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In the available literature, we can find research on how to conduct an assessment of an organization’s Corporate Education, but not of the Corporate University. Therefore, in our research we propose a methodology to evaluate the organizational management of Corporate Universities.


This research is descriptive and uses the multicriteria analysis method as basis. Specifically, we use the Multi-Attribute Global Inference of Quality (Magiq) methodology for the definition of weights, to measure the importance of factors and sub-factors that determine the organizational evaluation of Corporate Universities.


The resulting methodology contemplates six factors and 18 sub-factors. The six factors in descending order of weights are: Strategic Management, Organizational Learning, Process, Performance, Institutional and Market.

Research limitations/implications:

The fact that our research is based on the knowledge of Brazilian experts, it infers the use of this methodology only for the case Brazil, which can be seen as a limitation of this research.

Practical implications:

The leaders of Corporate Universities will henceforth be able to mirror and look for greater performance to achieve their goals.


Our research intends to contribute to reduce the gap either in theory and practice of how to evaluate Corporate Universities. From there, we hope to make possible to compare them, to create rankings and to establish awards, since the existing literature provides criteria on how to evaluate Corporate Education, but not Corporate Universities.

Corporate Education; Corporate University; Business Strategy; Organizational Management Assessment; Multicriteria Analysis



Na literatura disponível, podemos encontrar pesquisas sobre como realizar uma avaliação da Educação Corporativa de uma organização, mas não da Universidade Corporativa. Portanto, em nossa pesquisa propomos uma metodologia para avaliar a gestão organizacional de Universidades Corporativas.

Desenho / metodologia / abordagem:

Esta pesquisa é descritiva e tem como base o método de análise multicritério. Especificamente, utilizamos a metodologia Multi-Attribute Global Inference of Quality (Magiq) para a definição de pesos, para medir a importância dos fatores e subfatores que determinam a avaliação organizacional das Universidades Corporativas.


A metodologia resultante contempla seis fatores e 18 subfatores. Os seis fatores em ordem decrescente de pesos são: Gestão Estratégica, Aprendizagem Organizacional, Processo, Desempenho, Institucional e Mercado.

Limitações / implicações da pesquisa:

O fato de nossa pesquisa se basear no conhecimento de especialistas brasileiros, infere a utilização desta metodologia apenas para o caso Brasil, o que pode ser visto como uma limitação desta pesquisa.

Implicações práticas:

Os líderes das Universidades Corporativas passarão a ser capazes de se espelhar e buscar um maior desempenho para atingir seus objetivos.

Originalidade / valor:

Nossa pesquisa pretende contribuir para diminuir a lacuna teórica e prática de como avaliar Universidades Corporativas. A partir daí, esperamos possibilitar compará-los, criar rankings e estabelecer premiações, uma vez que a literatura existente fornece critérios para avaliar a Educação Corporativa, mas não as Universidades Corporativas.

Educação Corporativa; Universidade Corporativa; Estratégia de negócio; Avaliação de Gestão Organizacional; Análise multicritério


As an evolution of the traditional Corporate Training and Development (T & D) area, the Corporate Education emerged in the United States between the years 1940 and 1950, while in Brazil it appeared at the end of the 1990s. Corporate Education was institutionalized in several companies in the so-called Corporate Universities (Eboli, 2004EBOLI, M. (2004). Educação corporativa no Brasil: mitos e verdades. São Paulo: Gente.).

According to Meister (1999MEISTER, J. C. (1999). Educação Corporativa. Tradução Maria Cláudia Santos Ribeiro Ratto. São Paulo: Pearson Makron Books.), the emergence of Corporate Universities was due to several aspects, such as: the birth of lean and flexible organizations; the development of the knowledge economy; decrease in lifetime employment; the expansion of the global market, and the State’s inability to provide qualified labor for the market.

Corporate University (CU) is an innovative concept of empowering people. It is a work-oriented education system, with structures created within the company itself, aiming to wisely manage the skills and talents of the employees, by forming the professionals’ profile according to the reality of each organization (GlobalCCU, 2017GLOBALCCU2017. (2017). Available at:<Available at:> . Accessed on 28.07.2017.>...

Integrated organizational knowledge among individuals, technologies and processes are advocated as keys to create value (Teece, 2000TEECE, D. J. (2000). Managing Intellectual Capital: Organizational, Strategic, and Policy Dimensions. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.) and competitive advantage (Barney, 1991BARNEY, J. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, v. 17, n.1, p. 99-120.). The need to manage them effectively can support the strategic vision and initiatives of an organization to lead the creation or the development of a CU (Rheaume; Gardoni, 2015RHEAUME, L.;GARDONI, M. (2015). The challenges facing corporate universities in dealing with open innovation. Journal of Workplace Learning, v. 27, n.4, p. 315-328.).

The theme CU is widely disseminated among large companies around the world, considering that a World Council of CUs (GlobalCCU) exists, as well as the GlobalCCU Awards (Castro & Eboli, 2013CASTRO, C. DE M.; EBOLI, M. (2013). Universidade corporativa: gênese e questões críticas rumo à maturidade. São Paulo, Revista de Administração de Empresas- RAE, São Paulo, v. 53, n.4, jul-ago.).

Every two years, the GlobalCCU awards the Corporate Universities, Academies, Campuses, and Learning & Development structures in order to recognize the best on a global scale in creating strategic value for business, people, organizations and societies (GlobalCCU, 2017GLOBALCCU2017. (2017). Available at:<Available at:> . Accessed on 28.07.2017.>...

GlobalCCU has the following eight awards: general; impacts on business; culture and brand; social responsability; holistic and digital human approach; innovation; leader of the year. Besides, they are also a certifier of Compliance, Performance and Excellence (GlobalCCU, 2017GLOBALCCU2017. (2017). Available at:<Available at:> . Accessed on 28.07.2017.>...

Apart from the GlobalCCU methodology, which has no public access, other scientific studies on Corporate University evaluations have not been found in the literature, although there are studies on Corporate Education assessment (Borges-Andrade, 2006BORGES-ANDRADE, J. E. (1982). Avaliação somativa de sistemas instrucionais: integração de três propostas. Tecnologia Educacional, Rio de Janeiro, v. 11, n. 46, p. 29-39.; Carvalho, 2014CARVALHO, L. M. de. (2014). Educação corporativa e desempenho estratégico. R. Adm. Faces Journal. Belo Horizonte, v. 13. n. 3, jul/set.; Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2010KIRKPATRICK, D. L.; KIRKPATRICK, J. D. (2010). Como avaliar programas de treinamento de equipes: os quatro níveis. Tradução José Henrique Lamensdorf. Rio de Janeiro: Senac Rio.; Hamblin, 1978HAMBLIN, A. C. (1978). Avaliação e controle de treinamento. Translated by de Gert Meyer. São Paulo: McGraw-Hill do Brasil.). We found only one theoretical research about CU involving four constructs proposing a model (Castrillon, 2018CASTRILLON, M. A. G. (2019). Proposed model of corporate university. Visión de Futuro, Año 16, v. 23n.1, Enero - Junio, p. 24 - 41.) and only one thesis found on the evaluation of Corporate University (Marinelli, 2013MARINELLI, M. (2013). Autoavaliação institucional: estudo de sistemas de educação corporativa bancos de desenvolvimento brasileiros. Tese de doutorad . Fortaleza: UFC.) focus exclusively on development banks in Brazil.

In this context, our research question is: How to carry out an organizational evaluation of Corporate Universities? Then, this research aims to elaborate an evaluation methodology for the organizational management of Corporate Universities.

The research is a descriptive approach and the data analysis method used is the Multi-Attribute Global Inference of Quality (Magiq). The Magiq method is a multicriteria analysis tool that allows the determination of a general quality measure for each system, in a set of systems, when each of them is compared, based on an arbitrary number of attributes (Mccaffrey; Koski, 2006MCCAFFREY, D. J.; KOSKI, N. (2006). Competitive analysis using MAGIQ. MSDN Magazine, v. 21, n. 11, p. 35-39, out. Available at:<Available at: magazine/cc300812. aspx >. Accessed on11 september, 2017 magazin...

Our research intends to contribute to reduce the gap either in theory and practice of how to evaluate Corporate Universities. From there, we hope to make possible to compare them, to create rankings and to establish awards, since the existing literature provides criteria on how to evaluate Corporate Education, but not Corporate Universities.

Methodologically, our research innovates because it incorporates the technique of multicriteria analysis, and this method has not yet been found in the literature for this empirical object. As practical relevance, the leaders of Corporate Universities will henceforth be able to mirror and look for greater performance to achieve their goals.

As an extension, for future work, we want to work on the institutionalization of awards and certifications of Corporate Universities in Brazil, as well as around the globe. And further, to elaborate software that can measure this performance and rank it.


In this section we discuss the concepts, origin and areas of activity of Corporate Universities, as well as research on Corporate Education and Corporate University assessment.

2.1 Background on Corporate University

For Nielsen and Michailova (2007NIELSEN, B. B., MICHAILOVA, S. (2007). Knowledge management systems in multinational corporations: Typology and transitional dynamics, Long Range Planning, v. 40, n. 3, p. 314- 340., p.319), the Corporate University is a Knowledge Hub, a knowledge flow coordinator of an organization in the division, integration, creation, transformation and transfer of knowledge (Kotlarsky, Van Fenema, & Willcocks, 2008KOTLARSKY, J.; VAN FENEMA, P. C.; WILLCOCKS, L. P. (2008). Developing a knowledge-based perspective on coordination: The case of global software projects, Information & Management, v. 45, n. 2, p. 96-108.), and between business units (Both & Both, 2009; Tsai, 2002TSAI, W. (2002). Social structure of coopetition within a multiunit organization: Coordination, competition, and intraorganizational knowledge sharing. Organization Science, v. 13, n.2, p.179-190.).

The CU concept aligns employee education with business objectives, and according to Meister (1999MEISTER, J. C. (1999). Educação Corporativa. Tradução Maria Cláudia Santos Ribeiro Ratto. São Paulo: Pearson Makron Books., p.29), CU is “a strategic umbrella to develop and educate employees, customers, suppliers, and the community in order to comply the corporate strategies of the organization”. Then, it can be seen that Corporate Education (CE) is institutionalized by the Corporate Universities (CU) in the organizations.

For Ecuanet (2017)ECUANET. (2017). An Overview of Corporate Universities (Birmingham: European Corporate Universitiesand Academies Network), 2006. Available at <Available at >. Accessed on30.07.2017.
, the Corporate University is a management tool designed to support the implementation of organizations’ global strategies through training and knowledge activities, both at the individual and organizational levels.

Alperstedt (2003) explains the term “corporate university”. The term “corporate” means that the university is tied to a corporation and that educational services are not its primary purpose.

The term “university” should not be understood within the context of the formal higher education system, which designates student education and the development of research in several areas of knowledge. Instead, the “corporate university” offers knowledge related to a business area of a specific organization. Therefore, the term university for those companies is basically a marketing artifice (Alperstedt, 2001ALPERSTEDT, C. (2001). Universidades corporativas: discussão e proposta de uma definição. Revista de Administração Contemporânea (RAC), [S. l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. 149-166, set./dez..; Junqueira, 2010).

However, many Corporate Universities have adopted some of the characteristics of traditional universities: rectors, catalogs of courses, schools within the university and even some campuses. But, one area that corporate academies have not worked on is institutional research (Allen & Mcgee 2004ALLEN, M.; MCGEE, P. (2004). Measurement and evaluation in corporate universities. New Directions for Institutional Research, [S. l.], n.124, Winter, p. 81-92.).

When focusing on the functions of teaching, research, extension and management of formal universities, it is verified that Corporate Universities have a greater relationship with teaching and management. Although, the CU may be starting to undertake certain forms of research on knowledge of processes, and to consider that they provide an extension service to society in relation to the relevant interests of their organizations (Barnett, 1999BARNETT, R. (1999). Realizing the university: in an age of super complexity. Society for Research into Higher Education. 1. ed.London: Open University Press.).

The term Corporate University (CU) is best known in the United States (Meister, 1999MEISTER, J. C. (1999). Educação Corporativa. Tradução Maria Cláudia Santos Ribeiro Ratto. São Paulo: Pearson Makron Books.). In Europe, the most widespread term is Corporative Academy (Renaud-Coulon, 2002 apud Allen & Mcgee, 2004ALLEN, M.; MCGEE, P. (2004). Measurement and evaluation in corporate universities. New Directions for Institutional Research, [S. l.], n.124, Winter, p. 81-92.).

