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The identification of competencies in the training of nurses from the point of view of change in the health care model


The identification of competencies in the training of nurses from the point of view of change in the health care model

Regina Lúcia Herculano FaustinoI; Emiko Yoskikawa EgryII

INurse, Master of Nursing, Student in the Inter-units Doctoral Program in Nursing of the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo and EERP-USP, campus of the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo. Nurse of UNIMONTES and Nursing teacher at UNASP - Adventist University Center of São Paulo. Fellow of PICDT/CAPES. E-mail:

IINurse, Master of Nursing, Doctor in Public Health. Nursing lecturer in Collective Health, Full Professor in the Department of Collective Health Nursing of the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo, CNPq Researcher. Tutor. E-mail:


The training of nurses has undergone great transformations in recent years, as a result of changes in the economic and social situation of Brazil and the world and, mainly, due to demands of the current LDB Law (National Educational Guidelines). This law requires the restructuring of the undergraduate courses, with the extension of minimum curricula and the adoption of specific curricular guidelines for each course (1). The contradictions in the training of nurses, between the basically theoretical training of academia and the demands of an ever more diversified practice, among other things, has given rise to discussions on the changes that are necessary to assure graduates greater confidence when facing the social reality in which they are inserted, as well as the work demands that configure professional practice after qualification. These are some concerns of students, faculty and those involved in rethinking the new scenarios of Brazilian nursing. On the other hand, the current crisis of health in Brazil has stimulated the search of alternatives that have shown the adoption of strategies for changes in the current health care model - hospital centered, curative and technologized - that has shown itself incapable of meeting the health needs of the population and solving the social, economic and political issues of the National Health System (2). However, in order to face such large challenges imposed by transformations in the health work process, much more is needed than the mere reorganization of the health system. It is necessary to change the practice of professionals in an attempt to develop new skills, competencies, attitudes and ethical values (3). It is in this search to establish a profile of competencies for the professional nurse, to meet the demands of the National Health System, that we intend to find the theoretical and empirical foundations for the present study. The theoretical framework used is the Pedagogy of Competencies, according to Perrenoud (4), in the understanding that the acquisition of competencies does not occur only at the technical level, but involves the holistic development of the individual in the ethical, political, social and professional spheres. The theoretical and methodological framework adopted is the Theory of Practical Intervention in Nursing in Collective Health, proposed by Egry (5), based on historical dialectic materialism. The scenarios chosen for the study are the Schools of Nursing and the subjects are the teachers, students and nurses in the Supervised Internship in the 8th semester in the public universities in the southeast and northeast regions of Brazil. The instrument used for collecting primary data was focal groups and the secondary data will be collected from the analysis of documents. The analysis of empirical data will be based on the assumptions of the technique of discourse analysis, according to Florin (6). The analytical categories were identified adopting Le Boterfs (7) references. Then, a focal group was set up to validate the data-collecting instrument, involving nurses from teams of Family health in the Southern Region of São Paulo. The research is underway, and should be concluded mid 2004.


  • 1. Brasil, Lei n- 9.394 - 20 de dezembro de 1996. Estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educaçăo nacional. Diário Oficial, Brasília, 23 de dezembro de 1996. Seçăo 1, p. 27.833-27.841.
  • 2. Mendes, E. V Uma agenda para a saúde. Sáo Paulo: HUCITEC, 1996. 300p.
  • 3. Piancastelli, C. H. Saúde da Família e desenvolvimento de recursos humanos. Divulgaçăo em Saúde para Debate. Rio de Janeiro, n. 21, p. 44-48. dez./2000.
  • 4. Perrenoud, E Construir as competęncias desde a escola, Traduçăo Bruno Charles Megne, Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas Sul, 1999.
  • 5. Egry, E. Y. Saúde Coletiva: construindo um novo método em enfermagem. Săo Paulo: ícone, 1996.
  • 6. Fiorin, J. L. Elementos de análise do discurso. 7Ş. ed. Săo Paulo: Contexto, 1999. 93p.
  • 7.  Le Boterf, G. Compétence et navigation profeasionnelle. Paris: Éd. D'Organisation, 1997.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    12 Dec 2008
  • Date of issue
    June 2002
Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 419 , 05403-000 São Paulo - SP/ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 3061-7553, - São Paulo - SP - Brazil