Open-access Functional respiratory re-education interventions in people with respiratory disease: a systematic literature review

Intervenciones de reeducación funcional respiratoria en la persona con enfermedad respiratoria: revisión sistemática de la literatura


Objectives:  to identify nursing interventions in rehabilitation, within the scope of functional respiratory reeducation, which allow a respiratory function improvement in people with respiratory disease.

Methods:  systematic literature review using the MEDLINE database search, adopting the PICO mnemonic and the Joanna Briggs Institute’s assessment of the level of evidence and methodological quality. The search for randomized controlled trials was carried out in June 2021 considering the period from 2015 to 2020, in English or Portuguese.

Results:  a sample of nine randomized controlled trials with methodological quality was obtained which highlighted the use of positive expiratory pressure devices as an important component and intervention for respiratory functional reeducation.

Conclusions:  nursing interventions in rehabilitation with an emphasis on functional respiratory reeducation are essential, showing improvements in people’s general health.

Descriptors: Rehabilitation Nursing; Remedial Teachings; Respiratory Tract Disease; Health Gains; Systematic Review

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