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Evaluating the hot metal dephosphorization efficiency of different synthetic slags using phosphorus partition ratio, phosphate capacity and computational thermodynamics


Phosphate capability (CP) and phosphorus partition ratio (LP) are usually used to evaluate the thermodynamic efficiency of dephosphorization slags with different compositions in hot metal pretreatment. However, these parameters are only useful in equilibrium conditions, and they are not accurate when they are used to evaluate slag efficiency in industrial processes. The current study evaluated the hot metal dephosphorization efficiency of different synthetic slags in experimental tests at 1400ºC. This evaluation was made by using CP and LP, and by the computational thermodynamic software FactSage 6.4. This software allows to calculate the amount of liquid and solid present in the slag, which directly affects kinetic reactions. Therefore, even the computational thermodynamic software calculations are from considering the equilibrium, which in these cases can be used to explain the kinetic behavior of the processes.

The obtained results allow concluding that CP and LP are valid, but only when they are used for equilibrium calculations; and that they should not be used to measure slag efficiency in industrial processes. A parameter named Dephosphorization Factor (FDeP) was developed based on data determined by computational thermodynamics. It was developed to be related to the dephosphorization efficiency. The results obtained in the current study allow to conclude that the initial synthetic slags, which presented higher CaO activity value, higher liquid quantity and FeO activity, will be the most efficient ones. And allow to conclude too, that the higher the factor, the greater the slag dephosphorization efficiency.

hot metal pre-treatment; dephosphorization; computational thermodynamics

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