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Fostering the cultivation of soy in family farming in Gúruè in upper Zambezia - Mozambique (2018-2019)


In Mozambique, in the Upper Zambézia region, the crop is very much produced. As, although emerging, it has been gaining expression in detriment of other cash crops such as cotton and tobacco, becoming the main cash crop. It is practiced by more than 11.000 producers. The aim of this research was to examine how the soy crop developed in family farming in the district of Gúruè, in Upper Zambézia. The central question of the research was to know how was the process of promoting the cultivation of soy, in family farming, in the District of Gúruè, in Upper Zambézia? In the methodology, the mixed method was used, that is, a qualitative study through interviews and a quantitative study through the Survey a 131 producers. For analysis and interpretation of quantitative data, the SPSS statistical package was used. This model allowed this analysis to be carried out using simple and multiple regressions to verify the relationship between the variables. The results showed that the majority of soybean crop producers in Upper Zambézia, they are low and medium/low technology producers, because they manually carry out all field operations and do not use: inoculant, improved seed, fertilizers and phytopharmaceuticals. They have had low yields. The producers who use fertilizers and improved seeds, they have had good yields. The commercialization process of soy beans is done networks of buyers, verifying great homogeneity of prices, what is believed to be a concerted. In the 2018 to 2019 agricultural campaign, two companies were more involved in the process, generating a price increase of 9,5%.

cash crops; family farming and income

Sociedade Brasileira de Economia e Sociologia Rural Av. W/3 Norte, Quadra 702 Ed. Brasília Rádio Center Salas 1049-1050, 70719 900 Brasília DF Brasil, - Brasília - DF - Brazil