Morin and Renaud (2004MORIN, L.; RENAUD, S. (2004). Participation in corporate university training: its effect on individual job performance. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, v.21, n.4, p. 295-306.) report that the first two CUs in the United States were: General Motors Institute and General Electric University created between the 1940s and 1950s.

In Brazil, Corporate Education began in 1992 with the implementation of ACCOR Academy as a support system for management skills, followed by other organizations such as Ambev University (Eboli, 2004EBOLI, M. (2004). Educação corporativa no Brasil: mitos e verdades. São Paulo: Gente.).

According to Castro and Eboli (2013)CASTRO, C. DE M.; EBOLI, M. (2013). Universidade corporativa: gênese e questões críticas rumo à maturidade. São Paulo, Revista de Administração de Empresas- RAE, São Paulo, v. 53, n.4, jul-ago., it is estimated that by 2012 there were between 500 and 600 CUs in Brazil, although there is no official database.

2.2 Research on Corporate Education and Corporate University evaluation

The International authors (Allen & Mcgee, 2004ALLEN, M.; MCGEE, P. (2004). Measurement and evaluation in corporate universities. New Directions for Institutional Research, [S. l.], n.124, Winter, p. 81-92.; Firtz-Enz, 1995; Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2010KIRKPATRICK, D. L.; KIRKPATRICK, J. D. (2010). Como avaliar programas de treinamento de equipes: os quatro níveis. Tradução José Henrique Lamensdorf. Rio de Janeiro: Senac Rio.; Hamblin, 1978HAMBLIN, A. C. (1978). Avaliação e controle de treinamento. Translated by de Gert Meyer. São Paulo: McGraw-Hill do Brasil.; Ma, Liu, Jiang, Yu, & Gan, 2017MA, L., LIU, Z., JIANG, M., YU, K., & GAN, J. (2017). A Study on regional innovation policy under innovation paradigm 3.0: A case of Jiangsu Province in China. In PICMET 2016 - Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology: Technology Management For Social Innovation, Proceedings (pp. 1055-1064). PICMET.2016.7806596. PICMET.2016.780...
; Meister, 1999MEISTER, J. C. (1999). Educação Corporativa. Tradução Maria Cláudia Santos Ribeiro Ratto. São Paulo: Pearson Makron Books.; Philips, 1991) and national ones (Alpersted, 2001; Borges-Andrade, 1982BORGES-ANDRADE, J. E. (1982). Avaliação somativa de sistemas instrucionais: integração de três propostas. Tecnologia Educacional, Rio de Janeiro, v. 11, n. 46, p. 29-39.; Eboli, 2004EBOLI, M. (2004). Educação corporativa no Brasil: mitos e verdades. São Paulo: Gente.; Lacombe & Albuquerque, 2008LACOMBE, B. M. B.; ALBUQUERQUE, L. G. DE. (2008). Avaliação e mensuração de resultados em gestão de pessoas: um estudo com as maiores empresas instaladas no Brasil. Revista de Administração da USP (RAUSP), São Paulo, v. 43, n. 1, p. 5-16, jan./fev./mar.; Vargas & Abbad, 2012VARGAS, M. R. M.; ABBAD, G. S. (2012). Bases conceituais em treinamento, desenvolvimento. Administração, v. 14, n. 34, p. 91-102, dez.; Vergara, 2000VERGARA, S. C. (2000). Universidade corporativa: a parceria possível entre empresa e universidade tradicional. Rio de Janeiro, v. 34, n. 5, p. 181-188, set./out.) are preeminent in research on this empirical object, having studied topics such as evolution, trends, scope, pedagogy, productivity, alignment with performance, cooperation, competitiveness and evaluation. A bibliometric summary presents the corresponding researches and authors (Figure 1):

Figure 1
Bibliometric Summary on Research in Corporate Education and Corporate Universities

Based on the available literature, it is inferred that there is a lack of studies on Corporate University evaluation and only one study was found. However, the study focuses on development banks, although there are studies on training and corporate education evaluation,

In Figure 2 below, we present a list of possible factors and sub-factors studied to measure Corporate Education, which can also contribute as an input to measure CU.

Figure 2
Variables to evaluate organizational performance in Corporate University.

Based on the literature variables, our methodology will guide the elaboration of a completer and structured list as possible, in order to give conditions for the measurement of the excellence in the performance of Corporate University.


In this section we present the typology and the research process in detail (collection and analysis), as well as a description of the multicriteria analysis method used to support the evaluation methodology of a CU.

3.1 Typology and Research Process

As for epistemology, this research is classified as positivist. The positivist paradigm presupposes that objects and entities exist independently of the researchers’ perception (Sacool, 2009), being the researcher impersonal in the analytical language and still not interfering in the research object (Collis; Hussey, 2005COLLIS, I.; HUSSEY, R. (2005). Pesquisa em administração. Porto Alegre: Bookman.).

The research is classified as descriptive, using secondary and primary data (Thomas, Nelson, & Silverman, 2007THOMAS, J. R.; NELSON, J. K.; SILVERMN, S. J. (2007). Métodos de pesquisa em atividade física. 5. ed.Porto Alegre: Artmed.) with applicable qualitative and quantitative approaches (Creswell, 2010CRESWELL, JOHN W. (2010). Projeto de pesquisa métodos qualitativo, quantitativo e misto. In: Projeto de pesquisa métodos qualitativo, quantitativo e misto. Porto Alegre: Artmed.).

The research process is structured according to the following steps:

  1. The literature identification on the theme of CUs evaluation, and the elaboration of a database containing structured variables of the factors and sub-factors, in order to measure CUs;

  2. Based on that reference, the assembly of the factors and sub-factors tree was built using the qualitative analysis technique (Bardin, 2016BARDIN, L. Análise de conteúdo. (2016). Tradução Luís Antero Reto e Augusto Pinheiro. São Paulo: Edições 70.) to eliminate duplicities, similarities and variables embedded in others. Our approach goes from general to particular, involving factors of the general environment, the specific environment (industry, sector) and the organizational internal environment (Harisson, 2005);

  3. Elaboration of a questionnaire and the validation of the factors and sub-factors structure by three specialists in CU, being two doctors in administration and one manager of a CU, scholar in law;

  4. Routing of the factors and sub-factors structure by 110 specialists, among leaders of CUs, researchers and consultants in the area of education and/or Corporate University. A total of 39 questionnaires were collected, using the Survey Monkey method and its returning facilities, without requiring participants’ identification. The collection period was from September to November 2017; 5) Tabulation, Analysis and Discussion of the Results.

As a support technique for the proposed method, we used the multicriteria analysis methodology called Multi-Attribute Global Inference of Quality (Magiq) by McCaffrey and Koski (2006)MCCAFFREY, D. J.; KOSKI, N. (2006). Competitive analysis using MAGIQ. MSDN Magazine, v. 21, n. 11, p. 35-39, out. Available at:<Available at: magazine/cc300812. aspx >. Accessed on11 september, 2017 magazin...
. We made that choice for two reasons. First, Magiq creates numerical statistics that are easily comparable, for each analysis group and subgroup. Second, it consists of a multicriteria analysis that is quite versatile and more intuitive than the others (Mccaffrey & Koski, 2006MCCAFFREY, D. J.; KOSKI, N. (2006). Competitive analysis using MAGIQ. MSDN Magazine, v. 21, n. 11, p. 35-39, out. Available at:<Available at: magazine/cc300812. aspx >. Accessed on11 september, 2017 magazin...

3.2 Multi-Attribute Global Inference of Quality (Magiq)

The Magiq method has similarities to the Analytical Hierarchy Process - AHP (Mota, Nogueira, & Ogasavara, 2011MOTA, M. O.; NOGUEIRA, C. A. G.; OGASAVARA, M. H. (2011). The internationalization strategies of information technology firms from Brazil: an AHP analysis of Ivia’s case. Internext - Revista Eletrônica de Negócios Internacionais da ESPM, v. 6, n. 1, p. 21-41, jan./jun.), and is used in practical applications such as software selection.

For the variables ranking (factors and sub-factors), the Magiq method was used instead of the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), which is one of the most used multi-criteria methods (Mccaffrey & Koski, 2006MCCAFFREY, D. J.; KOSKI, N. (2006). Competitive analysis using MAGIQ. MSDN Magazine, v. 21, n. 11, p. 35-39, out. Available at:<Available at: magazine/cc300812. aspx >. Accessed on11 september, 2017 magazin...

The reason for our preference is because the application of the Magiq method with the trial participant takes less time, and they feel less confused than when using the AHP method. Magiq does not involve the use of paired comparisons (two to two) in a complex scale of 1 to 9 (case of AHP), but an ordering of factors and sub-factors instead (Mccaffrey & Koski, 2006MCCAFFREY, D. J.; KOSKI, N. (2006). Competitive analysis using MAGIQ. MSDN Magazine, v. 21, n. 11, p. 35-39, out. Available at:<Available at: magazine/cc300812. aspx >. Accessed on11 september, 2017 magazin...

The process for the use of Magiq is characterized by the following steps (Mccaffrey, 2009MCCAFFREY, D. J. (2009). Sixth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, IEE, Computer Society, Anais..., p. 738-742.):

  1. Identification of the evaluation alternatives: selection of the system attributes that will be applied to the analysis, serving as base of comparison and hierarchical decomposition of the elements in several levels;

  2. ROCs (rankings ordered by centroids): ordering the attributes of comparison of the sys-tem elements from a set of scales, such as (first, second, third);

  3. Attribution of weights relative to the attributes of comparison;

  4. Comparison of the systems under evaluation and computation of the global quality val-ues: compare each evaluation system in each comparison attribute (lowest level).

For each respondent “j”, the determination of the relative weights of factors at the highest levels of the hierarchy allows the conversion of classification orders (eg, 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.) into numerical values (Mccaffrey & Koski, 2006MCCAFFREY, D. J.; KOSKI, N. (2006). Competitive analysis using MAGIQ. MSDN Magazine, v. 21, n. 11, p. 35-39, out. Available at:<Available at: magazine/cc300812. aspx >. Accessed on11 september, 2017 magazin...
; Mccaffrey, 2009; Nogueira, 2014NOGUEIRA, C. A. G. (2014). A aplicabilidade do método MAGIQ no contexto das políticas públicas. Nota Técnica No. 57. Fortaleza: IPECE.).

Ravi (2012RAVI, V. (2012). Evaluating overall quality of recycling of e-waste from end-of-life computers. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 20, n.1, p. 145-151.) made the conversion to relative weights by applying the equation 1:

i = k N 1 i N f o r i = 1,2 , 3 , N (1)

Here ‘N’ is the number of items.

For example, if N = 3, ROC weights are given by:

P1 = (1 +1/2 +1/3)/3 = 0.6111,

P2 = (0 +1/2 +1/3)/3 = 0.2778, e

P3 = (0 + 0 +1/3)/3 = 0.111.

After sorting and assigning weights relative to each one of the hierarchy levels, the next step in the MAGIQ analysis is to calculate the overall quality value. The global value is given by the simple weighted sum of all comparison attribute weights. The final sum of all vectors is equal to 1.0 (Nogueira, 2014NOGUEIRA, C. A. G. (2014). A aplicabilidade do método MAGIQ no contexto das políticas públicas. Nota Técnica No. 57. Fortaleza: IPECE.).

Both methods, AHP and Magiq, determine very close values for the local and global weights in most situations. The fact that Magiq is much easier to implement than the AHP, justifies again the application of the Magiq method (Nogueira, 2016NOGUEIRA, C. A. G. (2016). Validação do método MAGIQ por meio de comparação com o modo de classificações (Ratings Mode) do AHP. Nota Técnica No. 62. Fortaleza: IPECE.).

Finally, according to McCaffrey (2009)MCCAFFREY, D. J.; KOSKI, N. (2006). Competitive analysis using MAGIQ. MSDN Magazine, v. 21, n. 11, p. 35-39, out. Available at:<Available at: magazine/cc300812. aspx >. Accessed on11 september, 2017 magazin...
, the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) technique is

highly correlated to the Magiq technique (R2> 0.9), which further assures its use (Mota et al., 2011MOTA, M. O.; NOGUEIRA, C. A. G.; OGASAVARA, M. H. (2011). The internationalization strategies of information technology firms from Brazil: an AHP analysis of Ivia’s case. Internext - Revista Eletrônica de Negócios Internacionais da ESPM, v. 6, n. 1, p. 21-41, jan./jun.).


After reviewing the literature and the participation of the specialists via an interview, we present the evaluation sub-factors below, in Figure 3. They were grouped according to the Balanced Scorecard methodology (Kaplan & Norton, 2001KAPLAN, R. S.; NORTON, D. P. (2001). Transforming the balanced scorecard from performance measurement to strategic management: Part I. Accounting Horizons, v. 15, n. 1, p. 87-104.), having added both the Institutional, and Management and Strategy perspectives. Next we describe the operation of the MAGIQ methodology and, finally, we present a tree of factors and sub-factors, as well as a methodology proposed to evaluate the organizational management in a Corporate University.

Figure 3
Factors and Subfactors of the CUs Evaluation Metodology.

4.1. Structure of Factors and Sub-factors of MAGIQ weights

Knowing that the MAGIQ method advocates the ordering of sub-factors in a reasonable number (from two to eight), we established the six factors evaluation model, where sub-factors range from two to four per factor.

Quantitative methods as well as qualitative methods are generally used in those studies, especially in ex-ante evaluations (Nogueira, 2014NOGUEIRA, C. A. G. (2014). A aplicabilidade do método MAGIQ no contexto das políticas públicas. Nota Técnica No. 57. Fortaleza: IPECE.). To complement the ex-ante evaluation, Nogueira (2014) proposes to use the method, considering the experts’ perceptions based on carried out studies.

4.2 Rankings and analysis of factors and sub-factors

In this section we present the ranking of factors and sub-factors of organizational assessment of the CUs, as well as a discussion of the factors and sub-factors in light of the literature.

4.2.1 Ranking of Factors and Sub-factors

For an overview, in Table 1 we present the overall weights of all sub-factors within, showing their inclusion in each factor.

Table 1
Ranking of factors and sub-factors of organizational assessment of Corporate Education.

4.2.2 Analysis of Factors

In order to carry out an evaluation of the organizational management in Corporate Universities, there are six main factors to be considered: Management and Strategy, Organizational Learning, Process, Performance, Institutional and Market.

The Management and Strategy factor is aligned with authors such as Castro and Eboli (2013CASTRO, C. DE M.; EBOLI, M. (2013). Universidade corporativa: gênese e questões críticas rumo à maturidade. São Paulo, Revista de Administração de Empresas- RAE, São Paulo, v. 53, n.4, jul-ago.), Freitas-Dias and Albuquerque (2014)FREITAS-DIAS, C. A. DE; ALBUQUERQUE, L. G. DE. (2014). Panorama de avaliação de Resultados em educação corporativa no Brasil, R. Adm. Faces Journal, Belo Horizonte, v. 13, n. 1, p. 103123, jan/mar., which value the strategic scope; Marinelli (2013MARINELLI, M. (2013). Autoavaliação institucional: estudo de sistemas de educação corporativa bancos de desenvolvimento brasileiros. Tese de doutorad . Fortaleza: UFC.) highlights governance, as well as Barbosa (2016BARBOSA, J. A. S. (2016). Universidades corporativas e vantagens competitivas: um estudo multicaso em franquias brasileiras. Tese (Doutorado). São Paulo: Universidade Corporativa,), Castro and Eboli (2013)AMBOS T. C., AMBOS B. (2009). The impact of distance on knowledge transfer effectiveness in multinational corporations. Journal of International Management, v. 15, n. 1, p. 1-14.; also Marinelli (2013) and Slettli and Gronhaug (2017) highlight the strategy as a determinant of the success of a Corporate University.

Analyzing the Organizational Learning factor, core of Corporate Education, it can be inferred that the result is supported by the following authors: Barbosa (2016BARBOSA, J. A. S. (2016). Universidades corporativas e vantagens competitivas: um estudo multicaso em franquias brasileiras. Tese (Doutorado). São Paulo: Universidade Corporativa,); Castrillon (2018)CASTRILLON, M. A. G. (2019). Proposed model of corporate university. Visión de Futuro, Año 16, v. 23n.1, Enero - Junio, p. 24 - 41.; Castro and Eboli (2013CASTRO, C. DE M.; EBOLI, M. (2013). Universidade corporativa: gênese e questões críticas rumo à maturidade. São Paulo, Revista de Administração de Empresas- RAE, São Paulo, v. 53, n.4, jul-ago.); Freitas-Dias and Albuquerque (2014)FREITAS-DIAS, C. A. DE; ALBUQUERQUE, L. G. DE. (2014). Panorama de avaliação de Resultados em educação corporativa no Brasil, R. Adm. Faces Journal, Belo Horizonte, v. 13, n. 1, p. 103123, jan/mar.; Kirkpatrick (1994KIRKPATRICK, D. L. (1994). Training Evaluating Programs. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.), Hendriarto and Suzanty (2017HENDRIARTO, Y; SUSANTY, A. DE I. (2017). The Influence of Organizational Culture And Organizational Structure On The Implementation Of Knowledge Management Process In Corporate University Of PT. XYZ. The 8th international conference on sustainable collaboration in busines, technology, information and Innovation, Bandung, Indonesia, Telcon University, Anais…, SCBTII.), Marinelli (2013MARINELLI, M. (2013). Autoavaliação institucional: estudo de sistemas de educação corporativa bancos de desenvolvimento brasileiros. Tese de doutorad . Fortaleza: UFC.) and Maurício et al. (2019MAURÍCIO, A. C. DE O., VIEIRA, A. M., & BIDO, D. DE S. (2019). Universidade corporativa e retenção de líderes no contexto hospitalar, Gestão & Regionalidade, v. 35, n. 106, set/dez.), for topics such as leadership development, and the culture of continuous learning and behavioral change. Organizational learning is a factor committed to the engagement and retention of talents, knowing that a CU is highlighted if it is situated at a strategic level in the organizational structure.

Under the scorecard focus, the Process and Performance factors appeared at the second placement level according to Magiq weights. Then, we understood that in line with the company’s strategy and with a high performance training culture program, the process (methodologies, environment and systems technologies) and measurement (efficiency, effectiveness and Return on Investment) are means that can ensure the strategic aspect and the core of a CU. The Process factor is aligned with the ideas of Abel and Li (2012ABEL, A. L.; LI, J. (2012). Exploring the corporate university phenomenon: Development and implementation of a comprehensive survey. Human Resource Development Quarterly, v. 23, n. 1, p. 103-128), Barbosa (2016BARBOSA, J. A. S. (2016). Universidades corporativas e vantagens competitivas: um estudo multicaso em franquias brasileiras. Tese (Doutorado). São Paulo: Universidade Corporativa,), Castro and Eboli (2013CASTRO, C. DE M.; EBOLI, M. (2013). Universidade corporativa: gênese e questões críticas rumo à maturidade. São Paulo, Revista de Administração de Empresas- RAE, São Paulo, v. 53, n.4, jul-ago.), GlobalCCU (2017)GLOBALCCU2017. (2017). Available at:<Available at:> . Accessed on 28.07.2017.>...
, Ma et al. (2017)MA, L., LIU, Z., JIANG, M., YU, K., & GAN, J. (2017). A Study on regional innovation policy under innovation paradigm 3.0: A case of Jiangsu Province in China. In PICMET 2016 - Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology: Technology Management For Social Innovation, Proceedings (pp. 1055-1064). PICMET.2016.7806596. PICMET.2016.780...
and experts consulted.

The fifth place of the Institutional factor (social responsibility and environmental focus) is supported by Castro and Eboli (2013CASTRO, C. DE M.; EBOLI, M. (2013). Universidade corporativa: gênese e questões críticas rumo à maturidade. São Paulo, Revista de Administração de Empresas- RAE, São Paulo, v. 53, n.4, jul-ago.), GlobalCCU (2017)GLOBALCCU2017. (2017). Available at:<Available at:> . Accessed on 28.07.2017.>...
, Martão & Demajorovic (2019)MARTÃO, MONICA APARECIDA DE SORDI; & DEMAJOROVIC, JACQUES. (2019). Universidades Corporativas e o ensino para a sustentabilidade, RAEP, v. 20, n. 3, 2019 (Edição especial: Achieving Sustainable Development).; Moore (1997MOORE, T. E. (1997). The Corporate University: Transforming Management Education, Accounting Horizons, Sarasota, v. 1, n. 111, p.77-85.), Marinelli (2013MARINELLI, M. (2013). Autoavaliação institucional: estudo de sistemas de educação corporativa bancos de desenvolvimento brasileiros. Tese de doutorad . Fortaleza: UFC.) and GlobalCCU (2017)GLOBALCCU2017. (2017). Available at:<Available at:> . Accessed on 28.07.2017.>...
. This placement may show that CUs have not yet reached a strong institutional commitment, but are expected to achieve a better score in the future. On the other hand, it can be seen that social responsibility is intrinsic to the mission of CU and therefore, it is already part of a CU culture to contribute to the career of employees, almost as an activity default of the Corporate Education.

The lower weight of the Market factor can mean the endogeny of Brazilian CUs, since this factor is composed of stakeholders and marketing/branding, evidencing that the training is internal and the communication and brand are not yet so valued. In any case, the market and stakeholders are valued by Castro and Eboli (2013CASTRO, C. DE M.; EBOLI, M. (2013). Universidade corporativa: gênese e questões críticas rumo à maturidade. São Paulo, Revista de Administração de Empresas- RAE, São Paulo, v. 53, n.4, jul-ago.); Freitas-Dias and Albuquerque (2014)FREITAS-DIAS, C. A. DE; ALBUQUERQUE, L. G. DE. (2014). Panorama de avaliação de Resultados em educação corporativa no Brasil, R. Adm. Faces Journal, Belo Horizonte, v. 13, n. 1, p. 103123, jan/mar.; Guerci et al. (2010GUERCI, M; BARTEZZAGHI, E.; SOLARI, L. (2010). Training evaluation in Italian corporate universities: a stakeholder-based analysis, International Journal of Training and Development, v. 14, n. 4.), Parker (2017PARKER, PHILL. (2017). The Future of the Corporate University. Available at <Available at >. Acesso em 23.07.2017.
), and GlobalCCU (2017)GLOBALCCU2017. (2017). Available at:<Available at:> . Accessed on 28.07.2017.>...

4.2.3 Analysis of the Sub-factors of the Management and Strategy Factor

According to the preference established by the specialists, the orders of importance for the sub-factors of the Management and Strategy factor were: Governance sub-factor first with weight 0.0997, followed by the sub-factor Strategic Scope, weight 0.0776, and in third, the Strategy sub-factor, with a weight of 0.0683.

The Governance sub-factor is aligned with Marineli (2013) as well as with the experts consulted. With respect to the Strategic Scope, literature is almost unanimous in Corporate Education, with little emphasis on research and extension actions, typical of traditional CUs (Alperstedt, 2003), although this sub-factor is supported by GlobalCCU (2017). Finally, for the sub-factor Strategy, notably some actions such as implantation of Corporate Universities, alliances and partnerships, internationalization, are not yet realities, hence it was the third place for organizational evaluation of a CU, despite its support by Castro and Eboli (2013CASTRO, C. DE M.; EBOLI, M. (2013). Universidade corporativa: gênese e questões críticas rumo à maturidade. São Paulo, Revista de Administração de Empresas- RAE, São Paulo, v. 53, n.4, jul-ago.), GlobalCCU (2017)GLOBALCCU2017. (2017). Available at:<Available at:> . Accessed on 28.07.2017.>...
and Slettli and Gronhaug (2017).

4.2.4 Analysis of Sub-factors on Organizational Learning Factors

As shown in Table 1, there are two groups of sub-factors. The first group is formed by the sub-factors Leadership Development with weight 0.0728 and Culture of Continuous Learning and Organizational Change (weight 0.0710). The second group is formed by the sub-factors Organizational Level (weight 0, 0469) and the Talent Engagement and Retention function (weight 0.0422).

By the presented weights, one can perceive that forming leaders and strengthening the organizational culture are functions of prominence of the Organizational Learning factor.

The preference for Leadership Development and Organizational Culture is aligned with Barbosa (2016BARBOSA, J. A. S. (2016). Universidades corporativas e vantagens competitivas: um estudo multicaso em franquias brasileiras. Tese (Doutorado). São Paulo: Universidade Corporativa,); Castro and Eboli (2013CASTRO, C. DE M.; EBOLI, M. (2013). Universidade corporativa: gênese e questões críticas rumo à maturidade. São Paulo, Revista de Administração de Empresas- RAE, São Paulo, v. 53, n.4, jul-ago.), GlobalCCU (2017)GLOBALCCU2017. (2017). Available at:<Available at:> . Accessed on 28.07.2017.>...
, Hendriarto and Suzanty (2017HENDRIARTO, Y; SUSANTY, A. DE I. (2017). The Influence of Organizational Culture And Organizational Structure On The Implementation Of Knowledge Management Process In Corporate University Of PT. XYZ. The 8th international conference on sustainable collaboration in busines, technology, information and Innovation, Bandung, Indonesia, Telcon University, Anais…, SCBTII.), Marinelli (2013MARINELLI, M. (2013). Autoavaliação institucional: estudo de sistemas de educação corporativa bancos de desenvolvimento brasileiros. Tese de doutorad . Fortaleza: UFC.) and Maurício et al. (2019MAURÍCIO, A. C. DE O., VIEIRA, A. M., & BIDO, D. DE S. (2019). Universidade corporativa e retenção de líderes no contexto hospitalar, Gestão & Regionalidade, v. 35, n. 106, set/dez.).

The fourth placement of the sub-factor Engagement and Retention of Talents apparently surprises. However, as part of the Organizational Learning factor, developing leadership and learning culture / behavioral change and the strategic aspect of the organizational level are preponderant, which explain the higher weights.

4.2.5 Analysis of Sub-factors on Process Factor

In the group of Process factor, Modern Methodologies of Corporate Education appears as the most important sub-factor (weight 0.0558). The sub-factor Integrated Systems to Corporate Education Management obtained a weight of 0.0459, followed by the Mobile and Virtual Technology sub-factor, with a weight of 0.0321 and the sub-factor Modern Spaces, weighing 0.0223.

Being Corporate Education the focus, the results confirmed a highlight to the sub-factor Modern Methodologies of Corporate Education. Because control is one of the problems in managing a CU, to have Integrated Corporate Management Systems with BackOffice functions such as payments, suppliers, accounting etc. was perceived as relevant.

A curiosity is the fact that Virtual and Mobile Technology and Modern Spaces - such as dotcom organizations, appeared in third and fourth places, respectively, in spite of nowadays Corporate Universities have been focusing and privileging the Corporate Education via smart phones and modern environments like classrooms, libraries, auditoriums and lounges, typical of Silicon Valley organizations in the United States.

The emphasis on Modern Methodologies of Corporate Education is aligned with Barbosa (2016BARBOSA, J. A. S. (2016). Universidades corporativas e vantagens competitivas: um estudo multicaso em franquias brasileiras. Tese (Doutorado). São Paulo: Universidade Corporativa,), Delloite (2016), Marinelli (2013MARINELLI, M. (2013). Autoavaliação institucional: estudo de sistemas de educação corporativa bancos de desenvolvimento brasileiros. Tese de doutorad . Fortaleza: UFC.), Ma et al. (2017) and consulted experts. The sub-factor Mobile and Digital Technology is aligned with Abel and Li (2012ABEL, A. L.; LI, J. (2012). Exploring the corporate university phenomenon: Development and implementation of a comprehensive survey. Human Resource Development Quarterly, v. 23, n. 1, p. 103-128), Castro and Eboli (2013CASTRO, C. DE M.; EBOLI, M. (2013). Universidade corporativa: gênese e questões críticas rumo à maturidade. São Paulo, Revista de Administração de Empresas- RAE, São Paulo, v. 53, n.4, jul-ago.) and GlobalCCU (2017)GLOBALCCU2017. (2017). Available at:<Available at:> . Accessed on 28.07.2017.>...
. However, the sub-factors Physical Environments and Integrated Management Systems were pointed out only by the interviewed experts, which may denote needs toward physical environments modernization and the integration of Corporate Education with other corporate systems.

4.2.6 Analysis of Sub-factors on Performance Factor

Effectiveness appears to be aligned with the result achieved by the CU, which is meeting the strategic objectives. Therefore, Effectiveness was privileged. This sub-factor is supported by Allen and Mcgee (2004ALLEN, M.; MCGEE, P. (2004). Measurement and evaluation in corporate universities. New Directions for Institutional Research, [S. l.], n.124, Winter, p. 81-92.); Barbosa (2016BARBOSA, J. A. S. (2016). Universidades corporativas e vantagens competitivas: um estudo multicaso em franquias brasileiras. Tese (Doutorado). São Paulo: Universidade Corporativa,); Freitas-Dias and Albuquerque (2014)FREITAS-DIAS, C. A. DE; ALBUQUERQUE, L. G. DE. (2014). Panorama de avaliação de Resultados em educação corporativa no Brasil, R. Adm. Faces Journal, Belo Horizonte, v. 13, n. 1, p. 103123, jan/mar., Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick (2010KIRKPATRICK, D. L.; KIRKPATRICK, J. D. (2010). Como avaliar programas de treinamento de equipes: os quatro níveis. Tradução José Henrique Lamensdorf. Rio de Janeiro: Senac Rio.) and Marinelli (2013MARINELLI, M. (2013). Autoavaliação institucional: estudo de sistemas de educação corporativa bancos de desenvolvimento brasileiros. Tese de doutorad . Fortaleza: UFC.), as well as the GlobalCCU (2017)GLOBALCCU2017. (2017). Available at:<Available at:> . Accessed on 28.07.2017.>...

Consistently, the sub-factor Efficiency comes in second place, since the strategic (Effectiveness) was more prominent than the tactic (Efficiency). This sub-factor is aligned with Allen and Mcgee (2004ALLEN, M.; MCGEE, P. (2004). Measurement and evaluation in corporate universities. New Directions for Institutional Research, [S. l.], n.124, Winter, p. 81-92.); Freitas-Dias and Albuquerque (2014)FREITAS-DIAS, C. A. DE; ALBUQUERQUE, L. G. DE. (2014). Panorama de avaliação de Resultados em educação corporativa no Brasil, R. Adm. Faces Journal, Belo Horizonte, v. 13, n. 1, p. 103123, jan/mar., Marinelli (2013MARINELLI, M. (2013). Autoavaliação institucional: estudo de sistemas de educação corporativa bancos de desenvolvimento brasileiros. Tese de doutorad . Fortaleza: UFC.) and GlobalCCU (2017)GLOBALCCU2017. (2017). Available at:<Available at:> . Accessed on 28.07.2017.>...

4.2.7 Analysis of Sub-factors on Institutional Factor

The experts considered that Social Responsibility has greater importance than the sub-factor Environmental Management.

It is pointed out that Environmental Management is not a priority, even because Social Responsibility with employees is the focus by providing training on competent employees with citizen mind. Aligned with Social Responsibility are the authors Castro and Eboli (2013CASTRO, C. DE M.; EBOLI, M. (2013). Universidade corporativa: gênese e questões críticas rumo à maturidade. São Paulo, Revista de Administração de Empresas- RAE, São Paulo, v. 53, n.4, jul-ago.), Marinelli (2013MARINELLI, M. (2013). Autoavaliação institucional: estudo de sistemas de educação corporativa bancos de desenvolvimento brasileiros. Tese de doutorad . Fortaleza: UFC.), Martão & Demajorovic (2019)MARTÃO, MONICA APARECIDA DE SORDI; & DEMAJOROVIC, JACQUES. (2019). Universidades Corporativas e o ensino para a sustentabilidade, RAEP, v. 20, n. 3, 2019 (Edição especial: Achieving Sustainable Development).; Moore (1997MOORE, T. E. (1997). The Corporate University: Transforming Management Education, Accounting Horizons, Sarasota, v. 1, n. 111, p.77-85.), as well as the GlobalCCU (2017)GLOBALCCU2017. (2017). Available at:<Available at:> . Accessed on 28.07.2017.>...
. There is indication that the weight of these two sub-factors has been strengthened in the last years, and that it may get a greater emphasis on the others, associated with business ethics.

4.2.8 Analysis of Sub-factors on Market Factor

Table 1 shows that the most relevant sub-factor for the Market factor is the Stakeholders sub-factor (weight 0.0699), followed by the Marketing and Branding sub-factor (weight 0.0339). A remark is that the GlobalCCU Awards has a specific award for the most prominent CUs in Marketing and Branding. However, in our methodology presented here, Marketing and Branding did not receive greater prominence. More relevance is given to Stakeholders, with the CUs focus on privileging not only employees, but all other actors in the chain, such as clients, suppliers and partners (value-chain education).

The relevance of the Stakeholders sub-factor is aligned with Castro and Eboli (2013CASTRO, C. DE M.; EBOLI, M. (2013). Universidade corporativa: gênese e questões críticas rumo à maturidade. São Paulo, Revista de Administração de Empresas- RAE, São Paulo, v. 53, n.4, jul-ago.); Freitas-Dias and Albuquerque (2014)FREITAS-DIAS, C. A. DE; ALBUQUERQUE, L. G. DE. (2014). Panorama de avaliação de Resultados em educação corporativa no Brasil, R. Adm. Faces Journal, Belo Horizonte, v. 13, n. 1, p. 103123, jan/mar.. In opposite, no author in the literature has favored the Marketing and Branding sub-factor, except for the GlobalCCU award (2017MA, L., LIU, Z., JIANG, M., YU, K., & GAN, J. (2017). A Study on regional innovation policy under innovation paradigm 3.0: A case of Jiangsu Province in China. In PICMET 2016 - Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology: Technology Management For Social Innovation, Proceedings (pp. 1055-1064). PICMET.2016.7806596. PICMET.2016.780...
) and the experts consulted.


Finally, based on the Magiq structure presented in Table 1, we developed a methodology to evaluate the CUs, according to the following steps, described below.

The evaluation can be carried out by a team of external consultants, an in-house team or a mixed one. It is acceptable the participation of other stakeholders, such as clients, providers, government and partners.

  • For each sub-factor we apply a scale of 1 to 10 points;

  • Add all products obtained by multiplying each weight of each sub-factor by the given score of the scale. Record this note in the Result column;

  • Calculate the mean of the factor results, dividing the sum of the sub-factor scores by the denominator n (number of participants). That way, we calculate the final score of each sub-factor;

  • The sum of those averages is the CU evaluation index.

  • In Table 2, we present a template of an evaluation form, as the final product of this research.

Table 2
Evaluation methodology of Corporate University

According to the criterion of a five-level scale, the obtained organizational evaluation index of a CU (Iaorg-Cu) will be framed according to Table 3 below:

Table 3
Interval and Concept of the Organizational Evaluation Index of a CU (IAORG-CU)

The scale has the range from 0 to 10. The evaluation is considered INSUFFICIENT to the minimum grade and VERY GOOD to the maximum grade, for the organizational management of the Corporate University.

The fact that our research is based on the knowledge of Brazilian experts, it infers the use of this methodology only for the case Brazil, which can be seen as a limitation of this research.


Our research mapped the literature on Corporate University, aiming to identify an evaluation methodology.

As we did not identify a generic methodology, we aimed to structure a methodology with the support of a multicriteria analysis, which is a new approach for this topic. We chose then the Multi-Attribute Global Inference of Quality (Magiq) technique.

By means of a content analysis of the available literature, added to the consultancy with three experts, we came to six factors and 18 sub-factors as parameters to evaluate the organizational management of a Corporate University.

A consultation with 39 experts has determined the weights of the factors and sub-factors. The factors in descending order of weights are: Strategic Management, Organizational Learning, Process, Performance, Institutional and Market. The most privileged sub-factors are: Governance, Social Responsibility and Strategic Scope; the ones with lower weight are: Virtual Technology, Return on Investment and Modern Spaces.

As the result of our research, we generated the following products: a ranking table of the global weights for the factors and the sub-factors; the proposal of an evaluation methodology of Corporate University, based on a 10-point scale and a five-track framing scale; and a final model of evaluation of Corporate University.

For future work, we make two main suggestions that will extend the research, by incorporating: (1) international experts; (2) the elaboration of a computational tool to simplify the process of data collection and the calculation of the assessment grade of the organizational assessment of a Corporate University. Subsequently, we suggest the extension of the study with the establishment of indicators by sub-factors, for a scorecard-style evaluation.


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Contribution of authors.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    14 June 2021
  • Date of issue
    Oct-Dec 2020


  • Received
    30 May 2018
  • Accepted
    27 May 2019
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Centro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (CCSH), Avenida Roraima nº 1000, Prédio 74C, Sala 4210 - Cidade Universitária, CEP: 97105-900, Tel: +55 (55) 3220-9242 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil