Agribusiness productive structures and its changes in Minas Gerais state wereanalyzed in this study, according to following aggregate definitions: aggregate one (suppliersof input and goods for agricultural sector); aggregate two (agricultural production); aggregatethree (processing and industrialization agricultural); and aggregate four (agriculturaldistribution). For this purpose, the 1999's input-output table of Minas Gerais state was used.Incomes generated by agribusiness represented 29.76 percent from the GDP (Gross DomesticProduct) in Minas Gerais state and 9.6 percent from the GDP in the national agribusiness. Asfor GDP from Minhas Gerais state, agricultural input supplier sectors reached 20.73 percent;agricultutural sector (27.53 percent); processing, industrialization and distribution activities(51.75 percent). The Minas Gerais state economy was characterized as an industrial foodeconomy due to its agricultural production near of one-third of the total agribusiness value.The results are relevant and emphasize how important is the agricultural sector for thedevelopment of the economy in Minas Gerais state.
agribusiness; Minas Gerais; input-output