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This research aims to analyze the evolution of the theme Local Productive Arrangements (LPAs) in Brazilian journals from 1999 to 2018, considering the main accumulated knowledge. The LPAs constitute an agglomeration of companies, developing related economic activities and presenting production, interaction, cooperation and learning links. The relevance of the study is derived from the knowledge built on LPAs and points out gaps that can induce new advances. The result is a metasynthesis that started from a sample of 325 empirical articles and submitted them to sociometric, bibliometric and content analyses. A greater contribution was found in Institutionalism, Economic Evolutionism and Industrial Economics; with few cases of theoretical triangulation. It was possible to map the variables, attributes, factors, constructs and results, as well as their interactions, intervening in the dynamics of the object. But there is still a lack of integration of the knowledge generated by research, capable of offering a more complete model to understanding.

Local Productive Arrangement; Academic Production; Meta-Study

Escola de Administração da UFRGS Escola de Administração da UFRGS, Rua Washington Luis, 855 - 2° Andar, 90010-460 Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil, Fone: (55 51) 3308-3823, Fax: (55 51) 3308 3991 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil