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Mental health in surgical clients: developing nursing care actions through support groups

The use of support groups as a resource for caring patients has been an usual modality of nursing assistance. This study aimed at using the support group for approaching the surgical in-patient in order to diminish present anxiety in these situations. The research has been developed at a surgical clinic at HCFM-UFG with 41 patients. The data collection has been done through individual interviews, groups emergent material and field diary. Generally speaking, we have observed that the patients show themselves actually involved with the work, demonstrating the group efficiency as a resource to deal with anxiety, fear and tension that are present during internation process. We have pointed out the importance of the nurse to practice his/her role as a group co-ordinator, especially to deal with difficult handling situations. Meetings supervisions as for their thematic containt and performance are also indispensable.

Mental health; Nursing; psychiatry

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