Objective: Estimate the burden of SARS-CoV-2 infection among nursing professionals in Brazil.
Method: Ecological study using data from the Nursing Observatory. The weight attributed to diseases was based on the Global Disease Burden Study 2017, considering the lower respiratory infection as moderate.
Results: 7,201 records were analyzed; and, 190 deaths were recorded. The total number of years of life adjusted for disability was 5,825.35 years, with an average of 2,912.76 (95% CI 2,876.49-2,948.86). The adjusted rate per thousand professionals was 1,475.94 years for men and 674.23 years for women.
Conclusion SARS-CoV-2 infection in Brazil follows an upward trend in nursing and has a major impact among women, nursing technicians and younger professionals.
Descriptors: Pandemics; COVID-19; Disease Burden; Nursing; Quality of Life; Disability Adjusted Life Years