1 |
Satisfação e insatisfação no trabalho de profissionais de saúde da atenção básica(16) 2014/ Brazil |
Qualitative study 22 participants Level V |
To identify the reasons for satisfaction and dissatisfaction of health professionals in the Family Health Strategy and traditional primary care. |
Reasons for satisfaction: affinity with the profession; user satisfaction with assistance; teamwork; between professionals and users. Reasons for dissatisfaction: problems in relationships with users/families; insufficient salary; difficulties in teamwork; deficit of instruments and infrastructure, excessive workload; and lack of understanding of the population about the assumptions of Family Health Strategy. |
2 |
Trabalho na Estratégia Saúde da Família: Implicações nas cargas de trabalho de seus profissionais(10) 2014/ Brazil |
Qualitative study 11 Participants Level V |
To identify aspects of work at Family Health Strategy that contribute to increasing and/or reducing workloads. |
The aspects that interfere with the proper implementation of Family Health Strategy increase workload. Affinity with work, team autonomy, and job security reduce workload. |
3 |
Practice Transformation in the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative: A Qualitative Look(17) 2014/ USA |
Qualitative case study 07 participants Level VI |
To study three successful practices to identify common characteristics and approaches. |
They were motivators of successful practices: desire to improve the quality of care and the experience of the patient or professional. Financial incentives played a minor role. |
4 |
Work context, job satisfaction and suffering in primary health care(8) 2015/ Brazil |
Cross-sectional study 242 participants Level IV |
To evaluate the work context and the indicators of pleasure and suffering from the perspective of workers. |
Organization and working conditions obtained the worst evaluations. Indicators of pleasure at work were related to professional achievement, freedom of expression, and acknowledgment. |
5 |
Dimensions of Safety Climate among Iranian Nurses(7) 2015/ Iran |
Literature review Not quantified and not classified in relation to the Level of Evidence |
To develop and validate a psychometric scale to measure the safety climate of nurses. |
A scale of 40 items with 6 dimensions was elaborated: 1- involvement of employees in security support and management; 2- compliance with safety rules; 3- training and accessibility to personal protective equipment; 4-obstacles to safe work; 5- communication safety and working pressure; 6- and individual risk perception. |
6 |
Ser enfermeiro da Estratégia Saúde da Família: desafio e possibilidades(9) 2015/ Brazil |
Qualitative study/ 07 participants Level V |
To analyze the challenges and possibilities of the work of nurses in Family Health Strategy in a health district of Belo Horizonte. |
The daily life of nurses at Family Health Strategy is marked by work overload, which impairs the performance of actions. |
7 |
Safety climate in English general practices; workload pressures may compromise safety(4) 2015/ England |
Cross-sectional study 335 participants Level IV |
To build an instrument for general British patient safety practices. To report how these practices affect the security climate and high workload levels. |
Managers gave their practices significantly higher safety scores than non-manager participants. Respondents with more years of experience had a more negative perception of the level of workload. Practices with patients living in areas of greater deprivation provided lower scores in relation to the safety climate. |
8 |
Dealing with workplace violence in emergency primary health care: a focus group study(18) 2015/ Norway |
Qualitative study/ 37 participants Level V |
To explore how the Primary Health Care professional handled the threats and violence of visitors or patients. |
Threatening situations that generated insecurity were related to family members, with fewer physical aggressions. Factors that influence threats or violence: to minimize the risk of working alone; to be prepared; to resolve the mismatch between the patient's expectations and the service offered; and management support. |
9 |
Iranian nurses perspectives on assessment of safe care: an exploratory study(3) 2016/ Iran |
Qualitative study/ 16 participants Level V |
To explore the perspectives and experiences of nurses on the evaluation of safe nursing care and clinical practice. |
Four components were identified for safe care and patient safety: holistic evaluation of nursing care; teamwork and evaluation of nursing care; ethical problems; and challenges of safe evaluation of nursing care. |
10 |
Condiciones de trabajo de los profesionales de enfermería en Chile(12) 2016/ Chile |
Systematic review of descriptive and retrospective character/ 9 articles Level V |
To identify working conditions and the reasons why nursing professionals get sick. |
Nursing professionals work in conditions marked by lack of materials, work overload and limited resources. |
11 |
Patient safety in Primary Health Care: integrative review(6) 2016/ Brazil |
Integrative review/ 10 articles/ Not classified in relation to the Level of Evidence |
To analyze scientific productions on patient safety. |
Scientific production related to the theme of patient safety has been increasing in recent years, following the discussions and intentions of the World Health Organization. |
12 |
Cuidados de enfermagem no pré-natal e segurança do paciente: revisão integrativa(5) 2016/ Brazil |
Integrative review/ 280 articles/ Not classified in relation to the Level of Evidence |
To analyze the publications on patient safety during nursing care in prenatal care of Primary Health Care. |
Expansion of Family Health Strategy coverage and professional training can be strategies to qualify health care for safe and quality care for women in prenatal care. |
13 |
Aumento das cargas de trabalho em técnicos de enfermagem na Atenção Primária à Saúde no Brasil(11) 2016/ Brazil |
Multi-Institutional Clinical Trial 24 professionals/ Level V |
To analyze the aspects that contribute to increase workload of nursing technicians. |
Aspects that contribute to increase workload: low remuneration, lack of material resources, wear and illness, relationship with the user and scarcity of human resources. Prevailing overloads related to psychic and physiological conditions. |
14 |
Qualitative evaluation of the Safety and Improvement in Primary Care (SIPC) pilot collaborative in Scotland: perceptions and experiences of participating care teams(19) 2016/ Scotland |
Qualitative study/ 27 participants/ Level V |
To explore participants' perceptions and experiences about security. To identify facilitators and barriers to improving safety. |
The results indicated benefits of using the program; improvements in patient care systems; usefulness of program interventions. |
15 |
Prevalência da capacidade para o trabalho inadequada entre trabalhadores de enfermagem da atenção básica à saúde(20) 2017/ Brazil |
Cross-sectional study/ 490 participants/ Level IV |
To describe the prevalence and characteristics of inadequate work capacity among nursing workers in the State of Bahia. |
Prevalence of inadequate work capacity was 17.9%, being higher among nurses (18.2%), when compared to nursing technicians and assistants (17.7%). Changes are necessary both in the work environment and in the life of the worker. |
16 |
Validation of a moral distress instrument in nurses of primary health care(21) 2018/ Brazil |
Methodological study/ 391 participants/ Level VI |
To validate an instrument to identify the situations that triggered moral distress in nurses. |
Forty-six questions were validated, divided into six constructs: health policies, working conditions, nurse autonomy, professional ethical competence, disrespect for user autonomy and work overload. |