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From restrained golden age to creeping platinum age: A periodization of Latin American development in the Robinsonian tradition* The author would like to thank without implicating to Carlos Alberto Fuentes, Esteban Pérez Caldentey, Jürgen Weller and an anonymous referee from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) for their comments to a preliminary version.

Da Idade do Ouro a Era Platinum Rastejante: uma periodização do desenvolvimento Latino Americano na tradição Robinsoniana


This paper analyzes Joan Robinson's growth model, and then adapted in order to provide an exploratory taxonomy of Growth Eras. The Growth Eras or Ages were for Robinson a way to provide logical connections among output growth, capital accumulation, the degree of thriftiness, the real wage and illustrate a catalogue of growth possibilities. This modified taxonomy follows the spirit of Robinson's work, but it takes different theoretical approaches, which imply that some of her classifications do not fit perfectly the ones here suggested. Latin America has moved from a Golden Age in the 1950s and 1960s, to a Leaden Age in the 1980s, having two traverse periods, one in which the process of growth and industrialization accelerated in the late 1960s and early 1970s, which is here referred to as a Galloping Platinum Age, and one in which a process of deindustrialization, and reprimarization and maquilization of the productive structure took place, starting in the 1990s, which could be referred to as a Creeping Platinum Age.

economic development; Latin America; heterodox growth models

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