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Influence of operational variables of the catalytic cracking unit on the circulation of the catalyst at constant mass conversion: Acting on the reduction of particulate emissions


This article analyzes the operational variables of a catalytic cracking plant that affect the catalytic circulation and conversion results. It is considered that the analysis of the impact of these variables on the catalytic circulation is essential for the refiner to determine the best operational strategies, without loss of profitability and to minimize friction mechanisms, which reduce particulate emissions. The Analysis of Variance revealed how, statistically, the parameters are related, presenting equal, opposite directions and with different magnitudes. The results of R2, F significances and analysis of residuals showed an excellent fit of the model, therefore, validating the design of the experiments carried out. The application model demonstrated a reduction capacity of 25% in the circulation of the catalyst, with no impact on the conversion of the unit. This result demonstrates the refiner's ability to act, improving its unit optimization techniques from an environmental and economic bias.

FCCU (Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit); catalyst circulation FCCU; conversion FCCU; particulate emissions; optimization FCCU

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