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Bases metodológicas para a assistência de enfermagem em saúde coletiva, fundamentadas no materialismo histórico e dialético

The authors suggest a nursing assistance methodology in public health, base on historical-dialectical-materialism, starting from the conception and from world view, according to this referential, and from the laws of the materialist dialectic. In this referential it is accepted the health-illness process when socially stated for a giving objective reality, and taking in account this reality must be approached in three dimensions, as follows: "the structural dimension", formed by the development processes of the productive ability and of the social relations: "the particular dimension", formed by the social reproduction processes; and "the singular dimension" formed by the individuals and their families. The proposed nursing assistence methodology in public health is developed in following steps: a) obtainning the objective reality; b) interpretaitting the objective reality; c) elaborating a project for intervenning in the objective reality; d) intervenning in the objective reality; e) reinterpretatting the objective reality. In each of this steps, above mencionned, three dimensions must be considered simultaneously

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