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Afro-Mexican Women and The Black Movement through Life History


This article describes and analyzes the process of building Black-Afro Mexican political subjectivity through the life history of Black-Afro Mexican activist and intellectual Juliana Acevedo. This narration emerges from within a political process which began in 2012, in which Afro women built a space for gendered political enunciation regarding ethnicized identity at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st Century. Acevedo is part of a tradition of engaged women intellectuals who delineate difference within and outside of the Afro-descendent movement. Her narration interrogates feminist discourse and questions the historical and political forms and the intersections of racialization, class, and gender within which intellectual and activist Black-Afro Mexican women have been represented.

Afro-descendants; Narratives; Feminism; Agency; Subjectivities

Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas e Centro de Comunicação e Expressão da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus Universitário - Trindade, 88040-970 Florianópolis SC - Brasil, Tel. (55 48) 3331-8211, Fax: (55 48) 3331-9751 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil