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Abdelmalek Sayad My debt. His epistemological epistemological concern


Abdelmalek Sayad has undeniably contributed to a greater understanding of migration by bringing together history, sociology and anthropology. For him, this meant that it was scientifically unthinkable to look at countries producing exiles and receiving exiles separately. Studying immigration and immigrants, which are two different categories, can only find its (best) conditions of accomplishment if we reflect, in the same act, on what they have done when we examine, in practice and theory, populations deprived of a public voice; in other words, deprived, partly by law, of political speech. The sociology of Abdelmalek Sayad has opened up new epistemological perspectives. This methodological singularity was also deployed in his reflective practice. All his texts show this, in one form or another.

immigration; domination; hierarchy; epistemology

Centro Scalabriniano de Estudos Migratórios SRTV/N Edificio Brasília Radio Center , Conj. P - Qd. 702 - Sobrelojas 01/02, CEP 70719-900 Brasília-DF Brasil, Tel./ Fax(55 61) 3327-0669 - Brasília - DF - Brazil