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Optimization of duplex stainless steel UNS S32205 end milling with noise factor analysisy


The metalworking industry faces challenges in maintaining process performance due to variables affecting product quality, particularly in processes requiring precise control over machined part finishes. Duplex stainless steels, known for their high strength, work hardening, and low thermal conductivity, pose specific machining challenges that can hinder producing high-quality components and equipment. This study aimed to determine optimal parameters for end milling of duplex stainless steel UNS S32205. Formulated as a combined objective function derived from minimizing the mean square error (MSE) for parameters Ra and ßf, subject to a common constraint. The optimization was conducted using generalized reduced gradient (GRG). A Pareto frontier was constructed, offering efficient results with Ra = 0.4534 μιη and Rt = 3.2671 μιη for varying weights assigned to Ra and Rt. Adjusting weights in the objective function allowed prioritization based on specific needs. Optimal input parameters were identified as cutting speed (vc) = 60.79 m/min, feed per tooth (fz = 0.15 mm/tooth, axial depth of cut (ap) = 0.90 mm, and radial depth of cut (ae) = 16.31 mm, simultaneously optimizing both parameters. This approach reduced the mean square error (RMSE), determining roughness Ra and Rt mean and variance, thus improving the machining process. Confirmatory trials using an orthogonal Taguchi arrangement (L9) yielded results within the algorithm's confidence interval. This research offers a robust methodology for optimizing machining parameters, enhancing product quality in the metalworking industry.

duplex stainless steel; end milling; roughness; mean; variance; optimization

1. Introduction

Duplex stainless steel (DSS) has a microstructure that contains both austenite and ferrite. These alloys give DSS excellent mechanical properties, such as resistance to pitting and stress corrosion, which justifies its application in the oil and gas industry (Gamarra & Diniz, 2018GAMARRA, J. R.; DINIZ, A. E. Taper turning of super duplex stainless steel: tool life, tool wear and workpiece surface roughness. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 40, n. 1, p. 1-13, 2018.; Policena et al., 2018POLICENA, M. R. DEVITTE, C.; FRONZA, G.; GARCIA, R. F.; SOUZA, A. J. Surface roughness analysis in finishing end milling of duplex stainless steel UNS S32205. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v. 98, p. 1617-1625, 2018. ; Selvaraj, 2018SELVARAJ, D. P. Optimization of surface roughness of duplex stainless steel in dry turning operation using Taguchi Technique. Materials Physics and Mechanics, v. 40, p. 63-70, 2018. ). The remarkable strength, poor thermal conductivity, and significant hardening properties of these materials pose challenges for machining processes, such as milling and turning. (Selvaraj, 2018SELVARAJ, D. P. Optimization of surface roughness of duplex stainless steel in dry turning operation using Taguchi Technique. Materials Physics and Mechanics, v. 40, p. 63-70, 2018. ).

End milling is an extremely relevant procedure in the manufacturing industry, playing a key role in the manufacturing of profiles, slots, contours, and mechanical components for the oil and gas industries (Kalidass & Palanisamy, 2018KALIDASS, G.; PALANISAMY, P. Experimental investigation on the effect of tool geometry and cutting conditions using tool wear prediction model for end milling process. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, v. 89, p. 95-109, 2014.).

Due to the hardening capability of duplex stainless steels (DSS) and taking into account their thermomechanical properties, high temperatures arise in the regions due to the contact between the cutting tool and the chip, as well as between the cutting tool and the workpiece, resulting in a higher cutting force, tool wear, and reduced machined surface quality (Policena etal., 2018POLICENA, M. R. DEVITTE, C.; FRONZA, G.; GARCIA, R. F.; SOUZA, A. J. Surface roughness analysis in finishing end milling of duplex stainless steel UNS S32205. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v. 98, p. 1617-1625, 2018. ). The surface quality of the workpiece is an aspect related to tool life (Oliveira et al., 2020OLIVEIRA, L. G.; OLIVEIRA, C. H.; BRITO, T. G.; PAIVA, E. J.; PAIVA, A. P.; FERREIRA, J. R. Nonlinear optimization strategy based on multivariate prediction capability ratios: analytical schemes and model validation for duplex stainless steel end milling. Precision Engineering, n. 66, p. 229-254, 2020. Available in:

In the study by Vasconcelos et al. (2021)VASCONCELOS, G. A. V. B.; OLIVEIRA, C. H.; CAROLHO, L. F. S. Otimização dos parâmetros de corte no torneamento do aço inoxidável 304 para redução da rugosidade superficial. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE FABRICAÇÃO - COBEF, 11., 2021, Curitiba. Anais [...]. Available in:
, a full factorial design and the generalized reduced gradient method (GRG) were employed to identify the optimal points of the process variables that minimized the roughness on the machined part. The researchers concluded that statistical analysis proved to be a crucial tool in modeling the roughness response (Rt) and that optimization proved efficient in determining the optimal parameters.

In the study conducted by Paiva et al. (2009)PAIVA, A. P.; PAIVA, E. J.; FERREIRA, J. R.; BALESTRASSI, P. P. A multivariate mean square error optimization of AISI 52100 hardened steel turning. Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 43, p. 631–643. Available in:
, multivariate optimization and the mean square error criterion were applied to the turning process of hardened steel AISI 52100. A combination of principal component analysis (PCA) and response surface methodology (RSM) was used.

Duarte Costa et al. (2016)DUARTE COSTA, D. M.; BRITO, T. G.; PAIVA, A. P.; LEME, R. C.; BALESTRASSI, P. P. A normal boundary intersection with multivariate mean square error approach for dry end milling process optimization of the AISI 1045 steel. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016. Available in:
proposed a novel hybrid multi-objective approach called NBI-MMSE, which integrates NBI (Normal Border Intersection) functions with multivariate mean square error (MMSE).

In this context, the aim of this study is to establish robust parameters to optimize the roughness Ra and the roughness Rt in the end milling process of duplex stainless steel UNS S32205, minimizing the EQM (Mean Square Error). The variables considered are cutting speed (vc), radial depth of cut (ae), feed per tooth (fz) and axial depth of cut (ap).

The selection of control variables in this study was carried out based on their direct influence on the milling process. The cutting speed (vc) is a critical variable that affects the material removal rate and heat generation. The radial depth of cut (ae) and axial depth of cut (ap) are parameters that determine the amount of material removed in each pass of the tool. The feed per tooth (fz) is a factor that influences surface roughness, as it determines the thickness of the chip cut by each cutting edge of the tool. These variables were chosen for their relevance in the milling process and the possibility of being adjusted and controlled to optimize surface roughness.

2. Robust parameter design

Robust Parameter Design (RPD) is a set of techniques for determining levels of control variables to achieve two goals: (a) ensuring that the mean value of responses is close to the desired target and (b) minimizing variability around that target (Montgomery, 2013MONTGOMERY, D. C. Design and analysis of experiments. New York: Ed. John Wiley, 2013. 757 p.).

According to Montgomery (2013)MONTGOMERY, D. C. Design and analysis of experiments. New York: Ed. John Wiley, 2013. 757 p., with respect to techniques employed for data modeling and analysis, Response Surface Methodology has been recognized as an effective approach for RPD (robust response planning). In this context, the analysis method is constructed from one of two experimental setups: cross or matched arrangements. For this particular study, a combined arrangement was chosen as the experimental strategy.

Combined arrangements are defined as sequences of experiments in which the noise variables are treated as control variables. In this way, control and noise variables are combined in a single experimental setup. Based on the data collected in the experiments, a response surface model can be built that relates the control variables, the noise, and their respective interactions. A second-order model is developed from a combined arrangement (Montgomery, 2013MONTGOMERY, D. C. Design and analysis of experiments. New York: Ed. John Wiley, 2013. 757 p.), according to Eq. 1.

(1) y ( x , z ) = β 0 + i = 1 k β i x i + i = 1 k β i i x 2 i + i < j β i j x i x j + i = 1 r y i z i + i 1 k j = 1 r δ i j x i z j + ε

Where:y - Response of interest; zi - Noise variables

k - Number of control variables

ε - Experimental error

β0, βi, βii, βij, γi, δij - Coefficients to be estimated

χi - Control Variables

r - Number of noise variables

The coefficients β0, βi., βii, βij, γi, δij are estimated using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Method. Once the response surface model has been established, the equation for the mean response y (μ(γ)) can be directly obtained from the combined model, according to Eq. 2:

(2) μ ( y ) = f ( x ) = β 0 + i = 1 k β i x i + i = 1 k β i i x 2 i + i < 1 β i j x i x j

