The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk indicators for high blood pressure in children and teenagers. A cross-sectional study developed with 342 individuals of 6-18 years of age in a school of Fortaleza city. The most individuals were male (51,5%). The age mean was 11,7 years ( 3,19). It was frequent the scholars with overweight / obesity (16,8%) and blood pressure above of the 90th percentile (44,7%). Sedentarism, smoking and drinking were present in 51,5%, 38% and 15,5% of the sample. The systolic blood pressure was correlated with the variable age, weight, height, waist and hip circumferences, subscapular skin-fold thickness and body mass index. There was correlation of the diastolic blood pressure with age, weight, height, and waist and hip circumferences. It was confirm the influence of risk factors on the blood pressure values of children and teenagers. The systolic blood pressure was especially influenced by anthropometric indicators.
Hypertension; Risk Factors; Child; Adolescent