Sex |
Sex:1 ( ) Male / 2 ( ) Female |
Sex:1 ( ) Male/ 2 ( ) Female |
Similar questions |
Age |
How old are you? (you must be ≥18 years old and <150) ____ years old. |
Age (calculated based on date of birth). |
Similar questions |
The variable was re-coded according to age in years. |
The variable was re-coded according to age in years. |
Race/skin color |
What is your race/skin color? |
Race or skin color? |
Similar questions |
1 ( ) White 2 ( ) Black |
1 ( ) White 2 ( ) Black |
3 ( ) Asian 4 ( ) Brown |
3 ( ) Asian 4 ( ) Brown |
5 ( ) Indigenous |
5 ( ) Indigenous |
Interviewee’s schooling |
Schooling based on the following questions: |
What is your major? |
. |
Up to which grade or level did you study? |
What grade level/ semester are you in? |
Vigitel database includes an educational indicator, with the following categories, in years of study: 0 to 8; 9 to 11; 12 and over. For the construction of this indicator in the PNS, the aforementioned questions were used. and based on them, a variable 'years of study' was created. Thus, it was possible to categorize it for schooling, consistent with Vigitel. |
1 ( ) Primary School |
What was the highest level of education/course you attended? |
2 ( ) Middle School Entrance Examination |
How long did this course last? |
3 ( ) Middle School |
What was the last grade level/semester you completed, and was approved, in this course? |
4 ( ) Elementary Education or Supplementary Elementary Education |
5 ( ) Standard High School or Technical High School or Scientific High School or Supplementary High School Education |
6 ( ) Higher Education |
7 ( ) Postgraduate Education (Specialization, Master’s Degree, Doctoral Degree) |
8 ( ) Never studied |
What was the highest school grade you finished? |
1st ( ) 2nd ( ) 3rd ( ) 4th ( ) |
5th ( ) 6th ( ) 7th ( ) 8th or above |
Are you currently taking a course/attending school or taking someone to do a course/attend school? |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
Diabetes mellitus
Has a doctor ever told you that you have diabetes? |
Has any doctor ever given you a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus? |
Similar questions |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
Arterial hypertension |
Has a doctor ever told you that you have hypertension? |
Has any doctor ever given you a diagnosis of Arterial hypertension? |
Similar questions |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
Overweight and obesity |
Do you know how much you weight (even if it is an approximate value )? (only ≥30 kg and <300 kg) ____ kg are accepted |
Height, first measurement: ____ cm; height, second measurement: ____ cm; |
Vigitel database includes an overweight indicator, being considered as BMI >25kg/m² and obesity >30kg/m². For the construction of this indicator in the PNS, the variables 'final weight, in kg' and 'final height, in cm' were used, based on the questions presented, and based on them the 'BMI' and the overweight indicator were calculated, being considered as BMI >25kg/m2 and obesity >30kg/m2. |
Do you know your height? (only ≥1.20 m and <2.20 m) ____ m ____ cm are accepted |
Weight, first measurement: ____ kg; weight, second measurement: ____ kg; |
Smoking |
Do you currently smoke? |
Do you currently smoke any tobacco products? |
Similar questions |
1 ( ) Yes, every day |
1 ( ) Yes, every day |
2 ( ) Yes, but not every day |
2 ( ) Yes, but not every day |
3 ( ) No |
3 ( ) Do not smoke currently |
Alcohol abuse |
For women: in the last 30 days, did you consume four or more doses of alcoholic drinks on a single occasion? (four doses of alcoholic drinks are equivalent to four cans of beer, four glasses of wine or four doses of cachaça, whisky or any other distilled alcoholic liquor) (only for women) |
In the last 30 days, did you consume five or more doses of alcoholic drinks on a single occasion? (one dose of alcoholic drink is equivalent to one can of beer, one glass of wine or one dose of cachaça, whisky or any other distilled alcoholic liquor) |
The PNS considers five or more doses for both sexes. |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
For men: in the last 30 days, did you consume five or more doses of alcoholic drinks on a single occasion? (five doses of alcoholic drinks are equivalent to five cans of beer, five glasses of wine or five doses of cachaça, whisky or any other distilled liquor) |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
Ultra-processed food consumption |
Now I am going to list some industrialized foods and I would like you to tell me if you have any of them yesterday (when you woke up until you went to bed) |
Now let's talk about your eating habits. I am going to ask you a few questions about industrialized foods you consumed yesterday. |
Based on the questions presented, an indicator of 'consumption of five or more ultra-processed foods on the previous day' was constructed. |
a. Soft drink |
Yesterday, did you drink or eat: |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
a. Soft drink |
b. Caton or canned juice |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
b. Carton or canned juice or powdered juice? |
c. Powdered juice |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
c. Chocolate milk or flavored yogurt? |
d. Chocolate milk |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
d. Packet snacks or savory biscuits/crackers? |
e. Flavored yogurt |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
e. Sweet or filled biscuits/crackers or packet cupcake? |
f. Packet snacks (or chips) or savory biscuit/crackers |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
f. Ice cream, chocolate, gelatin, flan or other industrialized dessert? |
g. Sweet/wafer biscuits, filled biscuits or packet cupcakes |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
g. Sausage, mortadella or ham? |
h. Chocolate, ice cream, gelatin, flan or other industrialized dessert |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
h. Sliced bread, hot dog or hamburger buns? |
i. Sausage, mortadella or ham |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
i. Margarine, mayonnaise, ketchup or other industrialized sauces? |
j. Sliced bread, hot dog or hamburger buns |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
j. Instant noodles, packet soup, frozen lasagna or another frozen prepared food meals (takeout)? |
k. Mayonnaise, ketchup or mustard |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
l. Margarine |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
m. Instant noodles, packet soup, frozen lasagna or another frozen prepared food meals (takeout) |
1 ( ) Yes / 2 ( ) No |
Soft drink consumption |
How many days a week do you usually drink soda or artificial juice? |
How many days a week do you usually drink soda? ____ Days; 0. Never or less than once a week. |
Vigitel took into account the consumption of soft drinks and artificial juice. The PNS took into account only the consumption of soft drinks. In both databases, an indicator was created taking into consideration how to control the consumption by five or more days a week. |
1 ( ) 1 a 2 days a week |
2 ( ) 3 a 4 days a week |
3 ( ) 5 a 6 days a week |
4 ( ) Every day (including Saturday and Sunday) |
5 ( ) Almost never |
6 ( ) Never |