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A Imaginação criadora como perspectiva do cuidar na enfermagem psiquiátrica

Questioning the practice fundamentation of psychiatric nursing imagination thought about the psychic patient and the contribution of creative imagination about the psychiatric nursing care, has been developed In Rio de Janeiro, from 1996 to 1998, a research among acting nurses In psychiatric institutions. The study object has been delimited like the perspective creative imagination about the psychiatric nursing care. The investigation had as objects: The imaginative dimension In the nursing, taking attention for creation or expression for a creation; to evince the poetic meaning of take care In this knowledge area; to analyze the assign meaning for the nurses to the take care process of psychiatric patient beginning for the creative imagination; and identify the possibility of innovation in the nursing practice making evidence the take care as the end In the relationship nurse - psychic patient psychiatric institution and like the professional valorize of the nurse. The social poetic approach of Gauthier and Santos (1996) has been the theoretical-methodic research references having developed creative dynamics inspired In Jung (1995) and gestalt to terapia. The construction of the referenced categories has based In the material imagination of Bachelard perspective. The data production about fire, air, water and soil (elements has permitted to delimit the next subjects: Energy chance, the body like an instrument, interaction and transformation, personnel balance, integration search, institutional space, liberty, daily take care, unknown fear, risk oppose, crisis and frowning, care challenge, creator signal, the nurse roil and the patient autonomy, integration to the individuality. The study of the delimited object In this research, the analyze and interpretation of produced data by the social-poetic approach, the method triangulation (Research Group and Bachelard) and triangulation data acquired In the creative dynamics has produced the next knowledge: the take care is constructed by the nurse at the interaction-creation instant so much metabolized than the considered and has it support In the body; to take care In psychiatric imply In the union of dispersed elements; is the himself integration quest, corresponding to the holistic perspective, which understand the entire reality integrity, where each element of considered field reflect and content all its dimensions, to take care In nursing are the complementary dynamic actions to find a active unit for link creativeness and intellectuality, fly and plunge, ascent and descent pleasure and lightness; to take care is the possibility of promote the growing, the autonomy and development of numberless to be state, (care-taker and what is cared). Like an embryological process, imply In waiting, expectation and hope sharing a poetic meaning of psychiatric nursing care constructed by the research group. Air tissue without texture. Context only pretext of balance, vastness... To break invisible covering Come out in self Flying across the intensity.

Care of nursing; Mental health; Philosophy

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