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Incidence and features of cesarean section and natural childbith: study in a city from Ceará's countryside

The research aimed to describe the features of a given population studied, as civil state, occupation and number of pre-natal appointments; to verify the incidence of cesarean section and normal labor in clients attended in an institution; to compare these occurrence in the period of research, discussing the indications of cesarean sections more frequently referred. It is a descriptive-retrospective study based upon patient records from a philanthropic institution of the National Health System. It highlighted a rising percentage of cesarean sections with high incidence in teenagers. It evidenced that the main indications of cesarean section were due to former cesarean section and pregnancy specific hipertensive disease. It was recorded predominance of pregnants with 4 to 7 pre-natal appointments. Changes in pre-natal care can impact in cesarean section rate, preparing the mother to natural labor, something that can be closely related to midwives obstetrical nurses and physicians capacitation, as well as the placement of group care instead individual care.

Natural chidbirth; Cesarean section; Perinatal Care; Obstetrical nursing

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