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Avaliação e tratamento do olho seco na hanseníase

The authors have done this piece of work because there are a lot of dry cornea patients and very few publications about it. They have examined 150 patients from February to March (1986); 66% type V, 16,6% type B, 16,6% type T. 62% from the examined patients had dry cornea and the main causes were: low tear production trichiasis, lagophthalmia I (initial) and advanced and ectropium. The trearment of the patients during that period was divied in two levels according to the gravity of the problem: a) simple and total lubrication of the cornea using synthetic lubricant; b) remonal of the eyelashes from patients that had got trichiasis. Putting that treatment into proctice the authors have observed a 100% recovery on dry cornea patients.

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