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Analysis of scientific production on the usage of contraceptive methods by adolescents

The purpose fo the study was to analyze national scientific production on the contraceptives in adolescence. A quantitative descriptive research through systematic revision was performed in CAPES' database from 1997 to 2007. Out of the 43 ABSTRACTs, 35 were dissertations (81.4%) and eigth (18.4%) were doctoral theses. From 1997 to 2002 there was a wide number of publications. The health area presented 58.1% and the qualitative studies were predominant (48.8%). When it comes to the focus, the knowledge and usage of contraceptives and the opinions and/or perceptions on sexual and reproductive health of adolescents were highlighted. The professionals from several fields are concerned about discussing the theme, suggesting strategies of how adolescents should live their sexual and reproductive lives in a healthy way.

Pregnancy in adolescence; Anticonception; Nursing

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