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Self-steem of undergratuate students of nursing

This study evaluates the self-esteem of undergraduate students of nursing, that through a workshop developed mechanisms for improving their self-esteem, considering that this is the most propitious time for students to multiply health care actions. METHODOLOGY: the research was carried out with 156 undergraduate students of the third year. Socio-drama techniques of Neurolinguistics were used and the evaluation was done according to Minayo. It was possible to observe that students usually confuse self-esteem and self-image, and that both are stereotyped for for men and women. As nurses are always worried about the clientlpatient's life quality, they neglect themselves. ln this case, the Workshops were essential for the students to rescue interior knowledge about themselves, and to realize that in order to take good care of clients / patients, they must be physically and psychologically healthy.

self-esteem; self-image; nursing students; nursing undergraduation

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