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Análise estrutural no planejamento de lavra de rocha ornamental

Structural analysis of rock mass is an important tool to be used for mine planning of dimensional stones. Besides the structural mapping, it is important to define the stress distribution within the rock mass. This paper describes the results obtained from the application of structural analysis at the Piquiri Syenite, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, to aid dimensional stones quarry planning. Collected data during the structural survey constitute a data base used to determine the paleostress axes. The analyses performed distinguished two phases of deformation and were possible to separate the types of fracture into R, C, T e P. Fractures with directions ranging in 260ºand 10º were considered to impose more difficulties to the operations and planning. Avoiding mining at identified intense fractured zones mass allowed the increase of mining recovery of dimensional syenite blocks.

dimensional stones; structural analysis; mine planning

Escola de Minas Rua Carlos Walter Marinho Campos, 57 - Vila Itacolomy, 35400-000 Ouro Preto MG - Brazil, Tel: (55 31) 3551-4730/3559-7408 - Ouro Preto - MG - Brazil