Objectives To identify breastfeeding assessment tools, their application in clinical practice, and their validation and cross-cultural adaptation.
Method This is an integrative review of literature obtained from six databases and an online library, conducted from August 2014 to December 2015, without a temporal delimitation.
Results We identified 19 assessment tools, of which 12 were validated and five were cross-culturally adapted. In terms of adaptation, the tools were used to assess the risk of early weaning (BAPT) and the perception/behaviour of mothers during nursing (BSES-SF and IIFAS).
Conclusions The identification of the available instruments and their indications for breastfeeding assessments can help health workers choose the ideal instrument, and qualify maternal and child care.
Breast feeding; Evolution; Postpartum period
Objetivos Identificar instrumentos de avaliação da amamentação e sua aplicação na prática clínica, validação e adaptação transcultural.
Método Revisão integrativa, realizada em seis bases de dados e em uma biblioteca eletrônica, entre agosto/2014-dezembro/2015, sem limitação temporal.
Resultados Foram identificados 19 instrumentos de avaliação do AM. Destes, 12 foram validados e cinco foram adaptados transculturalmente. Quanto à aplicação, destacam-se seu uso para a avaliação do risco de desmame (BAPT) e a percepção/comportamento da mulher em amamentar (BSES-SF e IIFAS).
Conclusão A identificação dos instrumentos disponíveis e de suas indicações para a avaliação do AM pode auxiliar profissionais na escolha pelo instrumento a ser utilizado, qualificando a assistência materno-infantil.
Aleitamento materno; Avaliação; Período pós-parto
Objetivo Identificar los instrumentos de evaluación de amamantamiento, la aplicación en la práctica clínica, validación y adaptación cultural.
Método Revisión integradora, realizado en seis bases de datos y una biblioteca electrónica a partir de agosto/2014 a diciembre/2015 sin limitación temporal.
Resultados Identificado 19 instrumentos de evaluación y, de estos, 12 fueron validados y cinco fueron adaptados culturalmente. La aplicación destaca su uso para evaluar el riesgo de destete (BAPT) y la percepción/comportamiento de las mujeres en enfermería (BSES-SF y IIFAS).
Conclusiones La identificación de los instrumentos disponibles y sus indicaciones para la evaluación de la lactancia materna puede ayudar a los profesionales en la elección del instrumento que se utiliza, calificativo del cuidado materno-infantil.
Lactancia materna; Evaluación; Periodo posparto
Breastfeeding is recommended exclusively for the first 6 months of the child’s life to promote health1since, according to evidence, it brings numerous benefits2-3. Breastfeeding is expected to reduce child mortality from preventable diseases by 13% reduction, especially in children under five3. This reduction is one of the Sustainable Development Goals to be attained between 2016 and 20304.
Despite global efforts and the consequent implementation of programmes and public policies to encourage breastfeeding, the rates of early initiation, duration, and exclusivity have not yet reached desirable levels5. Some of the causes of early weaning are associated with socio-cultural factors, aspects that are intrinsic to women, anatomo-physiological features and, above all, difficulties in dealing with the process of breastfeeding6-7.
In light of the numerous factors that interfere with breastfeeding and the recommendations of this practice, observing sucking and feeding is a fundamental strategy to identify possible problems and suggest clinical or educational interventions. A breastfeeding assessment tool serves as a guide for healthcare workers and indicator of quality for healthcare institutions because it systematises and records their activities, monitors the individual behaviours of mothers and their infants, qualifies written communication between professionals for the continuity of interventions, and increases the self-confidence of mothers regarding their ability to breastfeed and deal with the needs of their babies8.
Thus, the aims of this paper were to identify breastfeeding assessment tools, their application in clinical practice, and their validation and cross-cultural adaptation.
This is an integrative literature review that consists of the following steps: selection of the research question; sample selection and data collection based on criteria for inclusion and exclusion; definition of the information to be extracted from the selected studies; assessment of studies included in the selection; interpretation of results; and presentation of conclusion9. The questions formulated to respond to the objectives were: Which breastfeeding assessment tools exist in scientific literature? What are the assessment methods and indications for each of these tools? Which tools are validated and cross-culturally adapted?
The following criteria were adopted for the inclusion of scientific papers: research involving humans that addresses the construction, comparison, validation, and cross-cultural adaptation of instruments used to assess breastfeeding, applied in the postpartum period, involving term newborn, published in Portuguese, English and/or Spanish, without temporal delimitation. The exclusion criteria were: unavailability of the original work and literature reviews.
The search for papers occurred from August 2014 to December 2015 using the following health sciences descriptors (DeCS), in Portuguese, English, and Spanish: Aleitamento materno, Avaliação de resultados (Cuidados de Saúde), Avaliação, Mamilos/lesões and Comportamento de sucção. The keywords indexed in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH): Breast Feeding, Nursing Assessment; Observation, Outcome Assessment (Health Care) and Nipples/injuries. We also used the following words in Portuguese, English and Spanish: Evaluation Instruments, Breastfeeding Observation, Observation Protocol, Nursing Assessment, and Observation, to expand the search in literature. Indirectly related terms, such as nipples and sucking behaviour, were also included in the search since they are commonly used to assess mothers and infants during breastfeeding.
The following databases were consulted: Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (PubMed/MEDLINE), Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF), Fundación Index (CUIDEN), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and SciVerse Scopus (Scopus); and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). The descriptors and words were combined using the Boolean operator AND with all possible cross references and in all the consulted databases and electronic libraries. The search resulted in 79 papers. Of these papers, 48 were duplicated in the consulted databases, 10 did not respond to the object of the study, and 4 were reviews. The final number of papers was 17.
To exhaust the existing publications in current literature, a new search was conducted based on the titles of the instruments identified in 17 of the previously selected papers. This search resulted in 211 papers, of which 60 were excluded because they were duplicates, and 51 were selected for the review.
After the selection of the 68 papers, we conducted a reverse search to exhaust the publications based on the analysis of references of the previously included papers. In this analysis, we read all the references listed in the selected articles to date, resulting in the inclusion of another 3 papers, totalling 71 publications (Figure 1).
The selected papers were managed and organised on a spreadsheet prepared by the authors with the following variables of interest: characterisation of publications (year and country); grade of recommendation and level of evidence of the studies; title, purpose and method of application/score of the breastfeeding assessment instruments; and indications for the classification of studies in relation to the level of recommendation and level of evidence, based on the criteria adopted by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, which are: 1st: systematic review (with homogeneity) of randomised controlled clinical trials; 1B: randomised controlled trial with narrow confidence interval (with homogeneity); 1C: therapeutic results of type “all or nothing”; 2nd: systematic review of cohort studies; 2B: cohort study (including randomised clinical trial of lesser quality); 2C: observation of therapeutic results, ecological study; 3rd: systematic review (with homogeneity) of case-control study; 3B: case-control study; 4th: case reports (including cohort and case-control of lesser quality); and 5th: opinion devoid of critical appraisal, or based on basic materials10.
All the identified publications of the previously mentioned selection were considered in this study, regardless of whether they were approved by the research ethics committees, due to the year in which they were published and the method used by the authors of the respective papers. The validation studies and other studies with reliability tests and Cronbach’s alpha of the instrument were classified as validated. The studies with reports of the adaptation of the instrument to another language other than the original language of the author were classified being cross-cultural adaptation. As regards ethical issues, the present study was not submitted to the research ethics committee since it is based on data that do not directly come from humans, as specified in Resolution CNS 466/2012.
Of the 71 papers that were analysed, we identified 21 breastfeeding assessment instruments with different goals that permeated the subject matter, published between 1988 and 2015, 20 countries, especially the United States of America (24), followed by Brazil (8 studies), Canada and China (5 studies each), and Turkey and Spain (4 studies each).
Two instruments were not analysed, Infant Feeding Assessment Tool (FeedCat Tool)11 because it assesses the type of breastfeeding, and Gender-Role Attitudes toward Breastfeeding Scale (GRABS)12 because there was no information available for analysis. Therefore, 19 breastfeeding instruments were included in the result of this study.
The degree of recommendation and level of evidence of the studies, according to the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, were found respectively: 90.1% grade B (56 level 2B and 8 level 2C studies), 8.5% grade D level 5 (6 studies), and 1.4% grade A level 1B (1 study).
With regard to the goals listed in the analysed studies, the proposals of the authors were highly diverse. To facilitate the presentation, the instruments were classified into 4 categories: Risk assessment of early weaning13-20; Assessment of the perception and behaviour of nursing women21-64; Assessment of maternal attitude/behaviour and infant sucking skills in breastfeeding8, 63, 65-75; and Assessment of infant’s sucking skills in breastfeeding63, 67, 73, 76-81(Chart 1).
As for the scoring method and application of the instruments, we found various methods for instruments of the same category, and the possibility of self-application of the mother, especially in categories 1 and 2, where the instruments have a higher number of assessment items (Chart 2).
As regards validation and cross-cultural adaptation, it was found that five instruments were validated in the country of origin and all the instruments of categories 3 and 4 were adapted to other cultures although researched in different countries than the language of origin. BSES, BSES-SF and IIFAS had a higher volume of publications, ranging from 6 to 10 different countries, and all the studies contained cross-cultural adaptations.
Of the existing instruments, only BSES, BSES-SF, BREAST, and the Avaliação da Sucção do Recém-Nascido were researched in Brazil and the first two were adapted and validated in the country (Chart 3).
The results of this study revealed the availability of a wide range of instruments to monitor mother and child during breastfeeding; however, in the clinical practice, there is a lack of standardisation of these instruments to guide and record the care provided by health professionals8.
As regards the Assessment of the risk of early weaning, the tools BAS19-20 and BAPT13-18target the identification of this risk because they require the surveying of infant formula use and a description of the situations related to its indication.
According to the WHO1, the reduced supply of breast milk and the introduction of liquids or solids in the child’s diet before 6 month of age characterise the beginning of early weaning. Other factors found in breastfeeding, such as pain/breast problem, previous negative experience, and other mentioned in literature, are also related to higher risk of early weaning7-8.
Regarding the application of these assessments in the clinical practice, literature is limited for both instruments. Although they have the same goal, the BAS is easy to apply and precisely detects the risk of early weaning19-20, similar to the Apgar score used to evaluate the conditions of child birth. The BAPT, however, covers more of the causes, but it was considered infeasible by most of the researchers15-18because of the excessive number of evaluative items.
The author of the BAPT13 recommended the reduction of the instrument to improve its applicability in practice. In 2004, the structure was modified, but after application in pregnant women and recent mothers, the results did not validate its use15. In 2006, it was reviewed again and reduced to 20 items16, and renamed “Breast-Feeding Attitude Scale (BrAS)”. After this modification, use of the instrument was validated. Soon after, in 2007, a second proposal of the original was presented by other authors, this time with the reduction of the instrument to 35 items and Likert score to three points17, which was also considered valid. In 2011, it was cross-culturally adapted and validated by other authors18, who maintained the original structure of the items and simply changed the scoring method, with the reduction to five points on the Likert scale.
Although the BAS is more practical, it was only found in one study in Spanish, in addition to the original English, without the cross-cultural adaptation for the country of the translated language20.
The use of an instrument to identify the risk of early weaning can effectively reduce this event and allow the provision of differentiated and qualified professional care; however, both instruments proved fragile according to the accounts found in literature. There are no usage records of the BAS and BAPT instruments in Brazil.
The second category, defined as Assessment of the perception and behaviour of nursing women, refers to the central idea of the self-confidence of women when breastfeeding their infants. It is known that the mother’s self-efficacy is strongly related to the success of prolonged breastfeeding, and, consequently, to the reduction of early weaning rates22, 29. The six instruments mentioned in this group – BSES, BSES-SF IIFAS, MBFES, HHLS, and BPEBI –, seem to cover the emotional aspects and maternal knowledge related to breastfeeding. The most widely used instruments with records in literature were the BSES/BSES-SF and IIFAS, used in 12 and 9 countries, respectively.
The BSES was built in 199922 and, due to the extensive repertoire of items it contains, the author later presented it in “Short Form” (BSES-SF), in 200329. In Brazil, BSES/BSES-SF were the only instruments that were validated26-27, 35-37 and cross-cultural adapted for use in the country26-27, 35, 37. The full version (BSES) was studied in 200926 for the first time, and subsequently translated and validated in Brazil27. The reduced version (BSES-SF), published in 201035-36, 201237, and 201438, showed that the instrument is reliable and valid to assess the self-efficacy of recent mothers in Brazil while breastfeeding and that it can be successfully used for individualised interventions35-38.
As regards the IIFAS, we found that the instrument is also used in various regions, and validated in 10 different countries, most of which40, 49, 51, 53 -54, 56-60 included a cross-cultural adaptation. The instrument was considered useful and provided a reliable assessment of maternal attitudes in relation to breastfeeding, except in a study conducted in the United Kingdom55.
The BPEBI instrument was only published for its author, who validated its use in the USA21. The HHLS instrument was found in two publications, although it was only validated in one study47, and we did not find reports of its cross-cultural adaptation47-48. For the MBFES instrument, we found 4 publications, three of which presented its validation for application and cross-cultural adaptations in the USA61-63 and in Japan64.
Unlike the first category, the six instruments presented below proposed the assessment of breastfeeding through the mother’s self-confidence, considering the idea of capacity, know-how/recognition, having the attitude and eagerness to breastfeed in various everyday situations, and the infant’s behaviour in relation to satiety while breastfeeding. This perspective broadens the scope of assessment and enables the consideration of subjective issues that hinder breastfeeding. In this way, these instruments allow a dialogue between the health workers and the nursing mothers regarding their expectations and limitations to breastfeeding and their satisfaction and desire to breastfeed, thus proposing a welcoming, comprehensive care that is suitable for every situation.
The third category, Assessment of maternal behaviour/attitude and infant sucking skills in breastfeeding, addresses the parameters of women and their infants in breastfeeding. It includes five instruments (BREAST, LAT™, LATCH, MBA, and MIBPT) that analyse maternal behaviour, positioning of the mother and child during breastfeeding, infant behaviour, rooting, effective breastfeeding, breast health, infant health, and number/interval between feedings8, 13, 66, 74 -75.
As to the application of these instruments according to the analysed literature, it was noted that the instrument BREAST is easy to fill and its use is widely divulged among health professionals. It is also recommended in training promoted by the United Nations Foundation for Early Childhood (UNICEF). Although widely used in practice, only one Brazilian study8 reported its use as protocol to assess difficulties in the initiation of breastfeeding, and we did not find published validation studies.
In relation to the MBA, we found three studies, but only one of these studies validated the instrument74 and none of them cross-culturally adapted the instrument67-68, 74.
For the MIBPT instrument, we only found one study without cross-cultural adaptation and validation75. The same occurred with the LAT™ instrument, although its use was reported in two studies65-66. The instrument LATCH had the highest number of publications in this category, with records in the USA63, 67 -70, Spain71, Italy72, and Turkey73, but without descriptions of cross-cultural adaptation. There are no records of studies in Brazil with these instruments, with the exception of the BREAST.
These instruments proved practical and objective for the clinical assessment of breastfeeding. Moreover, they provide a punctual assessment that complements the instruments of the previous category.
Given the low number of publications and limitations regarding the use of these instruments in this category, we suggest further investigations that explore the items and verify whether these items objectively cover the key items that should be addressed in a breastfeeding assessment. Of these instruments, the most researched were the LATCH, probably due to its presentation, and the BAS, in the Apgar score format, which makes it easier to apply in practice, although it must be cross-culturally adapted to the countries that suggest its use.
The fourth category, Assessment of the competencies of the breastfeeding infant, includes the following instruments: Avaliação da Sucção do Recém-Nascido na Alimentação no Seio Materno, BBAT, BEET, IBFAT, NOMAS and LEARN. In this section, we only considered aspects related to the infant during breastfeeding, namely behaviour, rooting, effective sucking, infant health number/interval between feedings, among others8, 13, 66, 74-75.
In relation to cross-cultural adaptation and validation, the instruments Avaliação da Sucção do Recém-Nascido na Alimentação no Seio Materno76, BEET79, NOMAS80, SAIB81, and IBFAT63, 67, 73, 79 were not validated in the country of origin or adapted in other countries, and only one publication was found for each instrument, with the exception of the IBFAT that was identified in two studies73, 79. That BBAT was validated in the United Kingdom77, and its use was only reported in one publication.
It should be noted that the publications of the Avaliação da Sucção do Recém-Nascido na Alimentação no Seio Materno76 and the BBAT77 are dated 2014 and 2015, respectively, which means they are recent and little explored to date. Most of the instruments in this category, with the exception of the national instrument76, were not explored in Brazilian studies.
Thus, the instruments in this category are relevant in that they can help to further assess breastfeeding, especially to identify the oral disorders of children. Similarly, some of the instruments mentioned here can also be complemented, although studies are required to validate these instruments.
It is interesting to note that, despite the large number of existing instruments, they have different objectives for the same purpose and allow the use of more than one instrument for a single mother-child during breastfeeding since they complement one another in relation to breadth and specificity for assessment of breastfeeding.
We identified 19 breastfeeding assessment instruments, of which 12 were validated by the authors of the publications according to the objective (BAS, BAPT, BBAT, BPEBI, BSES, BSES-SF HHLS, IIFAS, MBA, MBFES, IBFAT, and LATCH) and only five were adapted cross-culturally (BAPT, BSES, BSES-SF IIFAS, and MBFES).
The large number of breastfeeding assessment instruments, the wide range of objectives, the different scoring methods, and the application hindered any detailed comparison, and therefore constitutes the limitation of this study The detection of available instruments and their indications to assess breastfeeding, however, can help health workers select the ideal instrument and consequently improve mother and child care.
In this study, it was not possible to select a single instrument that met the overall needs of the mother-child dyad given the variety of objectives of each instrument. However, we highlight the BAPT instrument for assessing the risk of early weaning, and the BSES-SF and IIFAS to assess the perception and behaviour of breastfeeding women.
- 1 World Health Organization (CH). Department of Nutrition for Health and Development. The optimal duration of exclusive breastfeeding: report of an expert consultation. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2002.
- 2 Grummer-Strawn LM, Rollins N. Summarising the health effects of breastfeeding. Acta Paediatr. 2015;104(467):1-2.
- 3 Darmstadt GL, Bhutta ZA, Cousens S, Adam T, Walker N, De Bernis L, et al. Evidence-based, cost-effective intervention: how many newborn babies can we save? Lancet. 2005;365(9463):977-88.
- 4 Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (BR). Acompanhando a agenda 2030 para o desenvolvimento sustentável: subsídios iniciais do Sistema das Nações Unidas no Brasil sobre a identificação de indicadores nacionais referentes aos objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável. Brasília: PNUD; 2015.
- 5 Ministério da Saúde (BR). Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Ações Programáticas e Estratégicas. II Pesquisa de prevalência de aleitamento materno nas capitais brasileiras e Distrito Federal. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2009.
- 6 Sanches MTC, Buccini GS, Gimeno SGA, Rosa TEC, Bonamigo AW. Fatores associados à interrupção do aleitamento materno exclusivo de lactentes nascidos com baixo peso assistidos na atenção básica. Cad Saúde Pública. 2011;27(5):953-65.
- 7 Coca KP, Gamba MA, Silva RS, Abrão ACFV. A posição de amamentar determina o aparecimento do trauma mamilar? Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2009;43(2):445-52.
- 8 Carvalhaes MABL, Corrêa CRH. Identificação de dificuldades no início do aleitamento materno mediante aplicação de protocolo. J Pediatr. 2003;79(1):13-20.
- 9 Whittemore R, Knafl K. The integrative review: updated methodology. J Adv Nurs. 2005;52(5):546-53.
10 Centre for Evidence-based Medicine (UK). Levels of evidence [Internet]. Oxford: 2009-[update 2010 Jul, cited 2016 Nov 29]. Available from: http://www.cebm.net/oxford-centre-evidence-based-medicine-levels-evidence-march-2009/
» http://www.cebm.net/oxford-centre-evidence-based-medicine-levels-evidence-march-2009/ - 11 Noel-Weiss J, Taljaard M, Kujawa-Myles S. Breastfeeding and lactation research: exploring a tool to measure infant feeding patterns. Int Breastfeed J. 2014;9:5.
- 12 Ho YJ, McGrath JM. A review of the psychometric properties of breastfeeding assessment tools. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2010;39(4):386-400.
- 13 Janke JR. Development of the breast-feeding attrition prediction tool. Nurs Res. 1994;43(2):100-4.
- 14 Dick MJ, Evans ML, Arthurs JB, Barnes JK, Caldwell RS, Hutchins SS, et al. Predicting early breastfeeding attrition. J Hum Lact. 2002;18(21):21-8.
- 15 Evans ML, Dick MJ, Lewallen LP, Jeffrey C. Modified breastfeeding attrition prediction tool: prenatal and postpartum tests. The J Perinat Educ. 2004;13(1):1-8.
- 16 Lewallen LP, Dick MJ, Wall Y, Zickefoose KT, Hannah SH, Flowers J, et al. Toward a clinically useful method of predicting early breast-feeding attrition. Appl Nurs Res. 2006;19(3):144-8.
- 17 Gill SL, Reifsnider E, Lucke JF, Mann AR. Predicting breast-feeding attrition: adapting the breast-feeding attrition prediction tool. J Perinat Neonat Nurs. 2007;21(3):216-24.
- 18 Muslu GK, Basbakkal Z, Janke JR. The Turkish version of the breastfeeding attrition prediction tool. J Hum Lact. 2011;27(4):350-7.
- 19 Hall RT, Mercer AM, Teasley SL, McPherson DM, Simon SD, Santos SR, et al. A breast-feeding assessment score to evaluate the risk for cessation of breast-feeding by 7 to 10 days of age. J Pediatr. 2002;141(5):659-64.
- 20 Mercer AM, Teasley SL, Hopkinson J, McPherson DM, Simon SD, Hall RT. Evaluation of a breastfeeding assessment score in a diverse population. J Hum Lact. 2010;26(1):42-8.
- 21 Cleveland AP, McCrone S. Development of the breastfeeding personal efficacy beliefs Inventory: a measure of women’s confidence about breastfeeding. J Nur Meas. 2005;13(2):115-27.
- 22 Dennis CL, Faux S. Development and psychometric testing of theBreastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale. Res Nurs Health. 1999;22(5):399-409.
- 23 Dai X, Dennis CL. Translation and validation of the breastfeeding self-efficacy ccale into Chinese. J Midwifery Womens Health. 2003;48(5):350-6.
- 24 Molina Torres M, Dávila Torres RR, Rodríguez AMP, Dennis CL. Translation and validation of theBreastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale into Spanish: data from a Puerto Rican population. J Hum Lact. 2003;19(1):35-42.
- 25 Creedy DK, Dennis CL, Blyth R, Moyle W, Pratt J, De Vries SM. Psychometric characteristics of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale: data from an Australian sample. Res Nurs Health. 2003;26(2):143-52.
- 26 Oriá MOB, Ximenes LB, Almeida PC, Glick DF, Dennis CL. Psychometric assessment of the Brazilian version of theBreastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale. Public Health Nurs. 2009;26(6):574-83.
- 27 Oriá MOB, Ximenes LB. Tradução e adaptação cultural da Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale para o português. Acta Paul Enferm. 2010;23(2):230-8.
- 28 Eksioglu AB, Ceber E. Translation and validation of the Breast-feeding Self-efficacy Scale into Turkish. Midwifery. 2011;27(6):e246-53.
- 29 Dennis CL. The Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale: psychometric assessment of the short form. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2003;32(6):734-44.
- 30 Dennis CL, Heaman M, Mossman M. Psychometric testing of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form among adolescents. J Adolesc Health. 2011;49(3):265-71.
- 31 McQueen KA, Montelpare WJ, Dennis CL. Breastfeeding and aboriginal women: validation of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-short form. Can J Nurs Res. 2013;45(2):58-75.
- 32 Wutke K, Dennis CL. The reliability and validity of the Polish version of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form: translation and psychometric assessment. Int J Nurs Stud. 2007;44(8):1439-46.
- 33 Gregory A, Penrose K, Morrison C, Dennis CL, MacArthur C. Psychometric properties of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale – Short Form in an ethnically diverse U.K. sample. Public Health Nurs. 2008;25(3):278-84.
- 34 Tokat MA, Okumus H, Dennis CL. Translation and psychometric assessment of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale – Short Form among pregnant and postnatal women in Turkey. Midwifery. 2010;26(1):101-8.
- 35 Zubaran C, Foresti K, Schumacher M, Thorell MR, Amoretti A, Müller L et al. The Portuguese version of the Breasfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Shiort Form. J Hum Lact. 2010:26(3):297-303.
36 Tavares MC, Aires JS, Dodt RCM, Joventino ES, Oriá MOB, Ximenes LB. Aplicação da Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form a puérperas em alojamento conjunto: um estudo descritivo. OBJN. 2010 [citado 2014 ago 14];9(1). Disponível em: http://www.objnursing.uff.br/index.php/nursing/article/view/j.1676-4285.2010.2717/599
» http://www.objnursing.uff.br/index.php/nursing/article/view/j.1676-4285.2010.2717/599 - 37 Dodt RCM, Ximenes LB, Almeida PC, Oriá MOB, Dennis CL. Psychometric and maternal sociodemographic assessment of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale – short form in a Brazilian sample. J Nurs Educ Pract. 2012;2(3):66-73.
- 38 Souza EFC, Fernandes RAQ. Autoeficácia na amamentação: um estudo de coorte. Acta Paul Enferm. 2014; 27(5):465-70.
- 39 McCarter-Sapulding DE, Dennis CL. Psychometric testing of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form in a sample of black women in the United States. Res Nurs Health. 2010;33(2):111-9.
- 40 Tuthill EL, Butler LM, McGrath JM, Cusson RM, Makiwane GN, Gable RK et al. Cross-cultural adaptation of instruments assessing breastfeeding determinants: a multi-step approach. Int Breastfeed J. 2014;9:16.
- 41 Llopis-Rabout-Coudray M, López-Osuna C, Durá-Rayo M, Richart-Martínez M, Oliver-Roig A. Fiabilidad y validez de la versión española de una escala de autoeficacia en la lactancia materna. Matronas Prof. 2011;12(1):3-8.
- 42 Oliver-Roig A, d’Anglade-González ML, García-García B, Silva-Tubio JR, Richart-Martínez M, Dennis CL. The Spanish version of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form: reliability and validity assessment. Int J Nurs Stud. 2012;49(2):169-73.
- 43 Alegría TDM, Martínez DM, Gómez MJM, Ortiz IS, Oliver-Roig A, Richart-Martínez M. Valores de referencia españoles para la versión reducida de la Escala de Autoeficacia para la Lactancia Materna BSES-SF. An Sist Sanit Navar. 2014;37(2):203-11.
- 44 Bosnjak AP, Rumboldt M, Stanojevic M, Dennis CL. Psychometric assessment of the Croatian version of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form. J Hum Lact. 2012;28(4):565-9.
- 45 Ip WY, Yeung LS, Choi KC, Chair SY, Dennis CL. Translation and validation of the Hong Kong Chinese version of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form. Res Nurs Health. 2012;35(5):450-9.
- 46 Gerhardsson E, Nyqvist KH, Mattsson E, Volgsten H, Hildingsson I, Funkquist EL. The Swedish version of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form: reliability and validity assessment. J Human Lact. 2014;30(3):340-5.
- 47 Hill PD, Humenick SS. Development of the H & H Lactation Scale. Nurs Res. 1996;45(3):136-40.
- 48 Punthmatharith B, Singh J. A psychometric assessment of the H&H Lactation Scale in a sample of Thai mothers using a repeated measurement design. Nurs Res. 2005;54(5):313-23.
- 49 De La Mora A, Russel DW, Dungy CI, Losch M, Dusdieker L. The Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale: analysis of reliability and validity. J Appl Soc Psychol. 1999;29(11):2362-80.
- 50 Holbrook KE, White MC, Heyman MB, Wojcicki JM. Maternal sociodemographic characteristics and the use of the Iowa Infant Attitude Feeding Scale to describe breastfeeding initiation and duration in a population of urban, Latina mothers: a prospective cohort study. Int Breastfeed J. 2013;8(7):1-14.
- 51 Wallis AB, Brînzaniuc A, Chereches R, Oprescu F, Sirlincan E, David I, et al. Reliability and validity of the Romanian version of a scale to measure infant feeding attitudes and knowledge. Acta Pædiatr. 2008;97(9):1194-9.
- 52 Dungy CI, McInnes RJ, Tappin DM, Wallis AB, Oprescu F. Infant feeding attitudes and knowledge among socioeconomically disadvantaged women in Glasgow. Matern Child Health J. 2008;12(3):313-22.
- 53 Ho YJ, McGrath JM. A Chinese version of Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale: reliability and validity assessment. Int J Nurs Stud. 2011;48(4):475-8.
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Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
11 May 2016 -
31 Jan 2017