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Reason, scientism, and methodology: Hayek’s adherence to complexity through the development of his methodological criticism in the Abuse of Reason Project

Razão, cientificismo e metodologia: a adesão de Hayek à complexidade através do desenvolvimento de sua crítica metodológica no Abuse of Reason Project


This article presents a narrative on the emergence of the concept of complexity in Friedrich A. Hayek’s work. We show that complexity emerges from Hayek’s methodological concerns and, specifically, from his texts that compose the first two parts of the Abuse of Reason Project. Namely, a) ‘Individualism: True and False’, from 1946; b) ‘Scientism and the Study of Society’, published between 1942 and 1944; and c) ‘The Counter Revolution of Science’, from 1941. In this paper, we aim to expose that the concept of complexity emerges gradually and organically and is integrated with the Hayekian research program from the 1940s.

Friedrich A. Hayek; complexity; abuse of reason; scientism; methodology.

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