The variance model is developed by employing the derivation, according to Eq. 3:

(3) σ 2 ( y ) = i = 1 r [ y ( x , z ) z 1 ] 2 σ z 1 2 + σ 2

It is important to note that most studies related to Robust Parameter Design (RPD) use the combination of mean and variance in a single function to be minimized. This function is known as the Mean Squared Error (MSE), according to Brito (2013BRITO, T. G.; GOMES, J. H. F.; FERREIRA, J. R.; PAIVA, A. P. Projeto de parâmetros robustos para o fresamento de topo do aço ABNT 1045. Revista Científica e-Locução, v. 4, p. 128-138, 2013., 2014BRITO, T. G.; PAIVA, A. P.; FERREIRA, J. R.; GOMES, J. H. F.; BALESTRASSI, P. P. A normal boundary intersection approach to multiresponse robust optimization of the surface roughness in end milling process with combined arrays. Precision Engineering, v. 38, p. 628-638, 2014.), being restricted to the space of experiments of the solution, so that Min[y^(x)T]2+σ2 (Paiva et al., 2012PAIVA, A. P.; PONTES, F. J.; BALESTRASSI, P. P.; FERREIRA, J. R.; SILVA, M. B. Optimization of radial basis function neural network employed for prediction of surface roughness in hard turning process using Taguchi’s orthogonal arrays. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 39, n. 9, p. 7776-7787. ISSN 0957-4174. Available in:
; Shi etal, 2011SHI, K.; ZHANG, D. P.; REN, J.; YAO, C.; YUAN, Y. Multiobjective optimization of surface integrity in milling TB6 alloy Based on Taguchi-Grey relational analysis. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, v. 6, n. 12, p. 280-313, 2014.).

Considering the existence of different degrees of importance between mean and variance, the objective function EQM can take the form EQMw=w1×(y^(x)T)2+w2×σ^2(x), where the weights w1 and w2 are defined as pre-specified positive constants (Kazemzadeh et al., 2008KAZEMZADEH, R. B.; BASHIRI, M.; ATKINSON, A. C. NOOROSSANA, R. A general framework for multiresponse optimization problems based on goal programming. European Journal of Operational Research, 189, p. 421-429, 2008.). Such weights can also be chosen in different convex combinations, so that a set of solutions can be generated, where w1 + w2 = 1 with w1 and w2 ≥ 0.

In this research, used was the concept of Mean Squared Error (MSE), developed by Köksoy & Yalcinoz (2006)KÖKSOY, O.; YALCINOZ, T. Mean square error criteria to multiresponse process optimization by a new genetic algorithm. Appl. Math. Comput., n. 175, p. 1657-1674, 2006., which is defined as the sum of the variance with the squared difference between the mean of the response and the established target value. Thus, minimizing the EQM aims to ensure that the mean value of the response is as close as possible to the target value, reducing variability. The optimization of this process can be achieved according to Eq. 4.

(4) E Q M ( y ) = [ μ ( y ) - T y ] 2 + σ 2 ( y ) Subject to: x T x α 2

Where: MSE (y) - Mean square error of the response y

Τy - Response target y

xTx ≤ α2 - Spherical constraint for the experimental space.

μ(γ) - Model for the mean of the response y

σ2(y) - Model for response variance y

It is noteworthy that the concept of the mean square error has been employed for robust optimization of different production processes (Priyanga & Muthadhi, 2023PRIYANGA, R.; MUTHADHI, A. Optimization of compressive strength of cementitious matrix composition of Textile Reinforced Concrete - Taguchi approach. Resultados em Controle e Otimização, v. 10, mar. 2023. Available in:
; Vedaiyan & Govin-darajalu, 2023).

3. Experimental procedure

For data collection, the end milling experiments of duplex stainless steel UNS S32205 were planned by combined arrangement, using Minitab© statistical software, with four control variables and three noise variables, totaling 82 experiments. Tables 1 and 2 present the control and noise variables with their respective operating levels.

Table 1
Control variables.
Table 2
Noise variables.

The workpiece was duplex stainless steel UNS S 32205. The specimen used had dimensions of ll5 x ll5 x l70 mm and an average hardness of 250 HB. The chemical composition is presented according to Table 3.

Table 3
Chemical composition (% by Weight) of UNS S32205 duplex stainless steel (Imoa, 2014INTERNATIONAL MOLYBDENUM ASSOCIATION - IMOA, 2014. Available in: < downloads>

The experiments were performed on a Eurostec CNC machining center, with a power of 15 kW and maximum speed of 10,000 rpm. The cutting fluid used was the synthetic oil Quimatic MEII. The tool used was an end mill code R390-025A25-11M, with a diameter of 25 mm, position angle χr of 90°, cylindrical shank and mechanical clamping, with 3 inserts. The inserts were ISO M30 carbide, code R390-11 T3 08M-MM2040 (Sandvik-Coromant, 2023SANDVIK Coromant. Ferramentas sólidas rotativas, 2023. ), coated with (Ti,Al)N + TiN through the Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) process.

After the milling process of the duplex stainless steel UNS S 32205 specimen using the parameters determined by the experimental setup, the surface roughness Ra and the surface roughness Rt were evaluated on the machined area using a Mitutoyo Surftest SJ-210 M portable roughness meter. For the measurements, a cut-off of0.8 mm was considered (Grouss, 2011GROUSS, A. Applied metrology for manufacturing engineering. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, 2011. ).

The measurements were conducted at three distinct points (center and extremities) under ambient temperature conditions, enabling the consideration of the mean value of the readings for a precise analysis.

This study is experimental in nature to identify the optimum conditions for the surface roughness Ra and Rt during the end milling process of duplex stainless steel UNS S32205.

Design of Experiments (DOE) was employed, to collect the data analyzed by statistical methods, according to Montgomery (2013)MONTGOMERY, D. C. Design and analysis of experiments. New York: Ed. John Wiley, 2013. 757 p..

Robust parameter design (RPD) aims to minimize product and process variability, leading to improved quality and reliability (Souza et al., 2018SOUZA, B.; SANTOS, A. P. L.; SANTOS FILHO, M. L. Use of the robust design methodology for identification of factors that contribute to the intensity of the “orange peel” aspect on painted bumper surfaces. Gestão & Produção, v. 25, n. 3, p. 513-530, 2018. Available in:
). This approach achieves process robustness by identifying optimal control parameter settings that minimize the impact of noise factors on response variables (Arkadani & Noorossana, 2008ARDAKANI, M. K.; NOOROSSANA, R. A new optimization criterion for robust parameter design - the case of target is best. Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. Eng, v. 38, n. 9-10, p. 851-859, 2008.

Data collection plays a crucial role in the conduct of the work, and an inadequate database can lead to questionable results. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to perform detailed planning of the experiment, followed by proper execution and accurate recording, according to the following steps:

Step 1 - Response Surface Methodology (RSM): used for planning the experiments, collecting data, mathematical modeling of the responses, and analyzing the influences of the parameters on Ra and Rt;

Step 2 - Mean Squared Error (MSE) Optimization: used to obtain the most appropriate combination of machining parameters that will allow maximizing the process results.

The set of runs was generated considering the controllable factors (cutting speed - vc, feed per tooth - fz axial depth of cut - ae, and radial depth of cut - ae) and the noise variables (flank wear - vb, cutting fluid flow - Q and cutting fluid concentration - C), according to Table 4.

Table 4
Experimental matrix.

4. Results and discussions

The modeling of the responses of the combined arrangement was written in terms of the control and noise variables considered in this study is presented as Eq. 5.

(5) R a , R t ( x , z ) = β 0 + β 1 f z + β 2 a p + β 3 v c + β 4 a e + β 11 f z 2 + β 22 a P 2 + β 33 v c 2 + β 44 a e 2 + β 12 f z a p + β 13 f z v c + β 14 f z a e + β 23 a p v c + β 24 a p a e + β 34 v c a e + γ 1 v b + γ 2 C + γ 3 Q + δ 11 f z v b + δ 12 f z C + δ 13 f z Q + δ 21 a p v b + δ 22 a p + δ 23 a p Q + δ 31 v c v b + δ 32 v c C + δ 33 v c Q + δ 41 a e v b + δ 42 a e C + δ 43 a e Q

Where: Ra and Rt - Answers of interest

β0, βi, βii, βij, γi, δij - Coefficients to be estimated (i = 1, 2, 3, 4 i < j)

fz - (Feed per tooth)

νc - (Cutting speed)

vb- (FlankWear)

C - (Fluid concentration)

ap - (Machining depth)

ae - (Radial depth of cut)

Q - (Fluid Flow)

It was observed that the control variables cutting speed (vc) and feed per tooth (fz), exert significant influence on the surface roughness Ra . The variable's feed per tooth (fz and axial depth of cut (ap) influence the roughness Rt. These relationships resulted in fits above 80% according to Montgomery (2013)MONTGOMERY, D. C. Design and analysis of experiments. New York: Ed. John Wiley, 2013. 757 p., Table 5.

Table 5
Estimated coefficients.

The control variables vc, fz,.a and ap were transformed into their coded form. The coefficients were estimated using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method using MINITAB19® statistical software, by obtening the Eqs. 6 and 7:

(6) R a ( x , z ) = 0.4256 + 0.01597 v c + 0.05574 f z 0.00198 a e + 0.00826 a p + 0.13823 v b 0.05342 Q + 0.00452 C + 0.04525 v c 2 + 0.06038 f z 2 + 0.0672 a e 2 + 0.04563 a p 2 + 0.08814 v c f z 0.00517 v c a e 0.01127 v c a p + 0.03502 v c v b + 0.00005 v c Q + 0.00117 v c C + 0.00542 f z a e + 0.01033 f z a p 0.07577 f z v b 0.00805 f z Q + 0.00295 f z C 0.00548 a e a p + 0.00492 a e v b 0.00173 a e Q 0.00555 a e C + 0.01014 a p v b + 0.00392 a p Q 0.00545 a p C

(7) R t ( x , z ) = 3.0457 + 0.0385 v c + 0.2939 f z 0.0215 a e + 0.1234 a p + 0.715 v b 0.1067 Q 0.0861 C + 0.29025 v c 2 + 0.3838 f z 2 + 0.3259 a e 2 + 0.2614 a p 2 + 0.4954 v c f z 0.0688 v c a e 0.0275 v c a p + 0.2749 v c v b + 0.0009 v c Q 0.0527 v c C 0.0219 f z a e + 0.0867 f z a p 0.2908 f z v b + 0.1223 f z Q + 0.0069 f z C + 0.0477 a e a p + 0.1158 a e v b 0.0047 a e Q 0.0248 a e C + 0.1205 a p v b + 0.0054 a p Q 0.0647 a p C

With the construction of the models Ra,Rt (x, z), it was possible to establish the equations of mean and variance of the roughness Ra and Rt according to Eqs. 8 9 10 11:

(8) μ ( R a ) ( x , z ) = 0.42560 + 0.01597 v c + 0.05574 f z + 0.00198 a e + 0.00826 a p + 0.04525 v c 2 + 0.06038 f z 2 + 0.06725 a e 2 + 0.0563 a p 2 + 0.08814 v c f z 0.00517 v c a e 0.01127 v c a p + 0.00542 f z a e + 0.01033 f z a p 0.00548 a e a p

(9) σ 2 ( R a ) = 0.02477 + 0.00969 v c 0.02006 f z + 0.00149 a e + 0.00234 a p + 0.00123 v c 2 + 0.00581 f z 2 + 0.00006 a e 2 + 0.00015 a p 2 0.00530 v c f z + 0.00033 v c a e + 0.00070 v c a p 0.00075 f z a e 0.00163 f z a p + 0.00015 a e a p

(10) μ ( R t ) = 3.0457 + 0.0385 v c + 0.2939 f z 0.0215 a e + 0.1234 a p + 0.29025 v c 2 + 0.3838 f z 2 + 0.3259 a e 2 + 0.2614 a p 2 + 0.4954 v c f z 0.0688 v c a e 0.0275 v c a p 0.0219 f z a e + 0.0867 f z a p + 0.0477 a e a p

(11) σ 2 ( R t ) = 0.66622 + 0.40199 v c 0.44313 f z + 0.17087 a e + 0.18230 a p + 0.07835 v c 2 + 0.09957 f z 2 + 0.01405 a e 2 + 0.01874 a p 2 0.16039 v c f z + 0.06627 v c a e + 0.07308 v c a p 0.06884 f z a e 0.06965 f z a p + 0.03107 a e a p

Using the MatLab® software, response surfaces were constructed that related the parameters under study to the roughnesses Ra and Rt. The analysis of the roughnesses Ra and Rt was carried out for several reasons, such as evaluating the surface quality, controlling the manufacturing process, predicting the product performance and optimizing the product design.

