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The poetical motivation of the material elements: new categories of analysis in the social-poetical approach

Gauthier and Santos (1996) describes the socio-poetics as na approach of knowledge of human-being and society, a way for the production of knowledge by means of a variety of research practices and education that poetically transforms knowledge for better understanding. The creators of socio-poetics utilize as analysing categories the geo-mitic places, thus stimulating those who work with this approach to create new teenies and life experiences in order to improve data production in the research group. Playing attention to this challenge and inspired in the concepts of Material Imagination Gaston Bachelard, C.G.Jung Active Imagination Tecnic and in the growth experiments of John Stevens's gestalt-therapy, we created the Tecnic of Material Elements, based in the images provoked by the 4 elements (water, earth fire and air). We concluded that this new tecnic favored the expression of inconnscious or silenced contents that interfere in nurse care, thus allowing nurses to explore themselves creativily and to improved their professional practcing.

imagination; care; creation

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