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Prevalence of High Blood Pressure in people with impaired physical mobility: nursing implications

The hypertension is one of the main causes of death all over the world and may result in the reduction or absence of the skeletal muscular tone. The aim was to identify the epidemiologic aspects of hypertension in physical disabled people and the knowledge of these individuals about the control of the risk factors to the hypertension. Took part 40 physically handicapped. It was used a questionnaire approaching, the risk factors to hypertension. The data were analized to the light of multireferecials. It was detected 30% were with overweight or obesity; 75% with BP inferior or equal to 120/80 mmhg. And 25% hypertensive and 20% Hypertensive of stage I. The individuals do not know about the risks to hypertension. Their habits and life style offer risks to health. The hypertension in physically impaired people reaches a higher seriousness and it represents a challenge to health professionals, because the control of this injury it is indispensible the adhesion of the pacient to the treatment.

Life Style; Risk Factors; Hypertension

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