In the study in question, the choice of roughnesses Ra and Rt was due to their relevance to the objectives of the study, which aimed to evaluate the influence of process parameters on surface quality.

The analyses reveal that the interactions between the input variables played a significant role, since the combined effects of these parameters influence the results of the end milling process with respect to the roughness parameters Ra and Rt. Therefore, an analysis of the interactions was conducted, focusing on those that were deemed most significant.

The displayed graphs have curvature points where minimum values are identified for the mean and variance of Ra according to Figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1
Response surface for average R: Interaction between cutting speed (vc) and feed per tooth (fz).

Figure 2
Response surface for variance of Ra: Interaction between cutting speed (vc) and feed per tooth (fz).

The interaction between input variables is significant. When the cutting speed (vc) is combined with the feed per tooth (fz), the average roughness (Ra) increases considerably. Similar analysis is performed in Figure 2, where a relevant increase of the roughness variance Ra can be noticed when the values of cutting speed (vc) and feed per tooth (fz) reach extreme values, considering the working parameters.

It is also observed that there are significant interactions on end milling duplex stainless steel UNS S32205 according to Figures 3 and 4 on the roughness Rt.

Figure 3
Response surface for average Rt: Interaction between feed per tooth (fz) and axial depth of cut (ap).

Figure 4
Response surface for variance of Rt: Interaction between feed per tooth (fz) and axial depth of cut (ap).

For the roughness Rt, the interaction between feed per tooth (fz) and axial depth of cut (ap) is significant, as (fz)increases along with ap, there is a significant increase in the mean and variance.

The roughness Rt has behavior similar to Ra; a low value of Ra does not mean low Rt . While the roughness Rt is related to deep peaks and valleys, Ra are average values.

After formulating the mean and variance equations, it was possible to perform process optimization, minimizing the mean square error (RMSE). A target value for the roughness was established by individual optimization of the average value of the roughness Ra and Rt, using the minimization of Eq. 5. Thus, the target values of 0.4534 μm for Ra and 3.2643 μηι for Rt were adopted, employing the GRG algorithm.

Eq. 14, which is the objective function, was developed from Eqs. 12 and 13. These latter equations represent the minimization of the mean squared error (MSE) for two responses, Ra and Rt, both subject to the same constraint.

(12) Minimize  E Q M ( R a ) = [ μ ( R a ) 0.4534 ] + σ 2 ( R a ) Subject to : f z 2 + a p 2 + v c 2 + a e 2 4

(13) Minimize  E Q M ( R t ) = [ μ ( R t ) 3.2643 ] + σ 2 ( R t ) Subject to : f z 2 + a p 2 + v c 2 + a e 2 4

(14) E Q M t o t a l = w 1 { [ μ R a T R a ] 2 + σ 2 R a } + w 2 { [ μ R t T R t ] 2 + σ 2 R t }

Where: MSE (Ra, Rt) - root mean square error for the roughness Ra and Rt

w1 and w2 - weights assigned to the mean and variance of the roughness Ra and Rt

μ (Ra, Rt) - model for mean

σ2 (y) (Ra Rt) - model for variance

The objective function (Eq. 14) is a combination of the two previous objective functions (Eqs. 12 and 13). In this combination, the results are weighted by two weights: w1 and w2 By adjusting these weights, we can give more importance to one objective over the other, depending on the specific needs of the problem we are solving.

Therefore, Eq. 14 is a weighted combination of the MSEs of R and R, allowing for the simultaneous optimization of the two responses. This results in a single objective function that, when minimized, leads us to the ideal solution for the problem.

Using the Solver function, available in Microsoft Excel 2019® software, the robust parameters for the milling process of duplex stainless steel UNS S32205 were determined using the mean square error (MSE) method, according to Table 6.

Table 6
Robust parameters determined using the EQM.

After using the EQM, a Pareto frontier was constructed, where it can be observed that all the points presented are optimal, and the point related to the weights w1 = 0.85 and w2 = 0.15 was chosen for confirmation, according to Figure 5.

Figure 5
Pareto frontier.

For the optimal setup were used the weights w1 =0.85 (average) and w2 = 0.15 (variance) for the roughness Ra and Rt, respectively, according to Table 7.

