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Tropicalist legal geography: the critique of legal-spatial materialism


This paper presents and discusses issues that fundamentally affect the understanding of the legal phenomenon, given concrete situations that pose materialistic challenges to the Legal Theory, from a test-formulation: the legal-form has shaped aspects of our existence from certain images of space that tend to forge - historically coupled with the inflection of economization in all spheres of life - the understanding of the legal as something unitary and not ubiquitous, diffused and socially disputed. The work is structured in three spacetime. First, we discuss the co-constitution between law and space along the lines that bring together Critical Legal Theory and theories of spatial production. Then we present the spatial turn in law, in the ways that have been constructed by the Critical Legal Geography, to then propose a “disrobed theory”, discussing the main commitments and the epistemic advantages of the legal-spatial materialism. In the end, these spacetimes are approximated to current approaches of the Brazilian theoretical field.

Spatial turn; Critical legal geography; Materialism; Legal theory

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - 7º Andar, CEP: 20.550-013, (21) 2334-0507 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil