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An invitation to think, live and do nursing in many ways: the topics of the 56th Brazilian Nursing Congress

An invitation to think, live and do nursing in many ways: the topics of the 56th Brazilian Nursing Congress

Maria Henriqueta Luce KruseI; Dagmar Esterman MeyerII

ICoordinator of the Committee of Topics of the 56th CBEn

II Member of the Committee of Topics of the 56th CBEn.

The 56th Brazilian Nursing Congress (CBEn) will take place in Gramado (RS) from 24 to 29 October. The topics of this famous event originated in the ideas of Jorge Larrosa, a well-known Spanish educator, some books of whom have been published in Brazil, including Pedagogia Profana(1). The text Agamenon e seu porqueiro was set apart from this book. In this text, Larrosa reflects on the truth of power and on the power of truth in this age of information and communication globalization. By introducing Vattimo's ideas, according to which we live in a generalised communication society where mass communication apparatus is critical to produce, reproduce and dissolve what we call reality, the author invites us to become involved by asking a question: Where does reality come from, and what is it?

When he highlights the idea that things may not be like what people say they are, that facts may not occur as we have learnt to think they do, and, especially, that what people tell us that has to be or has to occur in a given way is not assured and may yet take on another ways, the author challenges us to accept and believe in the pluralisation of what we have learnt to call "the" reality and to invest in deconstructing reality as a principle. Thus, the text conducts us toward the idea that we do not have "a" reality that is different or is falls without the interpretations we make of them and toward questioning whether there is any reality that can serve us as a principle or foundation of the good interpretation.

This way of thinking institutes the presupposition that the word "reality" and, therefore, reality itself may not be linked to this well known property of having to embody an incontestable truth. In a given part of the text, the author highlights:

In our time, once reality has been made fully real and things have been converted into fully objective objects, the real cannot be what is discussed, what is put under question, what opens the question and the questioning: now, the appeal to reality's reality and to the objectivity of the things works imperatively as what closes the discussion and solves the question. We should keep quiet when reality speaks(1:202).

Thus, the state of reality is seen as ambiguous and, therefore, in order to initiate any challenge to the reality of power, it is necessary to question the power of what is presented as reality.

Couldn't this reality we have been talking about refer to, for instance, the reality of science? And wouldn't this reality be solidary with the model of truth of the positive science? Then, the author says the shock with the truth of power presupposes the willingness to question the power of truth. This operation presents us, or places us within, a movement that establishes an interesting tension: the one that originates between the production and imposition of an only truth and the emergence of multiple and conflicting truths. As a conclusion, Larrosa highlights that we submit ourselves to the power of truth when we attach ourselves to the truth of power and when, upon doing this, we accept that it is the only and true truth.

In what concerns us, the author and the theoretical-methodological approaches that are close to his perspective propose that we live, think, do, and teach, in any field of knowledge, considering the conflicts and the disputes underlying the processes that establish and legitimise "the" truth and the exercise of power in the instances in which we act as professionals. If we take, as a reference, the author's provocations and the effects they have produced on us, we can construct the Congress's central topic, that is, Nursing Today: Courage to Experiment Many Ways of Being.

Since the adoption of a certain way of "being and learning" implies not only the delimitation of a topic that leads towards what is intended to be discussed, but also assumes a "how to say" that is congruent with this perspective, we have split this topic into four subtopics: ways of living, ways of doing, ways of thinking, and ways of learning nursing. Beyond this, a "how to say" that could confront us with the plurality and conflicts that articulate themselves in the nursing knowledge required a prioritisation, in the official programme, of more collective ways of presentation, such as round tables, coordinated communication and topic-based dialogued posters, rather than speeches and conferences only. We tried to contemplate, on a daily basis, the four subtopics, split around contemporary topics/issues, besides grouping, in the same round tables, scholars with plural - and sometimes conflicting - theoretical-political focuses. With this strategy, one does not intend necessarily to establish theoretical and political conflicts among the participants in the table, but to give audibility and visibility to voices and approaches that emerge as innovations or that have been subsumed by hegemonic voices or, yet, that problematise in each area, by inviting them to the debates and reflections that the Brazilian Nursing Congress historically develops and encourages in the area.

Thus, it is with this point of view and with plenty of pleasure that Gaúcho nurses, members of the ABEn RS, organise this famous yearly ABEn event. We are waiting for colleagues from all over the country in this meeting where, besides divulging and spreading the production of knowledge in nursing, we invest in the construction of a space for social and political expression of Brazilian nursing, thus allowing for the interchange among nursing professionals and organisations.


  • 1. Larrosa J. Pedagogia profana. Danças, piruetas e mascaradas. Porto Alegre (RS): Contrabando; 1998.252p.
  • a
    Utilizamos a arroba para contemplar os gêneros masculino e feminino.
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      02 June 2011
    • Date of issue
      Apr 2004
    Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem SGA Norte Quadra 603 Conj. "B" - Av. L2 Norte 70830-102 Brasília, DF, Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 3226-0653, Fax: (55 61) 3225-4473 - Brasília - DF - Brazil