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Evaluation of thermal and mechanical behavior of pavers with waste additions


New materials and technologies used in construction constantly need improvements, whereby the leveraging of new raw materials for the manufacture of products already in use, such as paving, is required. Thus, this study aimed to determine the mechanical and thermal behavior of pavers containing waste glass and São Tomé stone waste to verify their potential application as cold diffraction. Thereafter, they were comminuted and added to the mixtures for making the pavers having glass waste and São Tomé stone in the range of 0-30% by weight. Mechanical compressive strength and thermal heat absorption tests were performed. Results showed that the replacement of fine aggregates with waste glass and São Tomé stone waste in pavers reached a mechanical resistance of approximately 85% and 73% of that of the reference paver, respectively. The results show that reducing the waste content of pavers can increase the mechanical strength to reach the NBR 9781/87 values. However, pavers with lower mechanical strength can be used in paving pedestrian sidewalks, where the loads are low. Pavers with 30% glass waste achieved a 5.5% reduction in the maximum temperature, which could contribute to the reduction of urban heat islands.

pavers; cold materials; glass waste; stone São Tomé

Fundação Gorceix Rua Carlos Walter Marinho Campos, 56, Cep: 35400-000, Tel: (31) 3551-4730 - Ouro Preto - MG - Brazil