Acessibilidade / Reportar erro

Nurse's training: professor's characteristics and academic success

The present report describes the characteristics of the professor who teaches the disciplines that obtained the highest success indexes in the evaluation carried out by the students. It was executed at a Nursing Superior Education School in Lisbon (Portugal), regarding 16 professors who answered a questionnaire. We concluded that a professor who is well evaluated by the students has the following attributes: he is mature, well qualified for education, with a solid experience in teaching and a good experience in the exercise of the profession. In the professor's own opinion, they are able to establish a good relationship with their students, they consider themselves as being solidly efficient in teaching practice and they have a deep knowledge of their lectured disciplines. All of the professors use expository lectures, with student's interaction and dialogue, and complemented by the sharing of experiences and practical way of life, debates, discussions, dramatisations and simulations. The authors alert the need for further research on the subject.

Education, nursing; Education, nursing, baccalaureate; Faculty, nursing

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