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Living of parturientes: observation in nursing

This study emerged from my own experience in Obstetric Nursing and my living in Obstetrics. I searched for comprehending the real meaning of delivery labor experiences as a situated phenomenon. It is a qualitative research with phenomenological approach. The lying-in women were the witnesses through the question: 'What was your daily experience in the pre-delivery room like?' Through analysis and hermeneutics of speeches, I have used the knowledge of Matin Heidegger's philosophical-theoretical referential. Thus, I managed to clarify that the parturient is fearful when left by herself in her experience, showing surprise for the labor of delivery is singular, noting down the pain as a possibility of the existential limit, being open to help and noticing the impersonality of care provided. With this watchful sense, I approached the comprehension of a lying-in woman as a beingin-a-world-with-health-professionals. This discovery indicated the possibility of new ways of caring in Obstetrics.

Labor of delivery; Obstetric nursing; Observation in nursing

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