Objectives: to develop and evaluate the convergence of the instrument for the appearance validity of educational technologies in health.
Methods: methodological study conducted in two steps. In step 1, the instrument items were developed, with subsequent content validity by nine specialists in the development of educational technologies in health. In step 2, the convergent validity between another instrument and the appearance instrument was performed. Correlation results above r> 0.3 and p <0.05 were considered as plausible convergent validity.
Results: the ten items of the initial version of the appearance instrument were submitted to content validity that resulted in a final version with 12 items (Content Validity Index = 0.93). The correlation indexes were strong with the objective and appearance domains; moderate with motivation, organization and total; and weak with writing style.
Conclusions: the appearance instrument demonstrated content validity and convergent validity, in addition to a strong correlation with the other instrument.
Descriptors: Validation Studies; Educational Technology; Technological Development; Methodological Research in Nursing; Health Education