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An evaluation of risks of HIV infection according to different sexual practices considering the undergraduation students and HIV/AIDS experts' perspectives

To detect the beliefs concerning the risk levels related to several sexual practices/habits and the HIV infection among undergraduate students and to compare their opinion with the AIDS experts were the objectives of this study. A 25- item questionnaire (Likert Probability Scale) about sexual practices/habits were answered by undergraduate students enrolled in the courses of nursing, medical school, pharmacy-biochemistry, psychology. Based on Fatorial analysis and by using the Varimax Rotation System, 25 itens were distributed in 7 factors, and 5 itens were excluded. From the 20 itens, 5 were reunited in 2 factors and studied in this paper. Factor X reunited the itens 1 (vaginal intercourse with condom) and 2 (anal sex with condom). In Factor Y the itens included were: 3 (heterosexual intercourse), 4 (vaginal intercourse without condom) and 5 (anal intercourse without condom). In 80% of the 5 itens, it was observed that the students have knowledge similar to the experts"s evidences But, continuing education is necessary to these people, as human beings and as future health care givers to the HIV infected/AIDS patients.

Students; Sex behavior; Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 419 , 05403-000 São Paulo - SP/ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 3061-7553, - São Paulo - SP - Brazil