Table 7
Robust parameters determined by the Pareto frontier for EQM.

A Taguchi L9 design was built, and the optimal setup was inserted in the machine tool by varying the noise variables: tool flank wear (vb), fluid flow (Q) and fluid concentration (C). After the execution of the confirmation tests, the following results were obtained for three conditions of new tools, worn with 0.15 mm and worn with 0.3 mm, according to Table 8.

Table 8
Results of the confirmation experiments.

The results of the confirmation experiments showed close proximity between the average (real) value and the predicted value of the roughness Ra, with an error of 1.51% and for the roughness Rt, an error of 3.87%.

They were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). It can be seen that the noise factors do not have a significant influence on the responses of the roughness Ra and Rt, since the Ρ values are greater than 5%, according to Tables 9 and 10.

Table 9
Analysis of variance for the \λΚα confirmation experiment.
Table 10
Analysis of variance for the pRt confirmation experiment.

5. Conclusions

This study aimed to analyze, model, and optimize the end milling process of duplex stainless steel UNS S32205 by using interchangeable carbide tools. The responses evaluated in relation to the control and noise variables were Ra and Rt, and it was possible to conclude that:

  • Using design experiments, the measured roughness's were in the range between 0.243 and 1.097 μιη for Ra and 1.800 and 7.058 pm for Rt. Considering the values of Ra, they are within the range of values obtained in the milling process.

  • It was possible to establish mathematical models for the characteristics of interest. The response model for the roughness Ra showed a high explanation rate of the variability of the data where R2 was 93.91%. The model related to the roughness ftf, also showed a high value for R2, it being 89.89%.

  • The analysis of variance of the roughness response Ra showed that cutting speed (vc) and feed per tooth (fz) were the variables that most influenced roughness. It was also observed that all quadratic terms were significant. The significant interactions for roughness were Vc × fz, Vc × Vb and fz × Vb.

  • As for the analysis of variance of the roughness response Rt , the variables show that feed per tooth (fz) and axial depth of cut (ap) significantly influence roughness. All quadratic terms were significant. The significant interactions for roughness were Vc × fz, Vc × Vb, fz × Vb, fz × Q, ae × Vb and ap × Vb.

  • From the interactions between the control and noise variables, it was possible to evaluate the robustness of the features of interest to the noise variables by establishing the mean and variance equations as the EQM equations for the features of interest.

  • After minimizing the EQM, robust multi-objective optimization was performed. Thus, 21 Pareto-optimal solutions were obtained. These solutions allowed exploring different robust scenarios for the noise variables considered in this study, obtaining satisfactory results regarding the surface quality.

The confirmation experiments with the optimum levels of the control variables, vc = 60.79 m/min, fz = 0.15 mm/tooth, ap = 0.90 mm and ae - 16.31 mm, achieved responses of Ra = 0.4534 pm and R = 3.2671 pm. Thus, the robustness of the end milling process for duplex stainless steel UNS S32205 can be seen, mitigating the influence of the cutting fluid flow rate, tool wear, and fluid concentration on part roughness.

The ANOVA of the confirmation experiments showed that the noise variables do not significantly influence the roughness Ra and Rt as they have P-values above 5%.

EQM minimization, as an optimization method, has advantages and limitations that must be considered to ensure its adequate application.

On the one hand, the technique stands out for its simplicity, making it easier to implement and understand. Furthermore, its computational efficiency allows the optimization of large data sets in a timely manner. Finally, the EQM has a solid theoretical basis in statistics and econometrics, consolidating its reliability.

On the other hand, it is important to be aware of the limitations of the technique. Sensitivity to outliers can distort the model and the optimal solution, while emphasis on the mean can mask data variability and lead to unrealistic solutions. The difficulty in interpreting the optimal solution, especially in complex models, is also a point to be considered.

In short, EQM minimization is a valuable tool for process optimization, but its application must be done with caution and accompanied by a critical analysis of the results. The choice of the optimization methodology must consider the characteristics of the problem in question, the advantages and disadvantages of each method and the available resources.


To the mining company Vale S.A., the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPE-MIG) and the Grupo de Estudos em Qualidade e Produtividade (GEQProd) da Universidade Federal de Itajubá -campus Itabira, for their support in this work.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue
    Oct-Dec 2024


  • Received
    23 Oct 2023
  • Accepted
    14 Mar 2024
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