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Creativity in health education in a neonatal rooming-in: opinion of puerpers on the use of an educational game

The article presents the experience of nurses in the development and use of an educational game on breastfeeding and basic care with the newborn with a group of puerperae women in a rooming-in unit, the analyzing the opinions of the participants involved in the educational experience. This descriptive study which was carried out at a philanthropic maternity in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. The educational activity proposed was a board game, coordinated by a nurse, in which mothers were organized in two groups. One group formulated questions on breastfeeding and basic care of the newborn, while the other group answered the questions. At the end of the game the participants were requested to give their opinion about the activity. The results show that the mothers considered the game entertaining and stimulating. It broke the hospital's routine, kept the "players" attentive and facilitated understanding and learning under discussion of the subject. The authors conclude that the activity proposed was an appropriate strategy to facilitate the exchange and learning under discussing of experiences among mothers, as well as, to develop health education through the use of ludicaleducational games.

rooming-in; health education; educational games

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