated with 18 pages, divided into the following sections: 1. What is pain? 2. Acute pain: useful pain; 3. Chronic pain: the persistent pain; 4. Living with the pain; 5. False ideas about chronic pain, do not believe them; 6. Strategies to deal with the pain. Using plain language, the booklet provides data on neurophysiology and psychological and behavioral aspects related to chronic pain. The booklet can contribute to modifying misbeliefs about pain and bad behaviors, as well as to provide strategies to cope with chronic pain.

CONCLUSION:  This study has successfully developed a light health technology which offers inputs for socio-educational programs to handle chronic pain.

Keywords: Chronic pain; Health education; Self-management


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS:  A dor crônica é considerada um problema de saúde pública. A melhor forma de enfrentá-la ainda é um desafio. Contudo, intervenções socioeducativas têm sido recomendadas por diretrizes nacionais e internacionais que tratam do seu manuseio. O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar uma cartilha educativa escrita na língua portuguesa brasileira para pessoas que vivenciam o problema da dor crônica.

MÉTODOS:  Este estudo de desenvolvimento de tecnologia leve foi realizado em três fases: revisão narrativa da literatura para identificar o conteúdo adequado; aproximação da população alvo, por meio de entrevistas estruturadas; e construção da cartilha por profissionais especializados no tratamento da dor crônica.

RESULTADOS:  O estudo resultou na confecção de uma cartilha nomeada de “EducaDor”, ilustrada ludicamente, com 18 páginas, divididas nas seguintes seções: 1. O que é dor? 2. Dor aguda: a dor útil; 3. Dor crônica: a dor persistente; 4. A convivência com a dor; 5. Falsas ideias sobre a dor crônica, não acredite nelas; 6. Estratégias para lidar com a dor. Por meio de linguagem acessível, a cartilha fornece dados sobre neurofisiologia e aspectos psicológicos e comportamentais envolvidos com a dor crônica. A cartilha pode contribuir para a modificação de crenças errôneas sobre a dor e de comportamentos mal adaptativos, além de fornecer estratégias para o enfrentamento da dor crônica.

CONCLUSÃO:  Este estudo desenvolveu com sucesso uma tecnologia leve em saúde que fornece subsídios para programas socioeducacionais para o manuseio da dor crônica.

Descritores: Automanejo; Dor crônica; Educação em saúde


Pain is the main reason why people seek health services1. Even though it is a physiological phenomenon when in the acute stage, as soon as it morphs into a chronic condition it becomes a morbidity, which produces negative impacts on contemporary societies2.

Estimates of the prevalence of chronic pain (CP) range from 12 to 30% at a world level3, while in Brazil it affects about 40% of the population4-6. This is a complex condition, and the handling of this condition remains a challenge. Biomedical care is not enough to control CP. To understand CP, one must consider the relationships between biological changes and philosophical, social and emotional aspects7-9.

CP is influenced by thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and expectations10. Incorrect and poorly adaptive beliefs are normally associated with the worst progression of the pain situation. These beliefs can be such as pain is a sign of a lesion; it is not possible to control pain; there is a need to avoid activities that could cause pain; it is desirable to have the help of family and friends; there is no relation between emotions and pain; pain is incapacitating; pharmaceutical products are the best treatment; and there is a medical cure7,11-13.

The biopsychosocial approach implies a change in the relationship between the health professional and the patient. The behavior of the person with CP in his or her therapeutic process is essential, so that the patient may take up an active posture14. In this regard, social and educational interventions have been recommended by international guidelines for dealing with CP15-17.

A study performed, with regard to the prevalence of CP in the city of Salvador, in the Brazilian state of Bahia, motivated the development of a light technology, aimed at people who experience the CP problem. Interventions based on education proved effective for the control of CP among the Australian population18. However, the direct application of an intervention of this type in another culture is not recommended. The scarce resources available in the Portuguese language have motivated the development of an own resource, ideal for the social, environmental, economic and educational conditions peculiar to Brazil.

Printed socio-educational materials, including books, booklets, and leaflets, can be considered as types of light technology. These materials expand the possibility of communication between the interested parties, also providing the uniformization of guidance as provided. They may also be taken home and referred to whenever necessary19,20.

Aimed at different target publics, we recommend that the preparation of such materials shall be preceded by a wide study of specialized literature, including an approximation to get closer to the target public, in order to get to know the social and cultural context, the expectations, the interests and concerns. Apart from the content to be addressed, criteria such as the language used, illustrations, and the layout of the material shall be followed, to make reading and understanding easier. There is also a need to consider social and cultural barriers, especially when associated with the level of schooling, which could make it more difficult to read and understand the instrument19,21-26.

The aim of the present study was that of preparing an educational booklet aimed at people with CP.


The methodology involved three phases: 1) a narrative review of specialized literature; 2) interlocution with patients with chronic pain, and 3) the preparation of the booklet.

With the aim of making sure that the content of the material was duly updated and based on scientific evidence7, I decided to review the specialized literature. The search was carried out on the Pubmed virtual library between February and May 2015. The search included studies in Portuguese, English or Spanish, published between 2000 and 2015, with the results of randomised clinical trials and reviews of specialized literature, which showed at least a socio-educational intervention for cases of CP among adults. The search strategy was: (((chronic pain) AND “patient education”) AND (“patient education handout” or “models educational” or self-care or guideline or self-management or “educational program” or management or education or booklet or brochure or booklet)) NOT (cancer or children).

The articles were selected based on their titles and abstracts, with the exclusion of those that did not address socio-educational interventions; those that were duplicated; those that were still under development; and those that addressed exclusive educational practices without any possibility of application by the multidisciplinary team.

The second phase of the study involved getting closer to the main target public, which comprised patients from a reference center for the treatment of chronic pain, from the city of Salvador, State of Bahia, Brazil. Patients were registered with the Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain (SBED) and funded by the Brazilian Public Unified Health System (SUS).

The qualitative approach was considered the most appropriate to allow the expansion of the meanings of the health-disease process. An option was made, in favor of the strategy of a structured interview with closed questions, in a pre-set sequence27. Through the interviews, we sought to find out about the needs, the knowledge, the gaps, and the correct and incorrect beliefs about CP28.

Based on themes considered necessary for understanding the pain phenomenon by the IASP29, four different outlines were used in the thematic studies: concept, perception, processing, and control of pain. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, and their content was treated based on an analysis of content, by thematic analysis27,30.

A trained team applied the interviews. The collection of the information took place between June and August 2013. Although this environment was not reserved or quiet, the waiting room was chosen as the venue for the interviews since it is the place where patients normally exchange experiences.

There was the inclusion of patients aged over 18, with a diagnosis of chronic musculoskeletal pain, according to the criteria established by the IASP. There was the exclusion of some cases: those who reported that they were being monitored for oncological pain, and those who showed difficulty in communicating. Cases, where the patients were called for an appointment during the interview, were considered as lost cases.

During the planning of the survey, we estimated that we should interview 10 people using each outline; however, the collection of information was halted when the saturation criterion was reached30.

The thematic analysis of the content comprised three steps: 1) prior analysis; 2) exploitation of the material, and 3) treatment, inference, and interpretation of the data.

In the first stage (prior analysis), there was a fluctuating reading of all the material. The goals of the study were taken up once again, and questions were then selected, among those that belonged to all four outlines that structured the content of this study. The reading of the selected questions was taken up again, and the raw data was organized in a table and grouped by similarity of themes to which they referred. The patient reports were encoded with the letter ‘R’ and an Arabic numeral for each patient.

In the second stage, the material was explored through categorization, thereby allowing the reduction of the texts, into significant words or expressions, which were grouped around the thematic categories.

In the study here addressed, the categories and subcategories used were aprioristic31 (Table 1), established based on the narrative review of the specialized literature and related to the issues addressed in the booklet. The data was then examined and grouped into categories, no longer considering the pre-established questions and outlines.

Table 1
Thematic categories and subcategories

In the third stage (treatment and analysis of data) interpretations of data were performed. This phase of the study was approved by the Ethics Committee for Research with Human Subjects of the Climério de Oliveira Maternity Unit at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) as according to directives 098/2012 and 108/2011. All the recommendations set by Resolution No. 466/12 of the Brazilian National Health Council (CNS) were strictly followed.

Based on the data obtained in specialized literature and the interviews, a team consisting of six researching physiotherapists got together for the development of the booklet (third phase), which involved the definition of the goals; selection of content; writing and formatting.

The role of the illustrations was that of favoring interest in Reading, also creating a feeling of identification and relaxation23,26. During the production of the booklet, some pictures available on electronic pages were selected, pictures that could be a base for the preparation of the final illustrations, as we have observed the need to create our own illustrations, that could allow identity with the material produce and the notion of continuity.

As a way of aiding the understanding of the concepts presented, and to promote the identification of the reader, we have included some sections of the words of those interviewed. We have selected excerpts that show feelings and beliefs regarding pain, experiences of coexistence with chronic pain, and strategies to tackle pain. We have taken special care not to include sections that show catastrophic thoughts, or any kind of prejudice.

The public most affected by CP, both based on data collected from specialized literature as also based on the profile of the people interviewed, consists mainly of people with a low level of schooling and low social and economic level. Among the written media, the booklet was most adequate for the proposal, as it allows the presentation of the content in an attractive form that the target public can understand.

The main recommendations, set out in scientific literature and used in the preparation of the booklet, were related to written language, illustrations and general layout (Table 2).

Table 2
Recommendations used in the elaboration of the booklet


In the first phase, the review of the specialized literature identified 704 studies, selected by title. Out of these, 179 were selected for reading the summary, and 43 were selected for the reading of the entire text. Out of these complete articles, eight were review studies, and 35 were clinical trials (Table 3).

Table 3
Used articles

The studies were very heterogeneous with regard to scientific methodology, didactics of the professional resources involved, duration and frequency of meetings, model of health approach, nomenclature, and content presented. Due to the need to choose the appropriate content for the preparation of the booklet, it was decided to focus on the themes addressed rather than on methodology.

The models of socio-educational approach were split between biomedical, biopsychosocial, and a mixed model. The main issues addressed, guidance and the main results are shown in table 4.

Table 4
Models with respective themes and guidance as addressed and results found

The studies that showed a predominance of biomedical content had the main themes of anatomy, biomechanics, epidemiology, and physiopathology of pain. The guidance given to the patients was mainly related to posture and correct movements during routine daily activities; about taking physical exercise; and about the importance of staying active. The reduction in the intensity of pain and incapacity were the most reported results.

Studies aligned with the biopsychosocial model addressed issues such as management of pain, medication, nutrition, physiology of pain, ergonomics, stress management, dysfunctional beliefs, and strategies to tackle pain. The guidance provided involved the taking of physical exercise, encouragement of movement, acceptance of pain, relaxation exercises, and active participation. As the main results, we identified a reduction in pain and disability, and an improvement in the general state of health, quality of life, self-efficiency, and strategies to tackle pain. There was also a reduction in poorly adaptive beliefs.

The studies considered as mixed address content related to the neurophysiology of pain (characteristics, purpose, and processing of acute and chronic pain), sustenance factors, behavior, beliefs, and cultural values. As a strategy, we observed the use of illustrations, examples, and metaphors; delivery of an exercise book to take home; a log book of pain; an informative leaflet, and application of a questionnaire about the neurophysiology of pain. We also observed the inclusion of the practice of physical exercise and guidance for doing exercises at home.

In the second phase, 60 people with CP were interviewed. Out of this universe, 52 (86.6%) were female. The ages of the interviewees ranged from 28 to 67 years old. One of the patients had to be removed from the study as this patient was called over for medical treatment. This meant that the answers of 59 patients were analyzed (Table 4). The four outlines were answered as shown in the flow chart (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Flow chart for data collection

A summary of the results of the interviews, divided into scripts A, B, C and D is shown in table 5. The main findings of the interviews are presented in the following subcategories:

  1. Meanings of pain, in which we noticed that pain was understood as being a kind of sensitive stimulus: “everyone feels pain the same way” (R27), “Pain is always Pain” (R35).

  2. Causes of pain, where most patients established a link to physical causes: carrying heavy weight; sitting down or standing up for long periods – R2, R11, R12; and emotional causes: pressure at work, and difficulty with interpersonal relationships – R4, R6, and R14.

  3. Processing of pain, showing lack of awareness by most of the interviewees, as shown by the answer given by R23: “this is a big question mark in our heads”.

  4. Mistaken beliefs. It was observed that, even among people who coexist with pain, there is a strong association between pain and lesions. “Surely, this is why I say this is a warning light for us” (R10); “When you feel pain, it is a warn to you to stop” (R1).

Table 5
Synthesis of the interviews scripts

The ‘EducaDor’ booklet ( was designed in A5 size (14,8cmx21,0cm) with 18 pages. The sections were subdivided thus: 1) What is pain? 2) Acute Pain; Useful Pain; 3) Chronic Pain; Persistent Pain; 4) Coexistence with pain; 5) False ideas about Chronic Pain; Don’t Believe Them; 6) Strategies to deal with Pain.

An illustration of the brain (Figures 2 and 3) was created to clarify aspects related to neuromodulation and central pain sensitization.

Figure 2
The brain, the leading actor of our booklet

Figure 3
The brain, faced with a threat of danger

At the end of the booklet there are the following recommendations: “be curious”, “observe the pain” and also “look beyond pain”, giving a positive reinforcement to any adjustments as may be necessary for a better quality of life, less disability, and less suffering, even if coexistence with pain is indeed necessary.


The development process led to a booklet for people who live with CP. Its content, with both text and illustrations, sought to establish a new concept for chronic pain, and also to change mistaken beliefs about pain and poorly adaptive behavior when facing the problem. With the theoretical backing of scientific literature, together with the experience of physiotherapists specialized in the treatment of CP, the approximation of people who have lived through the problem and the analysis of similar resources available in other languages, we arrived at the final product as shown in the final study.

International guidelines recommend social and educational programs for dealing with CP15-17. The lack of understanding of the meaning of steady pain has been suggested as the factor responsible for the exacerbation of the symptom60. Lack of appropriate knowledge means that the subject regards pain as a threat, thus maintaining poorly adaptive behavior patterns28 and preventing the development of strategies for effective strategies for tackling this problem. For this reason, socio-educational interventions have been tested, and have shown promising results for the treatment of people with CP7,16,67.

Aligned with the biopsychosocial model, this booklet sought to shed light on the subjective and individual character of CP, thereby proving the inability to generalize the problem10. In addition, socio-cultural aspects that perpetuate CP, and also the relevance of the person’s change of behavior for more effective results of the control process68,69. Regarding the biological aspects of CP, there has been the inclusion of content about neurophysiology and neuromodulation, for which we have found evidence in the specialized literature that could justify their recommendation60.

The concepts were presented in a simple and objective manner, with the use of metaphors. Similar methodologies were applied in other studies, and have shown the positive impact regarding knowledge of, and level of satisfaction with, the information at hand. However, they mention very little effect upon beliefs, fear, and evitation58. These results suggest a need for widespread testing of the several bio psychosocial aspects, with outcomes that could be modified by this intervention model.

The group of specialists considered the density of the issues addressed as being appropriate for the target public. Studies that have assessed similar tools70,71 have confirmed the importance of having the material suitable for the target public. Accessible language, written as if it were a conversation, with color illustrations and cuttings of the utterances of the patients: these have been just some of the resources that were used to make reading easier and more attractive19,21,26,71.

The ‘meaning of pain’ sub-category showed a need to expand the concept of pain, thereby reinforcing its subjective and individual character and showing the roles played by society and culture in this painful experience69. Characters in the booklet make it clear that pain is not synonymous with nociception and show the subjectivity of the painful experience. This aspect has the backing of the influence of social and cultural domains, and of feelings experienced in the processing of information by the central nervous system, with regard to CP. Knowledge of how pain is processed has been suggested as a strategy for its resignification72.

Acute pain has been shown as a brain response to the threat of danger, while the CP was connected to the mistaken interpretation of information. The consequences are the amplification of sensory stimuli and the fact that fewer inputs would be sufficient for its activation, which could lead to pain73.

Nijs et al.72 suggest that the phenomenon of central sensitization should be taught based on the book Explain Pain18, with dense content. Hence, there was the selection of essential topics that could be understood by the target population. A study carried out in 2013 by the Brazilian Ministry of Education identified 17.8% of functionally illiterate people in Brazil. This dire reality is even worse in the Brazilian Northeast, the region that has the highest levels of functional illiteracy74.

With regard to mistaken beliefs, we see that poorly adaptive behavior and the persistence thereof could lead to physical deconditioning and to the difficulty to resume domestic and work activities7. The understanding of the attitudes necessary for pain control and non-exposure to predictive factors have been widely recommended4,15,17.

The expectation of a medical cure and attribution of religious aspects for the problem or for its solution are the greatest factors for the perpetuation of the symptoms18. The control and management of CP require a complete awareness of reality and a positive attitude with regard to the problem.

One limitation shown by the work is the lack of social and demographic data about the patients. However, as this is a segment of the population seen to in a SUS outpatient center, most of the patients are people of a low social and economic level, with a low level of schooling, as has been shown in other studies based on this same population75. A systematic review in the future could provide better grounds for the development of light technologies, such as the one proposed in the present study.


The ‘EducaDor’ booklet is an example of light technology in healthcare, which provides grounds for social and educational programs to address chronic pain. Future studies shall validate and appraise its efficiency through a randomised clinical trial.

  • Sponsoring sources: none.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jul-Sep 2017


  • Received
    14 Dec 2016
  • Accepted
    14 Aug 2017
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