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Totally laryngectomized patients: validation of defining characteristics for the nursing diagnosis hindered communication

This study aimed at validating the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis "hindered communication" for patients submitted to total laryngectomy. The diagnostic content validation model (DCV) proposed by FEHRING (1986, 1987) was used. Data were collected by means of a Likert-type frequency scale consisting of twenty-six defining characteristics from the list of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) and three fictional defining characteristics. Twenty-six clinical and faculty nurses participated in the study. The results showed a total DCV of 0.84 for larger defining characteristics and a total DCV of 0.69 for smaller defining characteristics. It was recognized that the study validated the defining characteristics preconized by NANDA for the nursing diagnosis "hindered communication".

communication; nursing diagnosis; totally laryngectomized

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