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Relaxation: a strategy in the of context of nursing care

This work has evaluated the application of relaxation as a strategy of nursing care; it has also sought for a theoretical framework that could base this technique application to assist the needs of a client facing his illness status, as well as a resource to be used by nurses in dealing with stressing situations, regarding to their professional praxis. We have worked upon conceptual aspects, the etimology, the aims, relaxation application and its implication in nursing care. We have concluded that relaxation technique is an ability that needs to be learned and praticesed in order to improve well-being. It is a therapeutic modality, not pharmacologic, can be associated to tradicional therapeutics and is of preventive value. It increases the options of efficcient therapy for nurses. It is a coping technique in relation to stress. For inserting it into nursing praxis it is demanding that the nurse perceive the client and himself as a whole for both are benefitted by this strategy use.

Relaxation; Strategy; Nursing care

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