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Employment structural decomposition in manufacturing industries between 2000-2009


The aim of this article is to analyze the employment variation in manufacturing industries between years 2000-2009 in Brazil. It employs an input-output methodology, by means of employment structural decomposition into intensity, technology, demand, growth and total effects. The main results showed that in the period Brazilian manufacturing sectors added up 4.38 million jobs, which represented 25% of total jobs created in the country. Among the studied effects, growth and intensity shall be highlighted as the main responsible outcomes. Considering total impacts, the industries that showed greater relative increase in jobs where: food and beverage, clothes and construction. The results lead to the conclusion that, in the studied period, manufacturing in Brazil showed an increase in employment rates, with technology, despite not being the lone factor, having produced a positive impact in job creation.

technology; employment; input-output; industry; structural decomposition.

Instituto de Economia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Avenida Pasteur, 250 sala 114, Palácio Universitário, Instituto de Economia, 22290-240 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: 55 21 3938-5242 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil