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Van Kaam's phenomenology: theoretical-methodological contributions to nursing research

La fenomenología de van Kaam: aportes teórico-metodológicos a la investigación en enfermería



To discuss the theoretical-methodological contribution of van Kaam's phenomenology to nursing research.


Theoretical reflection based on scientific literature.

Results and discussion

Intentionality emerges as a central concept and the 7 steps of the van Kaam's method modified by Moustakas were developed: horizontalization; reduction and elimination; categorization and thematization of invariant constituents; application and validation; construction of the individual textural description; construction of the individual structural description; and composite description.

Final considerations

van Kaam's theoretical-methodological framework allows a different look at the phenomenon, since the knowledge produced comes from the textural and structural essence of the lived experience, in a composite description, considering its different perceptive dimensions.

Qualitative research; Nursing research; Nursing care; Philosophy

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Escola de Enfermagem Rua São Manoel, 963 -Campus da Saúde , 90.620-110 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil, Fone: (55 51) 3308-5242 / Fax: (55 51) 3308-5436 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil