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Brown spiders (Loxosceles) are taking hold in Pernambuco, Brazil: a case series, 2018-2022

Las arañas marrones (Loxosceles) están instalándose en Pernambuco, Brasil: serie de casos, 2018-2022



To describe accidents involving brown spider (genus Loxosceles) bites notified by the Pernambuco Poison Information and Care Center (CIATox-PE), Brazil, from January 2018 to December 2022.


This was a case series study of brown spider bites notified by the CIATox-PE.


The study included 22 cases with median age of 35 years, the majority being female (13); the cases occurred in rural and urban areas (12 versus 10), at night (10); Petrolina was the municipality with the highest number of notifications (6); spider bites occurred mainly in the lower (11) and upper (9) limbs, almost exclusively inside households (21); specific serum therapy was not indicated for 8 cases because the time for its effectiveness had already elapsed.


Loxoscelism cases occurred more frequently in females, in both rural and urban areas and mainly at home, with delays in seeking medical care.

Spiders; Poisoning; Epidemiology; Public Health Surveillance; Health Surveillance; Case Reports

Study contributions

Main results

The 22 cases described represent an alert for the presence of a venomous species not reported in previous studies in Pernambuco. The severity of cases may be associated with delays in seeking medical care, especially due to the population's lack of information.

Implications for services

Identify the presence of brown spiders in households in the region and the potential severity of poisonings. Alert health professionals to recognize the clinical picture with a view to appropriate early treatment.


Develop research on poisoning by venomous animals and educational actions alerting the population to prevent these accidents and updating health professionals on care.

Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde e Ambiente - Ministério da Saúde do Brasil SRTVN Quadra 701, Via W5 Norte, Lote D, Edifício P0700, CEP: 70719-040, +55 (61) 3315-3464 - Brasília - DF - Brazil