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Quality of life of the colostomized person with or without use of methods of bowel control

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and to compare the quality of life (QoL) of colostomy people, using or not using the bowel control methods (BCM), in other words, the colostomy irrigation and the plug system, considering the hypothesis that people who used them had better QoL. Method: This study was carried out in the Heliópolis Hospital Outpatient Department, after the project approval for the Ethical and Research Committee, using the WHOQoL-bref. The sample was constituted of two groups: 50 colostomy people with BCM and 50, without BCM. Results: The Group with BCM had a QoL significantly higher, being this observed in all the Domains and in the Overall QoL, than those of the Group without BCM. Conclusion: The study confirmed the hypothesis that the QoL of the Group with BCM is better than the Group without BCM.

Quality of life; Colostomy; Colostomy

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