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Meanings of social support for people submitted to coronary artery by-pass graft surgery: ethnographic study

The aim of this ethnographic study was to understand the meanings of social support according to a group of people submitted to coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Semi structured interview and direct observations were the techniques used for data collection, which took place at the participants' homes and during outpatient return appointments. Data were collected between April/2010 and April/2011, involving eleven individuals, mostly married, between 49 and 73 years of age. The main reported source of support came from relatives. Religious support was another type mentioned, considered fundamental when making decisions about the surgery. The meaning of support was related to direct help from relatives, concerning instrumental (accomplishment of domestic and self-care activities) as well as emotional and religious help (focus on coping with the disease and surgery and explanations for the disease and surgery as a moment of threat and rupture).

Social Support; Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery; Anthropology, Cultural; Nursing

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